There is probably one thing that connects all dog owners. We all had a situation in which our dog was eating something that he wasn’t supposed to be eating. A slow-motion run towards them usually follows this as we attempt to save their life.
And sure, we all know about chocolate, for instance, but what else is on the list. What should your dog keep out of its mouth? And to be more specific: What are corgis not allowed to eat?
Is there some meat that upsets their stomach? Or maybe a veggie that they find impossible to digest? Well, we were wandering the same thing, so we decided to do something about it. We made a little list and separated it into tiers in a sort of order of danger. Indeed, some foods that your little buddy shouldn’t eat, but they’re not all that bad.
The point of it is to make sure that you don’t get a nervous breakdown every time you see your Corgi eating something unknown to you. After all, dogs will eat pretty much anything that they feel might be good, and their standards are really not top-notch.
So, yes, your dog may not be able to differentiate between a poisonous snack and a lovely piece of meat. But you will know how to spot the difference. Mind you, we’re not promising to turn you into a certified canine nutritionist. But some basic level is needed, and that’s what we offer!
The list is separated into three groups: potential danger, medium danger, and deadly. The jump from the second to the third group is a bit extreme, we admit. But dogs are generally sensitive to a lot of foods. And what they’re especially sensitive to is switching between foods too often. Keeping your dog on a balanced meal plan is crucial to its health. But more on that in a bit.
So let’s get this going and find out which foods to look out for! If your puppy ingested something that’s giving him any sort of negative reaction – call your vet immediately.

What Are Corgis Not Allowed To Eat
Here, the plan is to group the foods into three and put them in order from mildest to most dangerous. All the foods will have some sort of negative reaction, and your Corgi specifically could have severe problems with any of them if it is allergic.
Feel free to skim through the list just to check if your dog ate any of these foods lately. Educating yourself on the subject is important, but if it’s an emergency – go right ahead and fly through!
Potential Danger
This title is a bit of false advertising. Any sort of discomfort is bad for your puppy, but you can feel a bit better if you know that your dog will survive. Here we go:

Raw Meat
Giving your Corgi raw meat can be fine. Many people do it, and there are meal plans designed around raw foods in general. We will not get into whether or not these kinds of plans are safe or healthy, but we will rant on raw meats a little.
The problem with raw meat is that it’s not thermally processed. But what does that mean? Well, a lot of people think of sausages and burgers when they hear the word “processed”. But that’s not what we’re talking about.
By processing meat thermally, you make sure to kill any type of bacteria that could be inside. There are many types of bacteria that your dog could get sick from in all meats. Just like there are plenty of things that we humans could get sick from.
Think of it like this: sure, meat tastes great when you cook it, right? Well, no, not really, it’s the seasoning that brings the flavor out of the meat and makes it great. The cooking is there to make it safe to eat. So if you feel the need to cook your meat for yourself, make sure to do your dog the same favor. Just hold the spices!
Any type of meat belongs in this category, and while we’re on the subject – so do eggs!

Raw Eggs
Just like with raw meat, the eggs won’t hurt your dog by themselves. In fact, they’re mostly perfectly safe to eat! But you can’t be sure that the eggs you’ve bought are free of bacteria. So if you don’t want to risk it, just cook them!
This was the last raw food rant, we promise. Let us continue.

Peaches And Plums
The title says peaches and plums, we know. But feel free to add Persimmons to the list, along with any other fruit that has a giant seed in its core.
We know that it sounds strange, who would eat the seeds? Well, not to judge, but have you met your dog? They’ll pretty much eat anything. We know that they’re bad for us, but all your Corgi sees is food.
The seeds can cause some problems in the small intestines. It can even block them completely. There’s also the risk of cyanide poisoning, though a small one. All in all, the fruits themselves won’t do too much damage; just make sure that your Corgi doesn’t have too much.

Bones And Leftovers
It may sound counterintuitive, but yes, your dog shouldn’t eat bones. The fact is that bones and fat trimmings have very little nutritional value for dogs. Sure, they’ll eat the little meat that’s left, but they obviously won’t stop there. Their obsession with bones isn’t really that big. We just think that it is because it’s found in so many cartoons and movies.
Not to say that they hate bones, far from it. But dogs probably won’t view bones as some heavenly treat that they must munch on while it’s available. They sometimes keep them as toys that they can chew on and strengthen their teeth. It doesn’t hurt that they obviously smell a lot like meat!
So why are bones so bad? Well, we already said that they have very little nutritional value. But even besides that, all those bones do is get stuck in your puppy’s digestive tract and cause cuts that can get severe depending on the size.

Did you know that humans are acutely lactose intolerant? All of us. As a species, we just kind of adapted to milk; well, some of us did. Others are still basically allergic to milk. Well, dogs are too.
Cow milk, along with other dairy products, can’t get processed by your dog’s body. Sure, there might be some nutritional value to milk, we know that it’s there, but it’s not worth it. Diarrhea, vomiting, and bloat are the only things that await your dog after you give it dairy.
If you must give them something – go for fermented products. Jogurt, kefir, and sour cream are all great options that can actually be good for your dog’s digestive problems!
Medium Danger
Let’s move on to the next list. These foods are dangerous for your Corgi by themselves, but they’re usually not fatal.

Salt can be pretty darn dangerous for your dog. And we’re not talking about table salt either. We know that you don’t give your dog just plain old salt on a spoon to lick off. Well, we hope you don’t.
But, we often don’t realize how much salt there is in the food we eat, for instance, pretzels and chips. They seem fine to us, but your dog just isn’t used to sodium. This is why giving your dog a salty treat here and there can be dangerous.
First of all, salt has nothing to do with your Corgi little body. All it does is it creates thirst and makes your dog pee a lot more than he should. Put all that together, and you get a Corgi that dehydrates very easily.
And if that’s not bad enough, sodium poisoning can lead to kidney and liver failure. It can even be fatal, but luckily it takes quite a bit of salt for that to happen. The point: don’t give your dog salty treats!

Sugar, just like many other things on this list – does nothing for your dog. Sure, it can give you a little extra energy and can act as a booster when you need one. But the drawbacks are just too great.
When sugar enters your dog’s bloodstream, its body thinks that it’s the enemy. Your dog’s system just doesn’t know how to deal with it, so it just sends a lot of insulin to combat the problem and get the blood sugar levels down. This is a fine system, but it can get faulty if it goes on for too long.
Your Corgis body can’t produce too much insulin, and after a while, it will just stop making it altogether. Sounds familiar? Yes, your dog can become diabetic from eating too much sugar. Always be careful with sweets, and if you can, avoid them completely.

Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia Nuts, and foods that contain them, make your dog sick. The reaction is an allergic one. Your dog’s muscles will start to shake, it will develop a fever, and will start to throw up uncontrollably.

Grapes And Raisins
Grapes can seem, at first sights, like a great treat for your dog. They’re small, sweet, and delicious. But while your dog will munch on them, they can have severe side effects. One of the main things that can go wrong is kidney failure.
This usually happens when a family has grapes in their yard. Your Corgi learns about how delicious they are, and before you know it, you can him munching down a whole branch. The other version of the story is that people use raisins as treats. Again, they’re small, sweet, and delicious. But not only do they have the same negative effects, but they’re also packed full of sugar.
If your dog is vomiting uncontrollably and seems tired and depressed, call your vet immediately. Kidney failure is very serious, and it needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

Human Medicine
It may sometimes seem as if your dog could benefit from taking some sort of medicine that you have in your home. But there are many problems here. First of all, unless you’re a veterinarian, you are not authorized to diagnose your puppy. We know that people usually have the best intentions, but you will do more harm than good.
The problem is that sometimes, vets prescribe human medicine, or to be more precise, a medicine that both you and your dog can take. But those are few and far between. Canine medicine is its own branch of medicine, and you shouldn’t try to diagnose your dog by yourself.
There are many things that can go wrong with this, and if it gets too serious, a simple mistake can become a fatal one. Always contact a professional if you feel that there’s anything wrong with your puppy.
The final part of the list is the most dangerous one. These substances and foods can cause a fatal response and should be avoided at all costs.

Caffeine, Coffee, And Tea
Corgis are perky, active dogs. They always jump and play around. Suppose they do this without any sort of substance. Can you imagine what they would do if they drank a cup of coffee every morning?
We joke, but caffeine is actually very dangerous for your puppy. So is cocoa, chocolate, and any sort of energy drink. Caffeine is found in some medicines too, which makes them even more dangerous for your dogs.
So, to summarize – no coffee, no tea, no caffeine whatsoever. Contact your vet immediately if you think that your Corgi may have consumed any of these at some point.

Garlic And Onions
Your dog is allergic to onions. Any type of onion can wreak havoc on your dog’s body. This is not to say that you should panic if your Corgi grabbed a small piece of garlic – but if your dog ate large quantities – call your vet as soon as possible.
So what do onions do exactly? Well, to put it simply, they cause anemia. Onions have the ability to kill off red blood cells in your dog’s bloodstream. The symptoms include weakness, vomiting, breathing problems. If not tended to, anemia can be fatal.
Avoid all types of onion – raw, powdered, etc.

Finally, we arrive at chocolate. The most famous of all forbidden dog foods. But why is chocolate so dangerous?
Well, it’s not chocolate, actually – it’s theobromine. This substance is found in all types of chocolate and can primarily cause vomiting and diarrhea. If your dog doesn’t stop eating it even after these symptoms kick in, there’s a good possibility of further complications.
Those include heart problems, seizures, and even death. Contact your vet immediately if your dog ate chocolate, no matter how much.

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is used in many foods as a replacement for sugar. While it’s perfectly fine for us humans, your dog can’t process it at all. It is a poison that can start damaging your dog’s vital organs within a few days of consumption.
Your dog’s blood sugar goes down incredibly fast, and its liver could fail after that. The symptoms of Xylitol poisoning include vomiting, lethargy, and coordination problems. These symptoms are quite broad, so it is important to your vet as soon as you suspect that your dog may have eaten anything with Xylitol in it.

Meal Planning
Dogs are quite sensitive, as far as their digestive tract is concerned. It may sound strange because people tend to have an image of a dog eating anything that it can find, whether it’s on the street or in its home. But that doesn’t mean that they can process it all. It just means that their primal fear of going hungry controlled them more than it should.
Your dog can actually get a bad reaction to just switching foods too often. This is why it’s very important to always keep your Corgi on a balanced meal plan. There are many foods that can be used as treats, sure, but you have to be careful. Even healthy food becomes dangerous if one eats too much. Take something like bananas or carrots, for instance. They are tasty low-calorie treats that are high in vitamins and potassium. But give your dog too much of them, and you risk potassium poisoning.

Types Of Food
Your dog needs to eat its main meals; those should be the ones you should worry about most. There are three types of dog foods that dog owners run into the most.
- Dry food seems to be the most popular choice, which is understandable. This type of food is highly processed, but at the same time, it’s packed full of valuable nutrients. Dry food also takes no preparation; you just buy and serve it to your puppy.
- The second option is wet food. This groups together, wet, semi-moist, and pretty much all canned foods. These are just as good as their dry counterparts, as far as the nutrition goes. The only drawback is the limited shelf-life.
- Raw/Cooked Foods are in third place. Some people swear by it, and we get where they’re coming from. As long as you educate yourself on what your dog’s body needs and are willing to cook for them – this really can be the healthiest option. This is where meal planning kicks in, though, and if you’re not famous for your organizing skills – we suggest sticking with the pre-packed meals.

Knowing What Your Dog Needs
You might be wondering why we’re suddenly talking about meal planning. Well, if you plan out your dog’s meals and if you educate yourself on nutrition – all these dangerous situations can be avoided. The main meals are the ones your dog gets all the nutrients and vitamins from. The traits are, by definition, just an addition to those main meals. It’s better if they’re healthy, but it’s understandable if they’re sometimes on the sweet side of the spectrum.
But if you know exactly what goes in your dog’s meals, you’ll be able to tell if those treats are good or bad. Even if you’re cooking the meals yourself, you’ll probably do some research on the ingredients. Even if that research is minimal, as long as you type in “is this food bad for my dog” into your computer, you’ll be fine.
Never just give your dog something because he seems to want it or like it. Your dog wants everything, and he/she likes almost everything. Do your research and make sure your Corgis is getting everything it needs to be healthy.
As far as treats go, anything can be a treat. As long as you use it only for rewarding good behavior, you’ll be fine. Never give too many of them to your puppy and try to keep them healthy. That’s about it!
Learn More: How much are corgis supposed to eat?

Final Words
So there you have it! There are many other foods that can cause problems for your Corgi. Let’s get that straight. But fortunately, we live in an age in which it’s very easy to do a little emergency research if need be.
Anything can be poisonous if you consume enough of it. Too much water can literally kill you and your dog too. Too much oxygen too. But as long as you know, even just the basics of nutrition, you’ll feel confident enough to recognize when something can be bad for your pooch.
With that said, there are certain substances that you need to stay away from completely. Xylitol, Chocolate, Onions, and Caffeine are the main ones that we set apart from the others. But you never know if your dog has developed an allergy to a certain food. After all, all dogs are unique.
This list is just made out of foods and substances that all dogs are allergic to. Inform yourself, keep your Corgi safe, and everything will be just fine!