Every dog owner can attest to the fact that dogs can sometimes be a bit moody. This is completely normal, it happens to us too. However, every breed of dogs has its own set of characteristics that might be more present within them.
So, if you are interested in getting a corgi in the near future, or you already have a corgi that has been acting a bit more nervous than you think is normal, it is completely natural to wonder – are corgis nervous dogs?
Luckily, I am here to tell you that there are no indicators pointing to corgis being significantly more anxious than other breeds.
However, there are some contributors that might lead to heightened anxiety in your beloved corgi, that you should know about. So, in order to help your puppy to feel more at ease, keep reading to find out what they are!

Are Corgis Nervous Dogs?
According to the World Canine Organization, there are over 350 dog breeds worldwide. While there is an abundance of characteristics all dogs share, there are certain ones that are more present in some breeds, while being almost non-existent in others.
When it comes to corgis and their temperament, it is appropriate to say that their personality definitely outweighs their size. Their personality is cheerful, entertaining, friendly and energetic. They make wonderful companions and family dogs.
Corgis are also filled with energy and love being outside, playing with their owners and other dogs. Because they were bred as herding dogs, they love working and feeling useful, so taking time to teach them even the simple tricks can be a lovely time for you to bond with your pup, whilst giving them the mental stimulation they need.
When they are at home, just relaxing with their beloved humans, they are cuddly and affectionate, every dog owner’s dream! With that said, just like with any breed, there are certain character traits corgis have that some people would find undesirable when choosing a puppy.
If you are planning to or already have kids, and are looking into getting a corgi to complete the mix, you have probably been told to be careful with corgis around children.
The reason people say this is because corgis are herding dogs and their herding instincts are still very strong, despite having been domesticated quite a while ago.
Unless they are given proper training and socialization, it’s easy for them to start viewing their owners as their herd and try to implement their own rules. Since small children can be rowdy, corgis that have not been properly trained can easily take up the role of a shepherd and start nipping at the kids’ heels.
So, some would say that corgis are not recommended for families with young children and toddlers. I would say that training is key and that you shouldn’t give up a chance to enjoy everything they have to offer because of something that can be prevented or corrected.
Another characteristic which is often linked to corgis is their stubbornness. As herding dogs, they are quite strong-willed and independent and can get pretty stubborn. But just like the previous issue, this can be solved through proper training starting when they are puppies.
You can train them with the help of a professional trainer, to ensure that all the necessary aspects are covered and that everything is done correctly. On the other hand, you can also read up on some training tips and do it yourself. This can be a wonderful bonding experience for you and your puppy!

Corgis And Nerves
Now that we have covered the basics of corgi character, it’s time to move on to the main question – are corgis nervous dogs?
Even though it’s a simple question, the answer might not be as simple. Just like any other living creature, dogs of any breed can have different moods throughout the day, anxiety being one of them. Many things can cause this, and it usually isn’t a problem if the owner understands their pup and is willing to help them overcome it.
However, a much bigger question is if corgis as a breed are prone to being nervous. This is hard to say, since different dogs within the same breed can be vastly different in temperament.
Also, probably the most important thing to note about this topic is that every dog is different, and sometimes, their personality has nothing to do with their breed.
To characterise a whole breed as one thing, there would have to be solid research done to support these claims.
Unlike italian greyhounds, for example, who have proven to be extremely sensitive to stress and prone to developing anxiety in cases of family troubles, corgis do not have such problems.
Since they are independent and strong-minded, corgis aren’t as affected by stress of those around them.
On the other hand, as they are living beings with emotions, developing anxiety and symptoms of nervous behaviour can happen.
As an owner, it is crucial to recognise when your furry friend is showing signs of nervousness, to discover what is causing it, and ultimately try and eliminate the cause, or if that is not possible, help your puppy deal with it in a healthy way.

What Causes Corgis To Be Nervous?
From day-to-day occurrences, to the nature of a dog as an individual, there are different things that can cause nervousness in your pup.
If your puppy has been showing signs of being easily agitated since its puppyhood, it is a good indicator that that might just be the way they were born. Just like people, some dogs can be more cautious, sensitive and nervous by nature.
If this is the case, there isn’t much you can do to change it, except provide a stable, peaceful and loving home for your puppy. Minimizing outer causes of stress can be of huge help to your naturally anxious dog.
It is also important to be patient and gentle with such dogs and base your training on positive reinforcement rather than punishment. The goal is not for your puppy to fear you, but obey and respect you.
Earlier Treatment
Whether you got your corgi from a breeder or you adopted them from a shelter, the way your corgi lived and was treated before coming to you can play a huge role in their future behaviour.
Past traumas are an incredibly important factor in forming a dog. Unfortunately, not all dogs receive the treatment and care they deserve.
If your corgi is one of those that have been abused prior to meeting you, you should be prepared for some intensive work with your puppy.
Nervousness and fear of people or other dogs is a natural result of trauma, so working with your pup on developing trust is necessary. It might be a complex and long process, but it is highly rewarding.
When it comes to your behaviour in these situations, the same rules apply as with dogs who were born more anxious: love, patience and positive reinforcement.
Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is common among dogs of all breeds. Our pets depend on us for so many things and they view us as their protectors and caregivers.
The bond created between a human and their dog is unparalleled, so it is understandable that some dogs might show signs of nervousness when it’s time to be away from their beloved humans, even if it is just for a short while.
Since we don’t know how our dogs behave while we’re away, it might be difficult to tell if they have this issue or not. However, some dogs do show indicators of nervous behaviour when they are alone.
Some signs that your dog might have separation anxiety are: trying to dig out the floors, scratching at the walls and/or doors, peeing inside the house, chewing on furniture, barking and howling, and so on.
If you have noticed some of these behaviours in your dog, here are a few things that you can do to help your puppy feel less nervous and upset when left alone:
- Leaving a piece of clothing you have recently worn with your scent on it, with your pup
- Choose a word to tell your puppy when you are leaving, which signals that you will be back
- Consult with your vet about using calming products for your dog, or look into gettin some over-the-counter remedies (only do this as the last resort, you don’t want to use unnecessary medication on your dog)

The Summary
Being a dog owner is a joyous and rewarding role. Our dogs are a huge source of happiness and peace to us. But, before we choose one that will be the right fit for us, we need to know their personality.
While some people can take on the responsibility of caring for a more sensitive, nervous dog, others might feel that they cannot, and that is completely normal and responsible. For that reason, if you are interested in getting a corgi, it is understandable that you are asking this question.
On the other hand, your corgi might be exhibiting signs of anxiety and you might be wondering why.
Here is a quick rundown of what you need to know regarding corgis and nervousness!
Corgis aren’t a breed characterized by high anxiety, so generally you shouldn’t worry. However, there are some factors that might contribute to your corgi in particular being more nervous: previous treatment, their nature, separation anxiety and so on.
Luckily, there are things you can do to help them deal with it or even overcome it. Lots of love, patience, stability and peace in their everyday environment are key! When training them, focus on positive reinforcement rather than reprimanding them.
Now that you have read up on everything you need to know about this topic, go ahead and get yourself a constant source of happiness in the form of a corgi, or enjoy some quality time with your corgi!