Your Corgi is your BFF, but that does not mean that you should be your dog’s only buddy. Dogs need to have canine friends as well.
If you have done things right and socialized your pup early on, your Corgi should have no trouble finding new friends. Of course, some breeds are more compatible with Corgis than others, so you can help your pet befriend more efficiently by finding out which breeds get along with Corgis the best.
To help you out, today we will answer the question: Do Corgis and Pugs get along?
If you keep scrolling down, you will find out how Pugs behave around other dogs and if they can be suitable companions for your Corgi. We will also compare these two adorable breeds to determine how different or alike they are.
Let’s start!
Corgis vs. Pugs
If you disregard the fact that both Corgis and Pugs are tiny and adorable, these two breeds are nothing alike. The differences are many starting from their appearance, and grooming needs to their temperament and trainability.
The origin of the two breeds is as different as it can be. We can say that Corgis and Pugs come from different sides of the world.
As you probably already know, Corgis are a breed that has been developed in Great Britain for herding purposes. On the other hand, Pugs originated in China as companion dogs. It is a bit ironic that a couple of centuries later, Corgis became a royal breed and faithful companions of non-other than the Queen! Don’t you think so too?
When it comes to their appearance, the most noticeable difference between Corgis and Pugs is their size. Although both dogs are petite, Pugs are noticeably smaller than Corgis, especially the Cardigan Corgis that are typically larger than Pembrokes.
Pugs are more compact too. Besides, Corgis have a longer coat than Pugs, making them appear even larger than they truly are. Their coat color is different too – but who cares about that when meeting new friends, right?
The looks and origin should not matter much when making new friends, so we are most interested in the differences concerning the temperaments of these two breeds. If you are a Corgi owner, you probably know a lot about the disposition of this breed, but what about Pugs?
The good news is that Pugs are amiable dogs that get along with most other breeds. They are not nearly as loud as Corgis. It is in the Corgi nature to bark a lot – sometimes very long and loud. Pugs are not like that; they are quiet and calm dogs.
Moreover, the energy levels of a Corgi are sky-high compared to that of laid-back Pugs. Corgis are highly energetic dogs that require a lot of exercise and mental activity every day, while Pugs can spend a whole day indoors without causing you any trouble.
Both breeds adjust well to different environments, but there is no doubt that Pugs are more suitable for apartment living, especially if there is limited space. On the other hand, Corgis will enjoy more in a country home – just make sure you have a fenced yard so you can let your dog run about freely an entire day.
Breed-specific Health Issues
All the breeds have certain health issues, and Corgis and Pugs are no exception. Being as different as they are, these two breeds do not share the same ailments.
Pugs have a very short muzzle since they are the so-called brachycephalic dogs. Brachycephalic breeds experience breathing problems quite often. They do not do well in hot and humid environments either. Members of these breeds, Pugs included, are banned by most airlines since sharp temperature changes during flights can harm them.
Corgis can fly in airplanes, but their elongated back and short legs can cause them back problems and joint issues on the ground. For that reason, Corgis should best avoid high-impact exercises and jumping, especially at their young age. In this way, you help prevent potential joint problems that might occur as your Corgi gets older.
Corgi or Pug? Which one should you choose?
If you still haven’t adopted a puppy and you have narrowed down your choice to these two breeds, you need to ask yourself the following questions:
- Are you active enough for an energetic Corgi or a more laid-back person that would prefer the calm nature of a quiet Pug?
- Do you have plenty of time to spend training your family pet? Generally, Corgis are a bit more stubborn than Pugs and require more consistent training.
- Do you live in a city apartment with limited space or have a home with a large yard? Pugs will be more comfortable in an apartment and do perfectly fine with a single walk during the day, while Corgis will enjoy playing outside and exploring the yard, and you won’t have to take them for long walks as often.

Can Corgis And Pugs Get Along?
If you already own a Corgi and you want to adopt a second dog, feel free to consider a Pug. You will be pleased to know that these two breeds have good chances to get along well. As we have already mentioned, Pugs are even-tempered dogs that get along well with most other animals, and Corgis are no exception.
Both of these breeds are small, which is advantageous since Pugs are fragile due to their physical characteristics. Even though Pugs often act like they are large, in reality, a large dog can injure the tiny Pug unintentionally – just by playing with him or her. Corgis, being small as well, have less of a chance of harming their Pug companion during playtime.
The problem that is likely to occur is your Corgi assuming leadership and starting to practice its herding skills on the new canine friend. It is in Corgis’ blood to herd and nip – it’s their natural instinct, and they cannot help it.
If your Corgi has no cattle to herd, he or she will opt for you or other animals in the proximity. When you bring the Pug home, you need to be extra careful since your Corgi’s herding attempts can make the newcomer anxious or scared. The Pug can get hurt, too, so make sure you are there to step in and correct the bad behavior immediately.
Will Corgi And Pug Play Together?
Even though Pugs are lower-stamina dogs, it does not mean that they cannot befriend an energetic Corgi. In fact, Pugs are actually more energetic and excitable than they seem at first glance. They are just limited by their short muzzle and compact face and cannot exercise as much as Corgis.
Therefore, the chances are that a Pug will enjoy a long walk as much as a Corgi. If not, you can always leave them behind to enjoy a moment of solace on your sofa. Alternatively, you can pet your Pug on a bench in a park while your Corgi is running around burning off the excess energy.
High-stamina Corgis might not understand Pug’s limitations at first, but in time they will let their little friends be and play on their own. On the other hand, if you want your Corgi to play with his or her dog buddy all the time, you might better consider a companion with a more similar exercise tolerance level.
The most important thing to remember is to keep Pugs at home during the hot and humid summer days. Your Corgi can enjoy the outdoors no matter the weather, but Pugs have a respiratory system limited by their facial structure and cannot manage humidity and high temperatures.
The American Veterinary Medical Association states that Pugs overheat pretty quickly. In such a scenario, a pug can suffer from a lack of oxygen and experience health issues.
Can Pug Make Your Corgi Happy While You Are Away?
Do not try to substitute your attention by getting your Corgi a Pug friend or sibling! You will just make both dogs unhappy.
Namely, both Pugs and Corgis are family dogs. They are affectionate and playful and need to spend a lot of their time with their family – and that is you!
If you work long hours and cannot interact with your Corgi enough, a Pug, even though adorable and frisky, cannot make up for your attention!
Hence, it would be best for all the working adults that spend most of their days at work to consider other breeds. Both Corgis and Pugs need lots of interaction with their owners every day. If you neglect these dogs, they will become lonely and sad and might even develop various behavior problems.
Neither Corgis nor Pugs like to be left alone for long periods of time – keep that in mind when choosing your canine companion!
Can You Train Corgi And Pug Simultaneously?
Both Corgis and Pugs have a stubborn streak. Therefore, it is crucial to start the training and socialization as early as possible. Begin the training process while your dogs are still puppies since they are more flexible to learning new things. You can train older dogs too, but that will require much more patience and time.
The good news is that proper motivation works wonders for both breeds. The obedience training is most successful if you rely on food motivation and treats.
Both breeds prefer short and fun training sessions. The results might not be the same, though, since Pugs are not as intelligent as Corgis. Do not worry about the basics – Pugs will handle that rather well!
What Are The Potential Problems?
Sometimes, a male Corgi can be aggressive towards another male dog. Thus, it is best to pair such a dog with a female companion, especially if you have noticed the bad behavior before.
In general, a properly socialized Corgi can get along with most other dogs – a super-friendly Pug should be no problem at all! Socialized Corgis will feel comfortable around other dogs in almost any circumstances.

Corgis and Pugs should get along just fine. If you want to find a playmate for your pooch or adopt a sibling to keep him or her company at all times, make sure both dogs are well-behaved and adequately socialized. A Corgi and a Pug have the best chance to become BFFs when you overlook, control, and nurture the relationship!
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