Even though owning a white fenced house in the suburbs is a traditional Great American Dream, living in a big city certainly has many perks too. City life is more sustainable, which is especially important knowing that a world population is about to reach 9 billion by the end of this century.
Believe it or not, research has shown that city-dwellers are often happier and healthier than those living in the suburbs. Suburbians are not as active nor as socially engaged. There is always something to do when you walk the streets of a big city – enjoying your favorite cup of coffee, going to the opera or theatre, shopping, taking a walk, or a jog in the park.
In the light of all this, it might be best to let go of a suburban living dream and get a small city apartment instead. An apartment can be a cozy home for individuals and families alike.
What about pets?
Do not worry! If your dream included a dog running in your backyard, you need not give up on that part. You can have a perfectly happy furry friend in your city apartment too.

Are Corgis Good City Dogs?
We have great news for Corgi lovers! Corgis are one of the best dog breeds you can get when you live in a city. They adapt to almost any environment quite quickly.
If you follow our advice and prepare well, you and your Corgi can live a fabulous city life and enjoy its vibrancy, culture, and numerous other amenities together.
It won’t matter that you don’t have a big backyard and white fence – you and your short-legged friend will have the whole town to explore instead.

How Can You Keep Your Corgi Happy and Healthy in a City Apartment?
Are Corgis good apartment dogs? – Yes, but…
Even though Corgis are small dogs, they are not a breed meant to live inside at all. You probably already know that they are herding dogs. This means that Corgis are meant to roam the spacious pastures and green fields and meadows, not sleep on your couch the whole day long.
Corgis have an abundance of energy that can cause quite a few problems when they live in small spaces. Luckily for all the Corgi pet owners that live in apartments, it is not a mission impossible as long as you keep a few things in mind.

Long Walks And High-intensity Exercise Sessions
You might think that taking your Corgi out a few times a day in order to relieve himself will cut it, but boy are you wrong! You will have to do much more than that.
Do not let the short legs fool you – Corgis like to walk and run, and you’ll have to make it happen. Most issues people have with their Corgis’ bad behavior stem from them having too much energy and nowhere to let it loose.
How can you combat this problem?
It is simple. Take your Corgi for at least two long walks a day. The minimum time you should spend outside is half an hour, but you can stay a whole hour too – your Corgi will enjoy it. If you jog, you can kill two flies with one stone by bringing your pet along.
If you have trained your Corgi to come to your command, you can let him or her off the leash and allow them to run around the dog park. It is the best possible solution. The high-intensity exercise sessions should keep your Corgi from chewing up your footwear or furniture.
If your job prevents you from setting up a consistent exercise routine for your Corgi, you should consider hiring a dog walker or taking your dog to daycare. Your pet deserves top care at all times. When you are not able to provide it, hire someone else to do that for you.
Corgis are playful dogs that enjoy having company, so they should not mind an occasional trip to the daycare. It will provide them with an opportunity to play with other dogs all day long. Besides having plenty of exercises, dogs at daycares have all their needs met on time too so that you can go on with your business worry-free.

Creating A Designated Area For Your Corgi
Letting your Corgi run loose all over your apartment is not the best idea, especially if you are away a lot and your Corgi is left alone at home. Rather than that, designate a specific apartment area by placing a cozy mat over a cold floor. This mat will absorb any possible stains when your Corgi is enjoying chewing on his favorite treat or toy.
Having a home within a home will not only help your Corgi feel safe (and stay quiet) while you are away, it will also enable you to cut down on the cleaning time. It can save money, too, since it is much cheaper to do floor repairs in one spot than an entire apartment.

Desensitizing Your Corgi Pup Early On
Corgis are good guardian dogs. Size has nothing to do with it. They are courageous and watchful. When you live in an apartment building, this can prove to be an issue.
How so?
Strange noises and people your pup does not know can make him or her excited and lead to quite loud barking outbursts. You would not believe how big of a bark these small dogs have!
The problem is often most evident when Corgi is home alone. He or she can become anxious and thus act out by destroying your stuff or barking incessantly until you get back home.
How can you prevent all this?
The best method is to socialize your Corgi pup as early as possible. You need to help him or her to get used to the surroundings by allowing and encouraging interaction with people living around you.
Give your Corgi some time to get used to all the noise and stop the negative behavior. If it proves futile, you can take him or her to obedience classes where and allow the professionals to help you with these issues. Corgis have a stubborn streak and can prove to be too much for inexperienced owners.

How to Choose a Dog-Friendly City Apartment and Make It Pet-Proof?
First and foremost, find an apartment that has a friendly policy towards pets. There are usually many dog tenants in such city buildings, and your Corgi can enjoy plenty of canine company. You, too, will thrive with the camaraderie of fellow dog owners and avoid any complaints.
When choosing your city apartment, you should aim for the first floor. As a dog owner, you’ll need to make quite a few trips outside to allow your furry friend to “use the bathroom”. If you live on the second or third floor, all these trips can soon become quite tedious for both you and your pup. Securing an apartment on the first floor means you’ll be avoiding the stairs, and both your legs and your puppy’s bladder will appreciate that.
Sometimes it is impossible to find a decent first-floor apartment. In that case, at least make sure your new home has a balcony. After all, what’s the point of living so high up if you cannot enjoy a view?

Why Is Balcony Important For Your Corgi Roommate Too?
It allows you to set up a balcony potty. It is an ideal solution that can save you in case of an emergency. There are two options: you can make one on your own, or you can buy a gadget with faux grass.
In this way, if the urge strikes while you are away or busy, your pup will be trained to finish the business outside without disturbing you or making a mess in your home.
Luckily for you, Corgis are smart dogs that can quickly adapt to the set schedule. As long as you are consistent and take your pet out for a walk each day at approximately the same time, he or she will establish a relief routine.
On the downside, no matter how well-tempered or trained your Corgi is, the chances are that sooner or later, he or she will destroy something or leave a stain somewhere in your apartment. It is, therefore, a good idea to set aside some cash for emergency repairs or cleaning. Alternatively, you can waive the deposit and play it cool until your move-out day.

How To Make Your Apartment Pet-proof?
If you think your Corgi can’t get into trouble in your city apartment, think again. It is better to be safe than sorry, so make sure you do everything you can to keep your pooch safe. Here are some essential steps for you to take to make your apartment pet-proof:
- Make sure there are no houseplants that could be harmful to your dog if ingested. For example, aloe vera, jade, and rosemary are all a treat for your dog’s health. To be on the safe side, consult your vet and ask him for a detailed list of potentially dangerous common household plants.
- Potentially harmful items should be removed as well or at least positioned well out of your Corgi’s reach. Corgis are so short that this should not be too hard to do. Be especially careful while your Corgi is a puppy since they will chew on almost everything – electric cables included.
- As we have already mentioned, early and adequate crate-training is a must for all city dogs. In this way, both your dog and your apartment will be safe when you are not around. Give your Corgi pup a bed, a bowl of water, and a toy or two and teach him or her that the crate is a safe and happy place, not a punishment.
- In order to minimize any chances of any dog-related disturbances, make sure your dog has regular exercise sessions and is well-socialized. Lonely or anxious dogs tend to express their negative feelings with vocal yowls, which your neighbors are unlikely to appreciate no matter how much they love dogs. To minimize the sound of your Corgi running all over the apartment, opt for densely woolen rugs that will insulate the noise.
How to Keep Your Corgi Happy and Safe While Roaming the Streets of the Big City?

1. Let Your Corgi Walk In Front Of You
Although most dog trainers will advise you to teach your Corgi to walk on your left side, city life dictates its own rules. Namely, city sidewalks are packed with potential goodies your dog will be interested in exploring or trying. If you want your Corgi to be safe, you should us teach him or her to walk in front of you so that you can always keep an eye on what is going on.
In this way, you can act as soon as you notice your dog is nibbling at something from the street. City dogs can find different stuff – some are more-less safe such as wrappers and chicken bones, but some can be deadly such as rat poison. A good leash is a must too!

2. Curb Your Corgi
When your Corgi needs to “go” while you are walking on the busy city streets, simply pull him or her to the curb. After a few times, your dog will learn to do the business at the edge of the sidewalk, and that will make him or her safer and your city walks much more manageable.

3. Teach Your Corgi That Not Every Dog Is A Friend
There are many more fellow dogs roaming the city streets than the suburbs, and it is, therefore, essential to teach your Corgi that not every dog is a play-friend. Not all dogs you come across will be friendly, and your Corgi needs to learn to be careful when approaching another dog.
It can sometimes be challenging even for us people to tell if a dog is friendly or not. For that reason, many cities have become a part of the Yellow Dog Project. Thanks to this project, a yellow leash has become a recognizable symbol of an unfriendly dog.

4. Make Sure Your Corgi Acquires Public Transportation Manners
It is easiest to get around the city via public transportation. However, if you do not train your Corgi correctly, it can be a traumatic experience. Therefore if you are a regular user of the public transport services you have to find out whether or not dogs are allowed on particular public transport vehicles and if they are, what are the rules you need to get acquainted with.
Next, train your dog before taking him or her for a bus or tram drive around the city. The basics are:
- No lunging
- No barking
- No jumping
Ideally, your Corgi should lie down beside or between your feet. Make sure that he or she does not block the aisle. The best way to teach your dog some manners is to provide a handful of treats when he or she gets it right.

5. Consider Taking Your Corgi To Some Fun And Educating Classes Or Activities
Life in the city provides both you and your dog with many opportunities to learn and grow in every sense possible. Every town has plenty of fun classes specifically designed for dogs.
For example, canine agility classes consist of a number of fun activities for your Corgi. He or she may learn to jump through a hoop, crawl through a tunnel, or walk over a see-saw. More importantly, your dog will have lots of fun and burn tons of energy while doing it. Besides, the classes will strengthen the bond between you and your Corgi.
Believe it or not, many cities nowadays have pools that are set up specifically for dogs to swim and have fun. If your dog enjoys being in the water, you might consider these groups. These facilities are also life-savers when a dog needs rehabilitation to recover from some injury.

6. Try To Protect Your Corgi From The Stress Of Living In A Big City
City life is often very stressful. There are no green fields to rest your eyes and contemplate, it’s usually noisy and crowded, and you have to learn how to deal with it. It is incredibly demanding, and you might find it hard to keep your anger under wraps.
The thing is – your dog must not suffer for it. Avoid training your dog while you are angry or under a lot of stress cause you might treat him or her too harshly and not even notice it.
No dog will respect you if you yell or are being aggressive, especially hard-headed, proud Corgis. When the city makes you feel like you’re about to burst, take a deep breath and try to relax. Take your Corgi out to the park or to some other peaceful place – you can train him or her when you calm down.
Most cities are quietest early in the morning. So, when you plan your training sessions, set your alarm to 6 am and hit the streets as soon as possible. It is crucial to find a quiet training area during the early training stages so that your Corgi can pay attention to you and learn the commands you are trying to teach him or her.
As your training progresses and your Corgi is more adapted to the city life, you can slowly start visiting more crowded places and help your dog get used to other people and dogs. In this way, your Corgi will gradually integrate into the busy city life and become a happy city dog.

Final Words
As you can see, your Corgi can be perfectly happy as a city dog. Of course, you are the one that has to make it happen. So, let’s recapitulate.
First of all, make sure that your city apartment is in a pet-friendly apartment building. Next, pet-proof your home and make it cozy for your furry roommate.
Train your Corgi early on, socialize with other dogs and people and slowly introduce him or her to the busy city life. Curbing and setting up a balcony potty should be enough to manage your pup’s physiological needs. However, the exercise requirements might be harder to handle since Corgis are highly energetic dogs. You’ll have to get fit too!
City dwellers often lack time for long walks, but your Corgi must not be deprived. If you do not have time, consider hiring a dog walker. Your pet comes first, and you are responsible for his or her happiness and well being no matter where you live or how busy you are!