If you’ve recently bought yourself a corgi, then you probably know that it is time to start training it. But how hard will the training process be, and are there any useful tips you can use?
Whether you live in a house or an apartment, it is essential to start training your dog on time. It’s also necessary to note that the training process won’t be the same for all dogs. Some breeds are not so easily trainable because of their personality.
You’re now a proud owner of a corgi, and you might start wondering, are corgis trainable? The answer is yes, but you can’t waste your time delaying this process.
When it comes to corgis, the earlier you start with training, the better. So, stay until the end and learn how to train your corgi properly. You’ll even have the chance to pick up some valuable tips.

Corgi Trainability: Stages
Training a dog – in this case, a corgi – can be divided into stages. By this, I am referring to the pace at which your corgi grows.
For you, this means introducing a new training requirement after your corgi has passed a certain age.
Do corgis train well? Yes, if you are familiar with the requirements of a particular period.
Many owners make the mistake of overwhelming their puppies with demanding training methods at a very early age. That can cause a counter effect, and your dog can become reckless and bad-tempered.
You can avoid this unnecessary problem and learn exactly what you need to enforce in each period by going through this timeline.

The First Stage: 8-16 Weeks
While corgis are still in their first weeks of life, you should be very gentle, especially if you’re dealing with more than one puppy. And as you probably already know, you have to wean a corgi first.
After your corgi puppy is officially separated from its mother, it’s time to introduce it to the environment. That’s pretty much all you need to commit to during the first 16 weeks.
You’re still dealing with a puppy, and it will take some time for it to get used to its new home.
Let your corgi puppy wander around the house or apartment. Dogs need to examine the new territory and get used to the environment in which they will spend the following years of their lives.
Here’s an extra tip: Don’t overwhelm your corgi puppy with strangers while it’s still very young. That could have a negative effect on further training.
After a while, the coat of your corgi will become thicker. That is a sign that it’s time for its first grooming. As with many other dog breeds, it is necessary to get this done every few months.
Corgis have a very thick but also sensitive coat, and it is vital to maintain it.
Not all dogs have an ideal experience with grooming, but they all must get used to it. Having said that, start taking your corgi to a professional dog groomer – or if you are familiar with the whole procedure, do it yourself.
Whatever you decide, the coat of your corgi must be neat and adequately trimmed!
If you want to learn about grooming your corgi, I’ve got your back. You can read all about this in my Corgi Grooming Ultimate Guide. Good luck!
As your corgi approaches the 16th week of life, it’s time to start introducing it to other people. Start with important people around you, such as family members and friends who visit often.
Allow your corgi to get used to the people that will spend a lot of time around you.
Don’t take this too far and cross the line by taking your corgi to public places where there are a lot of new people, though. Remember that official training has not yet begun, and external sources could very easily affect the behavior of your corgi.
Now is the right time to ask yourself – how to discipline a corgi puppy? Well, you’ll have to continue reading this article to find out.
Playing Fetch
Playing fetch can actually be a great game through which you can start training your dog. It’s best to start this after the 17th week of life when your corgi gets used to things and people in your home.
You already know how this works: You take a stick, throw it, and the corgi brings it back to you. Of course, a game like this is easier to play outside, where your corgi has room to run and where you can throw further.
Remember that every corgi is unique. However, this experience will help you assess how hard are corgis to train.

The Second Stage: 1-6 Months
House Rules
Once your corgi has grown a little and got used to you, your voice, and the surroundings, it’s time to move on to concrete rules. First of all, start teaching your corgi some house rules.
Your questions during this period should be:
- Are corgis easy to house train?
- Are corgis easy to crate train?
Start applying the proper measures from the beginning and avoid any passive-aggressive behavior in the process.
The specifics of house and crate training will be discussed in a few minutes.
What is important to note before starting any training is that you have to stick to the rules no matter what. Owners that don’t take this seriously often don’t get the results they hoped to get from training.
If you think you are not capable of training your dog, consider hiring a professional. It might cost you, but at least you won’t have any problems in the future.
Basic Commands
During the initial six months of your puppy’s life, you should turn to some basic commands. Your corgi should gradually get used to obeying the following ones:
- Sit! Learn How To Train Your Corgi To Sit?
- Stay!
- Come! Learn How To Train A Corgi To Come?
- Leave it!
- Heel! Learn How To Train A Corgi To Heel?
Are Corgis Difficult To Train? No, these commands should be easy to master.
However, the tone in which you say these commands is critical. You shouldn’t shout, but you should be clear in your pronunciation. Gesturing with your hands and pointing fingers at your corgi can be mistaken for scolding.
Activity Level
Before you decided on this breed, you must have picked up that corgis are a very lively dog breed, so you are expected to be able to keep up with their pace.
Exercise is an integral part of a corgi’s life, and the more active this breed is, the healthier it will be.
Every vet’s advice would be to take your corgi outside once a day for at least an hour. As for a specific workout, this can be anything from a simple walk in the park to hiking.
There is no outdoor activity that your corgi wouldn’t want to try. This dog will be your ideal adventure buddy!

The Third Stage: Before One Year
AKC Dog Sports
The corgi breed has lots of potential, but it needs to be guided and “used” the right way. One thing corgi parents can consider is enrolling their pup in AKC Dog Sports.
It would be good to read up on this topic. Who knows, maybe you decide to start more intense training and prepare your corgi for some dog competitions!
Many years ago, corgis were herding dogs, and they know something about discipline and responsibility. Of course, you as the owner have a big part in this, and it is up to you how this will turn out.
Remember one thing:
A lazy corgi is not a true corgi!
What if you were thinking of preparing your corgi for a dog competition, but at the same time wondering are corgis hard to train? Only if you go with the wrong methods.

Corgi House Training 101
As mentioned earlier, corgi house training is crucial. So, I will focus my attention on that for now. Here’s how to successfully house train your corgi.
1. Always Keep An Eye On Your Corgi, No Matter What You Are Doing.
No matter how successful your corgi training has been, they are still prone to making a mess in your house or apartment. So, it would be good always to keep an eye on your pet. The most significant risk of something breaking is in the first few weeks.
Every moment counts in these situations!
2. Establish A Food Schedule.
Routine is essential for corgis, and this category includes feeding your pet. Once you have learned what corgis can and cannot eat, it is time to establish an adequate food schedule.
Pay attention to the number of treats you give to your corgi!
They love to eat, but that doesn’t mean you should shower them with food. You don’t want an overweight corgi that can’t run for 15 minutes straight.
3. Note Down When Your Corgi Needs To Go To The Potty.
If you live in an apartment, your corgi can’t run out at any time and defecate. That is why you need to estimate how many times it happens and write down when your corgi needs to go potty. It’ll save you the trouble of cleaning after your corgi every few hours.
Learn More: How To Potty Train A Corgi? Are Corgis Easy To Potty Train?
4. Reward Your Corgi With A Treat For A Successfully Learned Command.
Each successfully learned command should be rewarded. Praise your dog by taking a few minutes to pet it, give it some treats, or simply say “Good job!” or “Good boy!“.
Positive reinforcement will affect your dog’s motivation.
You might be wondering – how long to train a corgi?
Well, this depends on the methods of training. Each corgi is unique, and they all learn at their own pace. If your corgi is a slow learner, just have patience.
Here’s a tip: Whenever your corgi makes a mess in your house, use white vinegar and baking soda to clean it. This mix can solve anything!

Most Common Training Mistakes
There’s no avoiding the topic!
Training your dog doesn’t always go the way you want it. No one has access to the perfect method of training, and mistakes are inevitable. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be mentioned.
These are some of the common mistakes you can make in the process of training your corgi.
- Waiting for your corgi to grow up before you start training it
- Not dedicating enough time and energy to training your dog
- Relying on the “one-size-fits-all” method
- Being impatient because your corgi is having a hard time learning
- Scolding your corgi for every mistake it makes
- Reinforcing bad behavior

Are Corgis Easy To Train? – Summary
Training your dog will involve some trial and error, and the mistakes mentioned above can happen to absolutely anyone. But you have a chance to learn from experience – or better yet, from this article.
In the future, try to avoid such fallouts!
To conclude: Are corgis easy to train? Yes, if they have a devoted and loving owner.
And remember, there are no bad dogs. There are just bad owners. You decide which one you will be!