Corgi is a famous dog breed that has existed for a long, long time. And throughout all that time, they have had their fair share of professions.
In the old days, while the only home they knew were the hills of Wales, they were famous for their herding skills. Farmers used to leave their livestock with just a single tough little Corgi as a guardian.
This may seem like a strange thing to do, considering there are much bigger and stronger breeds in the world. But don’t underestimate the Corgi; there’s a lot of dog in that cute little body. They are tough and loyal pooches that were used to protect families and small villages.
So with all that said, are they good companions in the 21st century? Is the Corgi a friendly little dog that can give you as much love as you plan on giving it? Are Corgis affectionate?
Well, as we said, the Corgi has gone through a plethora of jobs, from a herder to a guardian, a hunter’s companion – they’re even famous for chasing rodents out of the household. But can they calm all those genes and traditions down and be loving little puppies that can live in your house or apartment?
What if it’s all a lie, that cuteness, and affection that they are famous for these days. You wouldn’t want one of those angry little dogs running around the house and biting your guests by the heel to try and herd them just like in the good old days.
Well, we plan on finding that out! After all, the Corgi is one of the famous breeds today. You can’t scroll through your social media without seeing those little legs hopping around your screen. So chances are you thought about what life would be like with one of them in the house.
Let’s get this research mission going and find out if cuteness translates well into affection.
See Also: Why Do Corgis Boop? Is This How They Show Their Love?

Are Corgis Affectionate Dogs?
To start, we got to clear all this up. YES – Corgis are affectionate and loving little creatures.
While the Corgi was a fierce little guy throughout its history, it was also a loving and loyal pup’ to its families. The reputation that they have today doesn’t really do them justice. They really can be tough!
However, some Corgis are not so fond of your guests, or even other dogs for that matter. But that’s not the fault of the whole breed! Like any dog, Corgis can be problematic, and there could be a bit of a learning curve with them.
A Corgi will seem like a perfect little fluffy companion. All it seemingly wants to do is run around, jump on your lap, and cuddle. But there can be problems in their behavior, and it can get quite tricky trying to solve them.
The temperament of your Corgi depends on a few things. What kind of Corgi you have, if your puppy is male or female, their age, and last but not least – what kind of life it has led so far!
Let’s go through some of these factors to understand better what we’re dealing with.

Corgis’ General Temperament
Corgis are full of energy; they are playful and always ready for action. This may sound like a great thing, and mostly it is, but it can be a bit much for some. They do have a tough temperament for some. If you’re not used to an active dog that always wants your attention, the Corgi may not be the best choice.
Speaking of attention, they really want the stuff! This is not to say that they will be climbing in your head all day, every day. They can be trained to stay home alone, but it won’t be easy. They don’t like to be alone. They are a social breed that is used to, if nothing else, be around the other species that it is herding.
Corgis can stay alone at the house or the apartment, but they will have a hard time not being in guardian mode. Those pointy ears will pick up even the slightest sound that isn’t familiar to them. Once they do this, the barking starts. Now, you can’t really blame a Corgi for barking.
They were thought hundreds and hundreds of years to bark if they see something suspicious. You can’t expect this behavior just to disappear, but with proper training, it can be handled. Just know that they will sometimes seem on guard and ready to attack.
This guardian mentality can lead people to believe that Corgis are a bit of an angry puppy. But don’t worry! There will be barking if an unfamiliar guest comes over to the house.
That barking will also be very present when they are meeting new dogs. This doesn’t mean that they are not fond of them; they are just a vocal breed. Again, you can teach them to stay quiet in most situations, but it won’t be easy.
You have to know why it is that they are barking. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t affectionate towards you, your friends, or other dogs. It just means that they never shut up!
The Corgi was used as an alarm for households and villages. If needed, they would bark and bark until somebody came and showed them that the threat was gone.
But if the treat is located behind your neighbor’s wall, it might be difficult to show them that it’s gone. So yes, you can train them – but you have to know what you’re dealing with.

Corgi Training
Training a Corgi can be a real pain in the butt. They can be stubborn and independent, so you have to put in the work. If you stay persistent, you’ll have a trained little companion by your side.
The thing is, people sometimes think that the Corgi is trying to be difficult on purpose. This is a common problem with people and their relationship with these kinds of dogs.
After all, your dog can’t tell you what’s wrong and how you can fix it. It depends on you to figure all this out and help out. And this can get annoying.
It can seem like that loving little Corgi you had on your lap in the morning has been replaced by a stubborn child. But it’s all part of the process. Not only that, it’s part of owning a Corgi.
They have been taught to stay independent and do whatever needs to be done to get their work done. They are herders; barking and being independent get sheep to keep in line! But we assure you, the stressful times are always followed by loving and affectionate times.
Most of the time, they really do think that they are doing a good deed by trying to protect you from everyone you meet.

Male Vs. Female Corgis
Male and female Corgis are relatively similar. They are both loving little creatures that can get stubborn and loud. So what are those differences?
Well, females will sometimes require more attention than males. But even this doesn’t happen in all cases. After all, no two Corgis are the same!
Their differences show once you pair them together. Suppose you have two male Corgis in the house. In that case, you’ll probably think we’re crazy for even suggesting that they are playful and affectionate creatures.
Two males will battle it out for the attention, and they will generally always be at each other’s throats. That’s just how they operate. Females are no different. A female Corgi will go crazy if it finds another female in the same room. But for some reason, opposites are a perfect match!
If you plan on having more than one Corgi in the family, we recommend getting a male and a female. This is the only way to have multiple Corgis that won’t drive you completely out of your mind.

Needy Little Creatures
Now, this attribute entirely depends on what kind of an owner you are. All dogs can get needy if they’re thought to be.
But once Corgis get a sense that you’ll jump through hoops for them, you’re in trouble. This is a problem that needs to be nipped in the bud. If you adopted a puppy, it should be an easy task.
Just remember that they’ll always want attention from you. But not giving it to them all the time is actually for their own good. You don’t want to encourage that kind of behavior, on purpose or by accident.
If you adopted an older Corgi or you plan to adopt one, have this negative trait in mind. Affectionate dogs are great, but not so much if you can’t walk to the bathroom without them begging for you to stop and pay attention. Just because you see a tail wagging doesn’t mean that you should stop and give them attention!

The Importance Of Mental Health
Now all this negative talk has us sound like some Corgi haters! But that obviously couldn’t be further from the truth.
If you take care of your Corgis mental health, all that negative stuff can be brought to a minimum. You will thus be turning them into a perfect little friend for you and your family.
Some mental health issues that your Corgi can have make it difficult to stay calm and relaxed. But staying calm and relaxed is one of the most important things for your Corgi!
Barking, aggression, and neediness can be handled if we know what their root cause is. For instance, if your dog suffers from separation anxiety, it can get destructive and aggressive. So instead of getting angry and annoyed at them, let’s figure out what’s in their behavior.
If you want to learn more, read our articles on Are Corgis An Aggressive Breed? and How To Stop Aggression In Corgis.

Separation Anxiety
One of the most common problems that any dog faces is Separation Anxiety. Sure it may seem like a normal thing that your dog is crying by the door when you leave, but it gets much more dangerous than that. Coming home to a puppy that has harmed himself and destroyed the living room is no fun ordeal.
Corgis tend to be prone to having this condition, but there is no guarantee of it. There are many factors involved.
The most significant factor is if the dog has been abandoned. The dog will have trouble adjusting to new homes and families. The problem is that they get confused; their previous owner left at some point, and there seem to be no signs of him or her coming back.
Dogs get attached to their human families easily, so when a part or whole family disappears – they can’t comprehend what happened.
This is why an adopted dog gets so emotionally attached to a new family. And also why it hits them so hard when a part of the family seemingly goes away again.
If your Corgi displays these behaviors, you can suspect that it has separation anxiety:
- Excessive barking and moaning/howling
- Destructive behavior: destroying furniture, clothes or uncontrolled stretching of doors or windows
- Peeing themselves indoor even if they’re potty trained
- Excessive drooling and panting
- Pacing intensely
- In extreme cases, self-harm
These things won’t happen just now and then; they will happen every time you leave the house. This is a clear indicator that you are dealing with a more severe case.
The easiest way of dealing with separation is teaching your dog that it is not the end of the world if you leave. A simple reward system is usually all it takes (in the mild cases, at least). Placing treats around the house for them to find when you leave or awarding them before you go is the first step.
Leaving for short periods and then coming back to award them is the second step. This is then followed by prolonging the amount of time that you’re gone.
Corgis are famous for adapting to any surroundings. Because of this, people sometimes think that they’ll pretty much be fine when left alone. But Corgis are social dogs that get easily attached to its family. If the Corgi is adopted, it will make it even harder on him.

Keeping Your Corgi Healthy
There is a point to all this mental health talk. You need to be aware of what Corgis behave like when they’re feeling fine versus when they are dealing with some problems.
A Corgi can be the most lovable and affectionate dog around, as long as you take care of them properly.
So if your Corgi is following you around whenever you go from room to room – try to stop that behavior. Corgis are independent by nature. And while they do get attached to humans, following you around doesn’t fit the Corgi profile.
If you Corgi has trouble befriending other dogs, there could be an aggression problem at hand. Corgis are loud; they’re stubborn and sometimes protective. But they love to play with other dogs! Sure, the problem could lie in the other dog, but you have to know how to pick up on this if it is happening. If the problem is getting out of hand, consult with a professional.
Canine depression can also be a severe problem if it’s not dealt with on time. Your dog could be suffering from depression because he’s grieving a play-mate that has gone away. Too much moving around from home to home could also be a trigger.
Spotting depression in Corgis is quite simple. They are playful dogs that only stop having fun when it’s bedtime, and they really have to rest. So if your Corgi seems to have the blues, it’s fine to get concerned. Feel free to consult your vet in this case.
Playing with them and giving them the proper amount of exercise is vital. Suppose you’re looking for an affectionate Corgi that will play around with you and your family. In that case, you have to make sure he’s getting enough exercise.
Corgis need to be active. The ironic part is that it is not that difficult to tire them out because they are so little. But unless you want a Corgi that’s going to bark at you all day and herd your guests – make sure that he doesn’t have any energy for it all left after the walk.
Final Words
So are Corgis affectionate dogs?
Absolutely. But all dogs need care. Physical and mental health is the most crucial factor in their behavior. If you have a Corgi that is not the loving, joyous puppy we’ve been describing, there is something wrong!
Getting a Corgi is a responsibility, and at times it won’t be easy. The time and effort you put into this dog are a significant investment, but the love you’ll get in return will be more than enough. And you can be sure that you’ll be getting that love for the rest of their lives! Loyalty is quite important for the Corgi!
So get your Corgi some toys and treats, cuddle with him or her whenever it feels right to do so, and enjoy the time you and your family have with this wonderful creature!