Having a dog is a huge responsibility, there is no doubt about that. However, it’s not all work, there is a copious amount of play, too, to make up for it!
That’s especially true with Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Their main trait is their larger than life energy and a positive vibe they spread around them!
Corgis became all the rage once again mostly due to heavy featuring on social media. The Pembroke Corgi is an endless source of entertainment and he enjoys being a star of every family.
That may have been enough to make you want one for yourself, but don’t make a rash decision. You should find out everything about the Pembroke Welsh Corgi first.
Luckily, we have done extensive research on this fabulous dog breed. All you need to do is continue reading to see what makes Corgis so special!

Overview And General Appearance
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a dog breed that has quite a rich history. Originally, the Pembroke was a herding dog. Meaning, the Corgi was working as a cattle herder.
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a northern-Spitz ancestor. The most similar dog breeds to the Corgi are the Dachshund and the Pomeranian.
The Corgi has a rather small build – when fully grown, the male reaches a height of 12 inches. The female Corgi is a little shorter, at 11 inches.
The Corgi’s weight ranges somewhere between 20 and 30 pounds and they shouldn’t exceed that weight. For competitions, the Corgi should be medium size, and correct posture, so it weighs around 27 pounds for males and 25 for female Corgis. The oversized or toy-sized Corgis don’t do very well in competitions.
The unusual proportions make the Corgi eye-catching. The fox-like head with the intelligent expression makes the Corgi attractive, especially with the round cheeks.
The ears are erect and pointy, and they react when the dog hears a sound. Usually, the Corgi has dark, brown eyes, but rarely the dog could have light, blue, or black eyes.
Pembrokes may have small, short legs but it’s a surprisingly agile and active dog breed. After all, they were cattle herders!
Generally, Pembroke Corgis are full of energy and very resilient. They also have a long life expectancy – up to 15 years!
Let’s check out the basic information about the Pembroke Welsh Corgi:
Name of the breed: | Pembroke Welsh Corgi |
Place of origin: | Wales, UK |
Lifespan: | 12 – 15 years |
Fur color: | Fawn, sable, blue, red, black and white, black and tan |
Weight: | 20 – 30 pounds |
Main characteristics: | Short legs, waterproof fur, pointy ears, fox-like head, bobtail or no tail |
A very good characteristic of the Corgi is the waterproof fur. The Corgi has a double fur coat, a long outer coat, and a shorter, inner coat.
The long outer coat is more coarse, and it protects the Corgi from cold weather. The inner coat is waterproof and protects the Corgi from rain and snow – keeping him dry. As a consequence, the Corgi is a very clean dog and doesn’t get dirty easily.
The Pembroke Corgi usually has a very small tail called a bobtail. And if by any case, he has a tail, it’s short and curly. Often, Pembroke’s tail was shortened with docking, but since that method is banned, breeders tend to breed Corgis that naturally have a short tail.
Read More: Are Corgis Going Extinct?

History And Origin Of The Pembroke Corgi
Originally a dog herder, the Corgi spent all his days outside, herding cattle. Specifically, the Corgi worked best with large animals like cows.
The Corgi exists as a breed since the 11th century. The dog breed was brought to Wales with Flemish Weavers.
The best weavers lived in Flanders, which is located in Northern Belgium. Kings and queens from Europe used to host talent rides to find the best Flemish weavers and ask them to move to their country.
So, in the year 1107 AD, Henry I made a master weaver community and relocated them to southwestern Wales. As they accepted, they brought with them everything they might need to live the agrarian life in the country of Wales.
With them, they brought sheep, and the dogs they bred to herd the livestock. The dogs they brought with them were had short legs, they were surprisingly agile, and they are now known as the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
The Welsh Corgi exists nowadays as two separate breeds: the more popular Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Both Corgi breeds’ names came from the ancient region in Wales.
The Pembroke lived in Pembrokeshire, and the Cardigan lived in Cardiganshire. Only centuries later, on the brink of the 20th century, did the dogs start living in different regions of the Kingdom.
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi was typically a working dog and was bred almost exclusively for herding cattle. The unusual, long, and short body of the Corgi works to its advantage when herding.
The Corgi does have short legs, but he runs fast and he’s surprisingly agile. The Corgi is a heeler herding dog. Corgis didn’t only herd the cattle, they also protected the cattle from predators and various wild animals.
The heeler dogs get the cattle to move by nipping at their heels. You would think that the cattle fight back – and it does. Thankfully, since the Corgi is rather short but fast, he escapade successfully, every time.
The Corgi was a very cherished part of every household back then because Corgis protected the estate and the wealth of farmers. Not only did they herd the cattle, but they also kept the cattle safe from predators that want to eat the livestock.
Having a Corgi meant your farm animals are safe at all times. So, it was no surprise that the Corgis were very expensive. Furthermore, laws were protecting Corgis.
The punishment for harming or killing a Corgi was often very harsh. The laws speak how cherished and crucial Corgis were to the farming household.
It wasn’t until the beginning of the 20th century that the Corgis were kept as pets. They were officially recognized as a breed in 1925., by The Kennel Club in Great Britain with the Cardigan and the Pembroke as the same breed. Consequently, The Corgi Club was founded in December of 1925, in Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, Wales.
The Pembroke Corgi was always the favorite, but a separate club for the Cardigans was founded not too long after that. Both groups worked hard to make the breed was carefully bred, and that the appearance was standardized.
The Cardigans and the Pembrokes were recognized as two varieties of the same breed in 1928., by the Kennel Club. It wasn’t until 1934 that the two apparent varieties gained recognition as two separate breeds.
Then, Corgis began to participate in competitions and various dog shows. Before that, Corgis were exclusively bred for their abilities as herders, but in the 20th century, they were bred for their looks.
Their popularity as pets arose only after the Second World War, and we have Queen Elizabeth II to thank for that. The Queen adores Pembroke Welsh Corgis and has adopted over 30 by now.
Also, the Queen has kept a lot of dorgis, as well. A dorgi is a cross between the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Dachshund.
In the 21st century, the popularity of Pembroke started to decline. This was partially due to the ban of tail docking, but the lessened number of Corgi breeders was a factor in it, as well.
In 2009, The Kennel Club in UK put the Pembroke Corgi on the “At Watch” list, as there were too few annual puppy registrations. In 2014, the Pembroke made it to the “Vulnerable Native Breeds” list, because the registration fell under 300.
Then, the situation changed due to various features of the Corgi on social media. People liked to watch videos of Corgis playing and goofing around.
Social media made the Corgi popular again, and people started looking to adopt more of Corgis. Since then, the Corgi isn’t a vulnerable native breed.
The Corgi was also featured in various movies and TV shows. One of the more notable features is as the dog of Captain Raymond Holt in the American sitcom Brooklyn Nine-Nine, where the Corgi is shown to be extremely loyal.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi – Personality Traits
One of the more important things, when you’re looking into a certain dog breed, is checking out the temperament and personality of it. It may seem redundant, but different dog breeds have different personalities.
For small dogs, it generally holds that they are spoilt rotten and similar to small children. However small, the Pembroke Corgi isn’t spoilt, due to it’s herding history.
The Pembroke Corgi is very energized, playful, and loyal. Those are the main traits of this dog breed, but the Corgi can also get a little stubborn.
The Corgi enjoys being a part of a family, and it loves to be in the center of attention. As a pet, it will try to make every day a live-in show for those around him!
Do keep in mind the energy of the Pembroke when you’re thinking of adopting. The Corgi needs a good amount of time outside and playing each day.
You don’t need a backyard for the Pembroke to play in, but frequent walks to the park will certainly be useful. Corgis are adaptable and they can live in apartments without the yard easily.
The Corgi is also very smart and needs to be stimulated to live his best life. You can teach the Corgi to help you with mundane daily tasks, and he will be happy to do it!
Furthermore, Pembroke can be a little stubborn and he needs some independence. The corgi can be trained to be obedient, but he still needs to be given some independence, or he will fight for it!
Also, keep in mind that the Pembroke may not need to be spoilt rotten, but he needs attention. You have to play with him and walk him every day if you want the Corgi to be happy. If he isn’t happy with his life, he will let you know and it won’t be good!
Moreover, Corgi does need to feel like a fair member of your family. Keeping your furry baby an equal part of family activities will make every activity more fun, and the Corgi will stay happy, too. If he feels excluded, his stubbornness may peek out.
A firm hand will keep the stubborn trait at bay, but you should sometimes go out of your way to make your dog feel appreciated, too. Dogs have feelings, too – and you can hurt them by excluding them from certain events.

Pembroke Corgi’s Temperament
Since the Corgi is highly energized, that means he needs a lot of play to tire out. It can be a hassle until you get the hang of it, but you and Corgi will learn to live together in peace.
The Corgi can be difficult to train at first, but if you do it right, you will have no problems later on. On the other hand, the herding instinct may come up at all stages of the Corgi’s life.
The Corgi may become anxious if the family is scattered across the entire house, so he will try to herd you all to the center room. The Pembroke does that so he can keep an eye on you at all times.
Also, beware of the Corgi’s keen sense of hearing. The Corgi will respond to all kinds of unusual noise and mostly see it as a threat. If he does hear something, he will bark, and he will bark loudly at that.
You will need to train the pup early on to reduce the barking. You will never get rid of it completely, but you can reduce it to an acceptable level.
Because of the herding instinct, the Corgi can get protective and he can attack other animals he sees. That’s one of the reasons why he shouldn’t be left in the yard while you’re at work.
He might escape running after a cat or he could hear something he deems a threat. If he does, he could bark for hours, driving your neighbors insane in the process.

Pembroke’s Energy Levels
The energy levels of your pet-to-be are one of the things you should keep in mind. If you are super-busy, having a dog as a pet, any dog breed – isn’t the best idea.
Dogs need an active lifestyle to thrive and the same thing is with Corgis. The Corgi needs daily exercise, even in just moderate amounts.
The Pembroke is friendly, needs socialization and walking daily – but they don’t need loads of it. It’s better to stick to multiple short walks during the day if you can.
Furthermore, the Pembroke needs a daily walk and a few exercises during the week. You will find that works like a charm to keep your pup in perfect shape.
So, if you aren’t very active or you lead a very busy life, the Corgi and you might not be the perfect fit. We already talked that the Corgi doesn’t need a yard – this is a highly adaptable breed.
The Corgi will find a way to enjoy living in an apartment, as well. However, if you skip a walk to the park far too many times, you will find your dog has too much energy and is too playful around the house.
Because of their big energy, the Corgi would also appreciate being mentally stimulated. Giving your pup various tasks to fulfill and help you in ways he can around the house will make him happy. Even you would be surprised at the things Corgi can do for you!

Training The Corgi Puppy
Training is perhaps the most important part of getting a puppy. Many people even take days off or use their vacation days when they get a new pup so they can focus all their energy to adapt the pup to its new surroundings.
So, you get at least an idea of how important training the puppy is. For some, training is a piece of cake, and you will be able to teach your pet everything in a matter of a few days.
For some puppies, on the other hand, training can take as much as a few weeks. Corgis can be a little stubborn when they become adults, but they are usually easy to train. This, of course, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be patient.
Because they were working dogs, their independence can reveal its’ face at any given moment, which can make training a little challenging. The Corgi is loyal but isn’t very subservient to his owners.
His intelligence allows him to think and decide independently, but the Corgi will listen to you if you show you are looking out for his best interests. Again, you need a firm hand when training the dog, since it works like a charm for Corgis.
Independence as a personality trait will pose challenges during training and it can become a hassle. A decent amount of treats and reinforcement of good behavior will go a long way with a Corgi.
If you do not reinforce good behavior, Corgi’s independence could work to your disadvantage. He could just do as he pleases, which will be impossible to keep around the house. If the Corgi develops bad habits and grows up, those habits might become impossible to break.
The Corgi can be trained in new things even if they are a few years old! They are adaptable and love to learn new things – that’s why they need to be stimulated mentally.
They may seem chubby and not very active, but they are. Corgis even do well in dog shows and they can even train for competitions!

Do Corgis Play Well With Others?
This is an important question if you have small children or other pets. If you do, you must think first about how your dog is going to fit in with other members of your family?
Corgi can be difficult to fit in with others, but usually only if other members arrive after him. If you get a Corgi puppy, he will adjust to other pets or people easily. If it were the other way around, it could be far more challenging.
For the best results, you should socialize with your Corgi from the very beginning. Taking him to the park to play with other dogs will go a long way with the Corgi.

Corgi And Other Animals
They will get used to other pets in the home – but be patient until that happens, as it can take more than just a few days. Furthermore, the Corgi can become aggressive with dogs that they aren’t acquainted with.
However small, the Corgi can get aggressive and even attempt to start a fight. Keep that in mind when you take him out to the park!
Don’t worry too much about other animals and the Corgi. Being around other animals is only natural to him since he spent centuries taking care of livestock. Getting a little defensive at the beginning isn’t anything worth worrying about.

Corgi And Children
When it comes to children – the story is a little different. Some people don’t recommend mixing a Corgi and children under five years old. However, it could work if the situation requires it.
To be safe, perhaps hold off adopting a Corgi until your children grow up a little more. It could be better for both sides – the kids and the dog since older kids can learn a little about responsibility and taking care of the pet.
On the other hand, if the Corgi came first into your family, there is truly nothing wrong with Corgi and the newborn baby. The only thing you should be worried about is the Corgi feeling left out.
Since so much attention will go to the baby, the Corgi may feel like he’s redundant or forgotten. Make sure that you get the Corgi enough playtime and frequent walks to the park. The Corgi will adjust to the new situation better, and you will experience no problems with the pet’s relationship with the newest addition to your family.
There is one thing worth mentioning – the herding instinct. The Corgi will attempt to “herd” your children. During that, he might even nip at their heels to get them to move. If that happens, in any case, take a firm hand to nip this behavior in the bud and to make the Corgi stop this immediately.

Grooming Your Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Grooming is one of the more important things you need to do for your Corgi. It’s not all about the appearance – the ungroomed Corgi will mind.
If you didn’t have a dog before, you might not have a lot of knowledge about grooming and general care. It’s not all just bathing and brushing the fur, there are a few more things you should keep in mind as well!
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is relatively easy to groom, but the dog himself might be a challenge. Sometimes, it can be a real battle to get him to stay still!

How To Groom My Corgi?
We already mentioned that Corgi is pretty easy to maintain. That is partially due to their waterproof fur. Because of it, the mud and the water don’t get stuck on the fur coat. Meaning, your pet will not require many baths, unless they become extremely dirty.
So, the fluffy fur coat like the one on Corgi is very low-maintenance. It doesn’t take more than just a few minutes of grooming to make your Corgi look his absolute best.
If you are busy and don’t have much time to keep your pet well-groomed, Corgi might be the best choice for you. It truly doesn’t take more than five to ten minutes!
When it comes to tools required for grooming, the number-one you will need is a metal comb with medium teeth. Gently brush the comb over the fur, and cover all sections.
Be particularly careful on areas that have matted fur or tangles, as you can easily hurt your Corgi. When you do groom your dog, look at their skin to check it out for redness, bald spots, or irritations.
Extra tip: Take off the dog’s collar when you’re grooming him. The Corgi is extremely playful, and the collar moves around, making tangles in the process. Since that is a sensitive area, be very gentle when brushing out the tangles.

Things To Know About Corgi’s Shedding
For Corgis, the maintenance may be easy, but the shedding is very heavy. The shedding is only natural for dogs, but Corgis shed heavily due to their double coat.
The undercoat will shed once a year, usually after the winter. You will find hair floating everywhere during this time, so prepare well for this.
During the shedding period, you should brush out the hair at least once a day to keep it in check. Moreover, consider using a pin brush to remove the undercoat.
Once you brush the dog out, smooth his fur back down with the metal comb. Also note that some Corgis shed again after summer, but if the Corgi lives in a warmer climate, the second shedding isn’t that heavy.

Bathing The Corgi – Tips And Tricks
You already know that Corgis don’t require lots of baths because of their waterproof fur. However, during shedding season, baths may help remove excess hair more easily.
When you do bathe your Corgi, you should always use dog shampoo to clean out their fur. Make sure to rinse the shampoo out well, and use lukewarm water.
Once you’re done, pat the dog dry with a towel and take them outside to dry. If it’s rather cold outside, consider using the blowdryer.
Do not use it on hot settings, only the lowest to just kind of blow out the water from the fur. Do keep in mind that many dogs hate the blowdryer, so it might not work for your Corgi, as well.

Corgi’s Teeth, Nails, And Ears – How To Groom?
In some ways, the Corgi may be easy to maintain, but you still need to clean him thoroughly from time to time. The first thing you should do is check his ears for buildup and infections.
Use a cotton ball to clean out the buildup. Consider using an ear solution to do so, but make sure it’s a dog-specific one.
Furthermore, you should brush your Corgi’s teeth – but luckily, you don’t have to wash it as often as you wash yours. Once a week works like a charm to prevent buildup.
Brushing the dog’s teeth will also prevent bad breath (and we all know that dogs can get a very bad breath), and it will keep the gums healthy, too.
Trimming the nails should be done every few weeks, or if you need to keep a track of it – once a month. Clean-cut nails will prevent dog scratches on the floor and slipping.
When you start grooming your Corgi, it’s important to make your dog feel safe and that you will not harm him. Be gentle and patient – so your Corgi will respond well to you and perhaps even gladly offer to be groomed when he’s due!

Pembroke Welsh Corgi – Nutrition
Like all live beings, Corgis need adequate nutrition to live a happy and healthy life. If their diet doesn’t have some vitamins or minerals essential for their wellbeing, the dog could suffer.
Furthermore, inadequate nutrition could lead to various diseases and eventually, shortening the dog’s lifespan. Nobody wants to even think about their dog leaving this life too early, so pay attention to what your dog is eating.
The best diet for your Corgi is picking out quality commercial dog food. That may seem too easy, but it’s the right way to feed your pup.
Of course, your Corgi will appreciate it if you make him a home-made dinner from time to time. On the other hand, feeding your dog homemade meals every day is associated with malnutrition, often.
The reason behind that is that you might (unintentionally) be depriving your dog of certain vitamins and minerals they need. The best way to eliminate that is to calculate how much your dog needs every day and make sure they eat enough of them.
If the food you’re giving your dog lacks those vitamins, for example, you can give them dietary supplements to make up for it. Still, your best bet is feeding the Corgi commercial dog food.
As for calories, the Corgi needs somewhere around 870 calories every day. Make sure the Corgi eats no more than that, but he could eat a little less and still feel content!
Let’s check out the table for the Corgi’s diet:
Nutrients in meal | Amount |
Meat protein | 50 – 75% |
Fat | 15 – 18% |
Carbohydrates | 25% |
As for the meat to vegetable ratio, meat comes first. The primary part of every dog’s diet should be quality meat with more proteins than fat.
Dogs are omnivores in nature, so they need quite a bit of meat and veggies in their diet. However, if you deprive their diet of either, you will find that your dog isn’t feeling too well.
The key is in the balance – give your pup a lot of meat and a side of veggies if you want them to feel energized and nourished. If they miss anything, they will feel lethargic and tired all the time.

Dangers Of Malnutrition
If the Corgi is your first dog, you may feel a little lost when you’re thinking about his nutrition. Luckily, you can always consult your vet about it and they could prescribe some dietary supplements if your dog is missing out on something.
All in all, the best rule of thumb when it comes to the Corgi’s nutrition is consulting the vet. Now, there is one more thing we wanted to put an accent on obesity.
Obesity can affect dogs, as well as humans. However, humans can live a fulfilled life when obese, while dogs cannot, and obesity can reduce their lifetime.
Obesity is particularly dangerous for Corgis because of their build. Because their body is supported on short, muscular legs, additional weight will put pressure on their spine.
Prolonged periods with additional spine pressure can lead to various spine problems. If that happens, your Corgi might even require surgery!

Adopting A Pembroke Welsh Corgi – Male Or Female?
When you’re looking to adopt any dog, you could, and probably will ask yourself – male or female? The sex of the dog sometimes plays a role – especially if you have a dog at home already.
If you do already have a dog, you should get a Corgi of the opposite sex. When they are of the same gender, they tend to fight and generally not get along – be that male or female.
So, that’s the first thing to get out of the way. If you don’t have a dog at home to help you with your decision – don’t worry much about it.
Pembrokes aren’t much different when you’re comparing them by gender. Both genders show loyalty and playfulness, which is generally what people are looking for in a Corgi. However, let’s talk about a few crucial characteristics of female and male Corgis.

The Female Pembroke Welsh Corgi – Characteristics
The first notable difference between the female and male Corgi is that she’s noticeably smaller. Female pups are often up to 5 pounds lighter.
The one thing that makes people chose the male Corgi is that the female goes into heat twice a year. The heating lasts about 3 weeks, and you should use safety pads for her to avoid making a mess.
Consider spaying the female pup, since she can attract a lot of males during this time. Keep in mind that spaying the female dog costs more than neutering. The female can be spayed as soon as she reaches 6 months of age.
The unspayed Corgi can get a little dominant and independent at times, so keep that in mind. The mood swings can make it feel like the training didn’t work, but you will need some extra patience for those times. Spaying her will make most of it go away.
When it comes to internal traits, the female Corgi is playful, but she is also very smart – kind of the alpha dog. She can be trained, but you will experience some moments where she just ignores everything you say.
When those moments do happen, don’t be harsh. Stay consistent and focused on her training, and she will become just the best pet out there.
The female Corgi is certainly a better friend to children than the male, and it’s probably due to her maternal instincts. She will always be careful when playing with children and go out of her way not to cause them any harm.
The female Corgi is friendly, but she can be left alone to hang out and enjoy it at that. She will appreciate the attention, but she will appreciate the alone time, too.

The Male Pembroke Welsh Corgi – Characteristics
The main characteristic of a male Pembroke is that they can get territorial about their spaces. Almost every male Corgi gets the habit of humping, as well – and these two aren’t the desirable traits for your pet.
To reduce or completely remove this behavior, you should consider getting your male Pembroke neutered – and you can get it done as soon as your dog reaches 6 months. This is the ideal way to ensure your dog doesn’t get any bad habits.
Furthermore, male Corgis can sense when a female dog is in heat. He will feel drawn to the dog in heat, so he could even attempt to escape and runoff.
If you wait too long to neuter your Corgi, like at one or two years old, it might be too late. The habits your pup has developed are now here to stay.
Overall, the male Corgi is very friendly and might even have some separation anxiety – he doesn’t like to be left alone. Because of that, he might not be the perfect guard dog.
The male Corgi is a good fit with children since he is so playful – and will get along just fine with other animals. However, he can get aggressive because of his herding instinct. If you cannot deal with that behavior on your own, you might want to consult a professional trainer.

Key Differences Between The Genders
While the differences are mild, and not worthwhile, they still exist. That being said, the key differences could play a role in helping you decide what gender could work better for you and your household.
Let’s start by talking about the training, or the ease of it. In most dog breeds, female pups are easier to train. The reason behind that is purely evolutional – the female pups reach maturity faster.
The story is all the same when it comes to Corgis – you will reach desired results in training with a female pup faster than with a male one. However, that only applied to spayed individuals.
If she is not spayed, she will act out once she is in heat. When it comes to disobedience, it will be more noticeable when she is in heat, but that’s a trait expected of both genders of the Corgi.
As for the male Corgi, he can be obedient but still have a mind of his own. If he is concentrated on something else, he will likely not listen to you at all.
If the Corgi is your first pet, you will sometimes reach your wit’s end when training the pup. Also, if that is the case, you should go for a male pup, since they are a bit less stubborn.
Be that as it may, the male Corgi will look to make you happy and entertain you – and if you are happy with training him, he will obey. On the other hand, the female Corgi is looking to make herself happy – and if training makes her happy, she will do it. If it does not, she will find something else to do.
Now, let’s talk about friendliness. Male Corgis tend to stand out when it comes to this personality trait. The extremely friendly nature of male Corgis makes them the ideal pet, in a way.
He is loving and looking to bond with all members of the family. On the other hand, a female COrgi is a little more reserved when it comes to showing attention.
She will keep a distance from strangers, while the male will not. The female Corgi will not socialize with everyone she meets, only the ones she picks out herself. That being said, it’s not unusual to see your female pup socializing more with one family member than anyone else. For her, it’s perfectly natural to have a favorite.
The same thing is if you take them to someone’s house. The male will start acting like he’s home, and he might even attempt to mark the place and get territorial.
Here, the female pup is a better fit, since she will act as usual, and probably just hang out in one spot. The male Corgi could surely make a mess at someone’s home, but the female will not, ever.
So, to finalize – the differences are ever so slightly since every dog is for themselves. You will not know the challenges you will come across until you finally adopt a puppy.
Of course, there are things to keep in mind, but the differences don’t make any gender stand out as the better one. It all comes down to your personal preferences.
Nonetheless, choosing a Corgi for your home is a great idea. They will fit right in, male or female – but you will have to train them and guide them. The Corgi is the ultimate furry family member!
See Also: Are Corgis Expensive To Maintain?

Final Words
To conclude, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is the ultimate pet out there. If you want a pet that will give you lots of attention and do goofs all afternoon – this is the one.
Originally a herder dog, this pup with a rich history is very loyal and full of energy. Sometimes, the Corgi will be tough to train, but it will all pay off!
Choosing male or female is not easy, because the differences are not that obvious. Whatever gender you choose, make sure to give them enough exercise and proper nutrition. A happy puppy makes the family happy, too!