We all know how happy and playful Corgis can be – and generally are. But the real question here is how much space do Corgis need to fulfill their needs and run free as they should.
The answer isn’t a simple one, but it can be summarised in one sentence:
Corgis will take advantage of as much space as they have. That doesn’t mean that they’ll be happy in a dog house, but instead, it means that they’ll enjoy as much space as they get.
There are some “minimal requirements” that should be met when talking about Corgis and the space they need, but more on that a bit later in this article.
The point is, you should know the optimal space your Corgi should have access to in order to stay healthy and feel happy. The playfulness of these dogs really starts to shine once you let them roam free on a field that doesn’t seem to restrict them in any way, shape, or form.
In order to find out what I mean by these “minimal space requirements” your dog might have, I highly suggest you keep reading and find out all about how to keep your Corgi happy!
Does It Really Matter?
I’ve definitely met some people that seem to think that the amount of space you make available for your dog doesn’t play a significant role in their pet’s life.
I assure you this couldn’t be farther from the truth, especially when it comes to Corgis and other playful, energetic dog breeds.
You shouldn’t forget that Corgis are herding dogs and that running free is in their genes. They like open spaces that allow them to move around and spend all that excess energy.
Trust me when I say this:
Your Corgi will value every minute spent like this. And if they haven’t had much room for play in a very long time, the unfortunate truth is that they’re aware of that, and they probably miss it – a lot.
Anyone who tells you that just because Corgis are a relatively small breed, they don’t need a lot of space to run is entirely detached from the truth about this breed and its needs.
The fact that you shouldn’t listen to these people is what I’m getting at here. There’s no reason to look at your dog’s needs through other people’s eyes or form your opinion based exclusively on what other people have to say on the matter.
Corgis And Their Need Of Space
There’s really one or two main reasons why Corgis love running around and playing on open fields – be it with other dogs or alone.
I already mentioned the first thing – their genetic heritage. Corgis were bred to be herding dogs. That means that their history is full of running through Welsh fields, guarding sheep and other livestock.
When something is so embedded in a dog’s DNA, it’s hard to erase it.
What I mean by this is that Corgis still have a strong instinct to do this, regardless of the fact that they’ve spent the past few decades mainly living as house pets.
However, this popularization of Corgis as house dogs leads to some misinformation regarding what they really are – and what they truly need.
The truth is that Corgis need space to run for them to feel satisfied and to get rid of any extra energy that builds up in their little bodies over time. Nothing excites Corgis more than going to a dog park with plenty of space for them to play or a field where they can roam and run free.
The second thing that explains Corgi’s need for free space is that they’re generally pretty active and high-energy dogs.
Not only do they need some space for running, but they also enjoy doing it. Regardless of their small stature and short legs, these dogs love moving around and being active regularly.
Even the short walks that are meant to be nothing more than bathroom breaks make an actual difference in your dog’s life and overall health.
There is another reason to let your Corgi run regularly – and it’s one that people often forget. It wasn’t until I had my third Corgi that I figured it out:
Unfortunately, these dogs are pretty prone to hip dysplasia.
How is this related to anything? Well, walking, running, and swimming are among the best ways to help your Corgi strengthen its hip muscles.
That way, even if your Corgi develops hip dysplasia, their pain will be on a much lower level – and the recovery after a routine surgery will be much shorter.
Keep this in mind going forward since many Corgi owners find the recovery process after a hip surgery quite exhausting for both them and their pets.
Exact Numbers (If They Even Exist)
Exact measurements of how much space Corgis need on a regular basis can be a pretty unforgiving thing to calculate.
That is primarily due to the dog’s personality and individual nature; every dog’s needs can vary significantly:
Some Corgis find running in the backyard of your house for a couple of minutes a day tiring and more than enough exercise for their taste. Others need to run freely for a couple of hours every day or every other day to get their needs met.
It all comes down to your Corgi’s personal preference. However, there are still some minimum requirements that I’ve mentioned earlier.
To make this easier for me to explain – and for you to understand completely – I’ll split your Corgi’s needs into two categories depending on the living space you have available. I’ll be talking about Corgis that live in an apartment, and Corgis that live in a house.
Corgis That Live In Apartments
This one is the more complex situation of the two since not many buildings come with a fenced-off green space that would allow your Corgi to roam free. For this reason alone, you’ll have to find an alternative that will enable your pup to run around and take advantage of the free space.
The obvious answer to this is to find a good dog park in your area and go there. But some of the dog parks that I’ve seen around are nowhere near spacious enough to meet the requirements of your Corgi.
If you’re lucky enough to have a dog park near you that has around 100 feet in any direction for your dog to run around, though, then your problem is solved.
Another thing that can make your life easier is finding a good place outside the city with the kind of open space we’re talking about here. Not only can this fulfill your dog’s needs, but it can also be a fun trip for you and your pet – and allow you to spend some quality time together.
If you don’t have a car, you can always research public transport options that could get you two to the spot.
Corgis That Live In Houses
If you live in a house and your Corgi lives with you, there are virtually endless possibilities for you, especially if you have a backyard. That open space can make a world of difference for your Corgi.
Even if your backyard isn’t that big, it will at least allow your Corgi to run in circles if adequately stimulated. Throwing a ball or having something hang from a high spot can be all that your Corgi needs to stay engaged, run around, and be active.
If you, by any chance, have a big yard, consider all of your problems solved.
Even roughly 20 or so feet can be quite enough if your Corgi has access to that area every day. Running in that space is all your Corgi needs – even for just half an hour to an hour daily.
Some Corgis get bored of the same space that they run around regularly, though.
So, to give your pup an impression of a new environment, you can bring them to a dog park once every few days. It’ll make your Corgi excited about the yard back home all over again and ensure they don’t get bored as quickly.
How Much Space Do Corgis Need? – To Sum Up
You’ve probably figured out that the question of how much space do Corgis need is not an easy one to answer.
If you’re still looking for a quick answer, my advice would be to aim for at least 20 feet or so. It’s not much, but even this kind of space would make a difference when talking about the quality of life of your Corgi.
They value any kind of physical activity, and it can be crucial to their mood.
So, if you value your Corgi’s health, well-being, and mood, you should seriously consider giving your Corgi the needed space to run and play.