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Do Corgis Need Winter Coats?

Do Corgis Need Winter Coats?

It’s that time of the year again. We’re packed in three layers of winter clothes, just hoping we don’t catch a cold. 

But winter, and cold weather in general, doesn’t change the fact that our corgis still need to go outside for numerous types of activities. 

Seeing their short bodies hop around in the snow and only their ears sticking out, we might get the impression that they’re cold, but is that really the case? 

Does your corgi also need a winter coat to keep him or her warm during those long, tiresome walks?

This is what we’re going over, in detail, in today’s article called: “Do corgis need winter coats?”

We’ll go over some of the things tied to corgis natural coat and how it fares against cold conditions. Then we’ll give you the reasons for and against buying a winter coat for your corgi. 

Finally, we’ll mention a winter “alternative” to coats that you might not have thought about. 

All right, let’s get into it. 

Do Corgis Need A Winter Coat?

Corgis may need a winter coat sometimes, but most of the time, there really isn’t any need to spend money on it. 

It might look cute, but it won’t do much for your corgi overall.

We won’t just leave it at that, though; let’s go a bit more in-depth and see a few of the reasons for and against buying your corgi a winter coat. 

Corgi Coats

Corgis are double-coated; they have a thick undercoat and a somewhat lighter outercoat. This means that corgis already have a natural winter coat. 

The thick undercoat should keep them warm, and the outercoat serves as a water repellent. 

This is the reason why corgis shed like nobody’s business during the spring and summer seasons. They basically have two coats and need to cool off as best as they can. 

Corgis do have a thinner coat of fur along their stomach and lung area. 

This isn’t necessarily anything to worry about, but there are situations when this might warrant a winter coat purchase. We’ll cover that a little later in the article. 

Also, corgis coats aren’t just there to keep them warm but also to keep them cool during the summer. We’ll go over that as well. 

Corgi Origins

An excellent way to determine your dog’s strengths and weaknesses is to know where the breed originated from. 

In this case, Welsh corgis, Cardigans and Pembrokes, have originated in Wales. Who would have known?

The climate in Wales is relatively diverse. First of all, it tends to be wetter than England, which is decently wet. And as we said, our corgis are naturally equipped to deal with wet conditions. 

The temperatures range from 21 °F in the winter to around 26 °F in the summer, depending on the region. 

In general, Coastal areas have a milder climate, while inland, it can get fairly cold and snowy. 

This tells us that our corgis, or at least their ancestors, were able to deal with some relatively harsh conditions.

Reasons For Getting Your Corgi A Coat


It’s true; winter coats on dogs can look adorable. It’s sort of becoming a fad in recent years, dogs wearing coats and sweaters

Even the queen has a picture where all of her corgis are wearing matching sweaters. 

So, if you’re looking to be like the queen, buy a matching sweater for you and your corgi. Although, we’re not sure if anyone else but her is able to pull that off. 

They’re Still A Puppy

If you have a corgi puppy and winter hits before they’ve fully developed, then buying a coat for them could be a good idea.

Yes, younger corgis aren’t yet as resilient, and you don’t want to risk a potentially dangerous and expensive cold. 

Wet And Cold Weather

We’ve mentioned earlier in the article that corgis have a thinner coat of fur along their stomach area. This might make them more exposed to getting wet around that area.

Another thing to keep in mind is that their coats are relatively water-resistant, but that doesn’t mean they can swim in an icy ocean. 

If the outside conditions are both wet and cold, a waterproof coat should let them enjoy the great outsides a fair bit longer. 

If they’re soaked, and it’s cold, they’re not enjoying anything; in fact, they might come down with something. The last thing you and your wallet want is your corgi to get sick.  

Too Long On The Cold

Half an hour to forty-five minutes (let’s be honest here, you’re not going to spend much more time than that outside anyway) is an optimal amount of time your corgi can withstand cold temperatures. 

Anything more than that, and throwing a coat on your pup is recommended. 

Some people might see this as a reason to just let their corgis always wear a coat. That might not be the smartest idea. Constant “pampering” might weaken their immune system. 

Let them run around a bit in the snow; most corgis adore spending time in the snow

If you’re going skiing, bringing your corgi with you, and you know you’ll spend several hours outside in the cold, a winter coat is completely fine. 

Shaved For The Summer

Some owners have recently started shaving their corgis to help them keep cool during the summer. This is a terrible idea for a couple of reasons

Firstly, as we said, corgis’ natural coat already keeps them cool during the summer. The thing is, they’re not genetically bred to withstand scorching temperatures. 

Remember the climate in Wales that we’ve covered earlier? Temperatures there rarely go above 85°F. 

People who live in hotter regions should brush their corgis daily and make sure they have plenty of shaded areas to lie around in and water to help them cool off naturally. 

Secondly, the aesthetics of your corgi go down several notches. 

Shaved corgi completely loses its cute look. But what is worse is that the coat rarely grows back properly and to its original state. Several owners have reported a very coarse and woolly look of their corgis after their coat grew back.

All that being said, in the case that you did shave your corgi and the fur hasn’t grown back in time, a winter coat is a pretty good idea. After all, their coat is there to help them deal with the outside temperatures, no matter what they are. 

What Kind Of A Coat?

If you think your corgi checks all the boxes for a coat, there are few things to keep in mind. 

If you still have a young puppy whose coat hasn’t grown in completely, don’t waste your money on any particularly expensive options. 

They’ll grow out of it fairly quickly, and chances are, you won’t be able to sell that thing afterward. As long as it covers their stomach area, it should be fine. 

Correctly measure your puppy’s size before buying a coat, so it isn’t too big for them and gets in the way of their walking and running. Voopet warm winter coat should do the trick. 

It’s designed for small dogs, and it’s snowproof. More importantly, it covers the belly area, ensuring your puppy is nice and cozy. 

When your corgi is all grown up, you can look at some other, more expensive option. Keep in mind, though, the voopet option is still completely fine even for older corgis if you don’t want to break the bank. 

However, if you’re into your dog looking more fashionable and “hip”, there are a few pricier options.

Ultra paws reflective comfort coat is more expensive compared to the voopet option. Still, it also provides a bit more insulation and is definitely more stylish if that’s your concern. 

Finally, for those people who like to go hiking and just spend a lot of time outside in harsh conditions with their dogs, there’s Hurtta Expedition Parka by Truemark. 

This one carries a hefty price tag on it, but its quality is undeniable. If you spend a lot of time outside and you like your dog to be with you, this would be a decent investment. Just keep in mind that this option is reserved for the harshest conditions since it’s designed for short-haired dogs without an undercoat. 

We have to repeat ourselves here: if you’re spending that much money on a winter coat, you better make sure you’ve measured your corgi properly. There’s even a guide on how to do it, don’t refrain from using it. 

Reasons For Not Getting Your Corgi A Coat

At the end of the day, buying your corgi a winter coat could be just a pointless investment. 

Unless you live in a cold climate or somewhere where it’s often both cold and wet, then you’re just throwing your money away. 

Sure, it looks cute, but honestly, corgis have already reached a maximum cuteness level, and there isn’t anything else you can do to improve that. 

Frankly, making your corgi wear a winter coat, or just any coats in general, might make them drink a lot more water to cool themselves off. This can put unnecessary strain on their kidneys. 

Do They Need Winter Boots?

We know the topic is “Do corgis need winter coats,” but this goes hand in hand; just let us explain. 

Suppose you live in a city or a town. In that case, you’re familiar with the fact that the road maintenance staff uses salt and deicers to prevent vehicles from sliding all over the road. 

And also to prevent pedestrians from falling down every few feet. 

The bad thing about salt and deicers is that they can flat-out damage your corgi’s paws. 

Buying them a pair of boots should prevent that from happening. 

However, buying winter boots for a corgi can be challenging because of their, kinda weird, paw shape. 

One thing to keep in mind, though, some dogs just won’t tolerate snow boots. They can’t stand them and would rather deal with painful paws. 

If that’s the case, just let them have their own way; chances are slim that you’ll go any far by forcing them to wear snow boots.

Since it’s a gamble, whether or not your corgi tolerates anything on his/her feet, you shouldn’t spend too much money on it.

A good, affordable option would be just to go for disposable boots and see how well they fare. If your corgi isn’t making too big of a fuss about it, then you can proceed to buy something more permanent.

XSY&G dog boots have some decent customer reviews for corgis. They’re a bit more money but should qualify as a long term investment for your pup. 

An excellent alternative to winter boots is to find an ointment that you can put on their paws when they go outside. The paw balm by Vetpro complete should more than do the trick, making sure your corgi’s feet don’t have cracked skin. 


Winter coats for dogs are great, but your corgi most likely doesn’t need one. 

Corgis are sturdy dogs, bred to withstand some harsh terrain and climate

That being said, some situations do justify buying a winter coat for your corgi. 

If you plan on spending any serious amount of time outside in the cold and wet weather, go ahead and buy a high-quality winter coat. 

If you have a puppy whose undercoat hasn’t fully grown, or you accidentally shaved your corgi during summer to keep him cooler (again, do not do this), then go ahead and buy a winter coat. 

Any other situation and you’re probably wasting money. As we said, corgis are already the cutest; putting a winter coat on them won’t do much. 

If you want to help your corgi cope with winter conditions a bit better, consider buying them a pair of winter boots. They’re not as fashionable as a winter coat but could prove to be more useful in the long run.