Pets are so much more than animals that live in your home. People consider their pets to be members of the household, and sometimes, even their babies.
Caring about your pet, especially if that pet is a Corgi, can be time-consuming. Corgis require loads of attention and care!
So, it’s only natural that you want to do what’s in your power to make your pooch feel good. How about when your Corgi is feeling miserable?
Corgis can cry sometimes, and if they are feeling truly bad, they can cry more often. You must ask yourself: why does my Corgi cry all the time?
Figuring out the cause of your Corgi’s misery is key to making him feel better. So, to do that, continue reading our article!

Why Does My Corgi Cry All The Time?
Corgis, just like every other dog breed, have emotions. Meaning, they can be just as happy or sad – depending on the situation. They have real feelings and they can cry, just like humans.
If your Corgi cries when he’s unsatisfied, and it happens from time to time – it’s usually nothing to be alarmed about. However, if you see that your pooch is extremely unhappy often or all the time, it’s time to get worried.
Dogs can get sad, and if that feeling continues, you should try to find out the reason behind that. Some people think that Corgis crying is just whining for attention, but is that true?
Yes, there are occasions where your Corgi is only asking for attention. However, that’s not all there is to it. Your Corgi can cry for various reasons, and we will go through each of them.
All in all, you should take your Corgi’s feelings seriously. It can be difficult to figure out at first, but once you get the hang of it, you will be able to figure out your pooch’s feelings right away. The key to it is patience and making your pet feel safe and happy.
So, what are the most common reasons why your Corgi is crying all the time?
- He is still adjusting to his new environment (if you just got the pooch)
- He is too tired
- Your pup needs to “go outside”
- He’s hungry
- Your puppy is cold
- He wants to check something out and he is not able to
- He wants attention
- He wants to be let out
All of these reasons are valid and you should take your pup’s crying seriously. We will discuss each reason separately and explain the best way to make your pooch happy.
Every reason out there can be managed and it’s pretty simple, too. So, let’s get on it and find out why your Corgi cries all the time!

Corgi Is Still Adjusting To His New Environment
Moving to a new place is associated with lots of stress for humans. Long-time pet owners know that this is an issue for pets, too. Pets can get anxious when they enter a new home or a new family. Moreover, this is the most common reason why a Corgi cries all the time.
Small pups when they get adopted tend to be very nervous and anxious for the first few days or up to two weeks. So, if you just got your pup and he’s crying all the time, it’s likely because he’s not used to you and your family.
Crying is only natural and your pup can cry non-stop for days, even through the night – moving is somewhat of a traumatic experience for your pooch.
Don’t be too worried – it’s only natural and he’s only figuring out his new home. However, there are a few things you can do to make your pup feel better about his new living situation.
The key is to make your Corgi feel safe – since he isn’t feeling too safe once he left his parents and siblings behind. So, a good way to create that safety is to get an artificial puppy that warms up or has heartbeat sounds.
You can leave this artificial puppy in the pup’s bed or in a place where your pup rests. You can also play soothing or classical music to calm the pup down. Believe it or not, dogs can enjoy music just like humans, and it can have a calming effect on them, as well!
If your Corgi cries through the night, sleeping in the same room as your Corgi might help him feel safer. Furthermore, you should try to position the Corgi’s bed so he sees you sleeping. If he sees you relaxed and sleeping, it might be the key to make him feel more relaxed, too.
Give your pup your hand to play with, because it shows you trust your pup. He will feel better, and you can also hold him and cuddle with him. Spending quality time showing affection to your Corgi will help him understand that he is part of your family now. Showing love and care will do more to make your puppy happy than you think.
You can also give your Corgi food and treats to get him to stop crying, but this is a method you should be cautious about. Don’t give your Corgi too many treats, because you could spoil him. Giving treats should be reserved for training and for encouraging good behavior.
Consider making a safe place for your Corgi to hide away and be alone when he wants to. You can invest in a dog house from the pet store, but you can just upholster a crate, too. Fill it with warm, stuffy pillows and old clothes.

The Corgi Is Tired Or Wants To Sleep
Puppies and even adult dogs can feel anxious when they are tired. The same thing is with humans – babies can cry a lot when they are tired.
You can spot that your Corgi cries after an energetic activity. If you two spent an hour or two playing or walking, your pup is likely exhausted afterward.
What happens then is that puppies don’t realize that they don’t have to stay up once you get home. So they whine and cry because they cannot communicate their needs properly.
The best way to make sure that your Corgi is crying from exhaustion is to put him in his crate or bed after he starts crying. If he goes straight to napping – he’s likely just exhausted.
Young Corgis need 3 to 6 naps every day. Corgis are very energetic and they can participate in high-energy activities all the time. However, they will need lots of rest after each activity to refuel.
Small, young puppies are more likely to cry from being tired rather than adult Corgis. Adult Corgis already know that they need the nap and they will go to bed right away.
What’s more, your pup may not be comfortable napping in the bed you laid for him. It can be due to the position of the bed or he may simply not like the place where it is.
If you can see that your pup whines and then lays on the floor, or in the corner – he may be hinting that he wants to rest there. Try moving his bed or crate to that place and see how your pup behaves. If he goes to bed there and starts napping immediately – the only problem was the position of the bed!

Your Corgi Needs To “Go Outside”
Potty training your Corgi is perhaps the most important but also the most challenging thing you can do. It can be annoying, it can last a long time – and your Corgi may test your patience for a few weeks.
At first, it’s expected that your pup relieves himself in various places. He will defy you and the anxiety from moving elsewhere will all result in your puppy going all over the place. The most common places are his bed and every corner in the house.
Once you do train your Corgi, it’s a piece of cake from there. If you are having issues with potty training your Corgi, it may be best to consult a professional trainer. They can help with teaching your pup to go outside when he needs to or to relieve himself on a potty pad.
If your Corgi is taught to go outside for all his needs – he may start to whine and cry when he needs to go. If he’s standing by the door and crying, he’s trying to tell you to take him outside.
On the other hand, if you teach your Corgi to go on potty naps, he may whine because the pad is soiled. If the pad is already used, your Corgi may refuse to use it before you replace it.

Corgi Is Hungry
Your hungry Corgi may not always be able to communicate the way you would like him to. Corgis cannot talk and they have to rely on you deciphering their barking or crying.
Corgis prefer to eat on a strict schedule and your pooch will likely be hungry every day at the same time. So, it’s best to stick to a schedule for feeding time to avoid your Corgi feeling miserable.
If he starts crying and you have no idea what is the cause, try taking your Corgi to his bowl. If he starts eating, that is a good sign that he was just hungry.
Don’t pour more food than usual into his bowl, even if he was crying a lot beforehand. He might overeat and get sick after the meal – so it’s best to stick to the usual amount every time.

Your Corgi Is Cold
Young puppies can get very cold because their fur hasn’t fully formed. Meaning, adult Corgis don’t get very cold because they have a double fur coat. Their fur coat is virtually waterproof and keeps them warm even when it’s very cold out.
Puppies don’t have that double fur coat yet – so they can get cold. If your Corgi starts crying – it could a sign that your pooch is freezing. Do keep in mind that young Corgis can get cold outside as well as inside.
You may feel alright with the AC turned on, but your Corgi may not enjoy it as much as you do. Besides the crying, if you see your Corgi trembling or shaking, it could be a sign that your pooch is cold. Wrap him up in a warm blanket or pick him up and hold him until he feels better.
If you’re outside, consider going home right away because your Corgi is so cold. From now on, consider buying your pooch a small jacket or vest to make him warmer – especially if you live in an area with extremely cold winters.
See Also:

Your Corgi Wants To Check Something Out
Corgis are very adventurous and very curious. Pretty much every Corgi out there wants to know everything that is going on, especially outside. Outside, your Corgi will want to check out other animals he sees or perhaps some things in nature.
If he’s on a leash, he will not be able to check out everything which might upset him enough to make him cry. If your Corgi is crying and tugging on the leash, he might just want to check something out – and you should let him.
Corgi’s instincts make him very curious and force him to see everything that is going on. That can also happen when you’re holding him in his arms and he hears something conspicuous.
If he cannot see it, he may start to squirm and wiggle to get out of your arms. You should let your pooch explore, but only if it’s safe to do so. If you deem it unsafe to let him explore, try to ignore his crying until he stops.
After all, he may just be trying to test your patience until you let him do what he wants. You should, by no means, let your Corgi run wild because he will abuse that to no avail. Set clear boundaries and your pup will have no choice but to abide by your rules.
However, if you leave your pup in a playpen or other confined area, he may just feel uncomfortable there. If he seems miserable in the closed area, consider a new place for your Corgi to play in, since confined areas don’t work for all Corgis.

Your Corgi Wants Attention
Corgis are very attention-seeking and they require to be the star of the family. They need to feel like they are appreciated and that they are making their family happy.
So, ignoring your Corgi for a while can make him angry or sad – so he will show fits of anger or start crying. Crying is more likely because loneliness is a big problem for Corgis.
If you cannot spare at least an hour or two each day for your Corgi – you may need to look into other pet choices. Corgis need frequent walks as well as lots of playtime.
Checking out if your Corgi needs attention is easy – just start cuddling with the pooch or bring some toys so you two can play. If he stops crying immediately – there it is!
Crying for attention is usually reserved for young puppies, but adult Corgis can feel left out, as well. Families should try to make the Corgi feel included in every activity, because he may be miserable and anxious otherwise.
Do keep in mind that the Corgi should listen to you and not otherwise. If you give it to your Corgi every time he cries, he may try to take advantage of that.
Be careful when training your Corgi to eradicate manipulative behavior. If you have issues with training, a professional trainer might be able to help you out better.

To conclude, there are a few different reasons why your Corgi is crying all the time. It could be because he’s crying for attention or he’s just cold.
Either way, you should check it out and help your pooch feel better. Some food and cuddles will do more than most people think!
All in all, Corgis need lots of attention and care to feel good. Owners of Corgi dogs need to spare at least an hour each day to play with their pup and to take him out for a walk!