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Why Does My Corgi Throw Up?

Why Does My Corgi Throw Up?

What do you do when your corgi suddenly starts throwing up? That’s definitely a cause for concern, and you need to know the reason for it.

No one wants to watch their pet become sick, and any sign of a potential health problem will worry the owner. Besides the concern we feel for our pets, it is important to be aware of the possible threats.

Nausea in corgis is not uncommon at all, so you can often ask yourself, why does my corgi throw up? It could result from eating bad dog food, but it can also be something much more serious.

I encourage you to keep reading, as I will talk about the potential causes of vomiting in corgis and what you need to do in these situations.

It’s for your corgi’s own good, so scroll down!

Is Your Corgi Vomiting Or Regurgitating?

Vomiting and regurgitating are two completely different things, and the owner needs to learn to distinguish them to understand how to deal with the potential problem.

Regurgitating is related to problems in the esophagus, i.e., the tube that connects the mouth and the stomach of your dog. Regurgitation doesn’t involve nausea or muscle contractions in the stomach. It’s passive; your doggo will merely burp up the food that it failed to digest.

On the other hand, vomiting causes your dog to retch and throw up a foamy and colorful substance, making the entire act fast and dynamic. 

You can even tell the difference after the “substance” has reached the floor. 

For example, food that has been burped up by regurgitation will still look like it’s in one piece, while food that your dog has thrown up will have no shape and will be in a liquid form.

Reasons Behind Corgi Vomiting

1. Dietary Indiscretion

The single most common reason why your corgi threw up is dietary indiscretion.

The chances of a corgi dog eating something it shouldn’t – from table scraps and garbage to spoiled food – are pretty high. It’s like they have this superpower to discover new icky things to eat. 

Sometimes, it doesn’t bother them at all. But other times, it causes them to throw up – and that’s what we’re looking into here. Here are some foods and household items that can be harmful to your corgi and can very easily cause vomiting: 

  • Chocolate 
  • Candy
  • Houseplants 
  • Grapes 
  • Raisins 
  • Nuts 
  • Fast food 
  • Garlic 
  • Avocado 
  • Fizzy drinks 
  • Bread dough 
  • Cooked bones 

Your pets should not consume too much sugar. So, giving your corgi a piece of chocolate or candy – or even letting them lick the leftovers from your ice-cream cone – can have severe consequences.

These foods contain high sugar levels that their body cannot digest. Your corgi could end up vomiting within a couple of minutes. 

Fast food and fizzy drinks are also out of the question. Large amounts of fast food are not healthy for humans, let alone dogs. If you forgot to put away leftovers and your corgi gets a hold of table scraps, things could get ugly. 

Remove the food immediately and give your pup plenty of water.

It’s obvious why onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, and avocado are a huge no-no; they’re highly toxic to dogs. You’ve probably seen hundreds of articles strongly forbidding this! 

You have to be mindful of the plants you might have growing in your home or backyard, too. Some of them can seem attractive enough to eat to your corgi, but they could be poisonous.

You should also check out: How To Feed A Corgi?

Recovery Food

If the problem was spoiled food, the fix is as simple as choosing the right ingredients you can give to your corgi. 

When it comes to healthy food choices, include foods high in protein, low in fat and sugar, etc. Your corgi can also eat fruits, such as bananas and pears – but only in small quantities!

Before you give anything to your pet, offer them plenty of fresh water. Your corgi’s body will recover faster with proper hydration.

Also: When buying dog food, always take a good look at the expiration date!

2. Gastrointestinal Obstruction

Gastrointestinal obstruction is a professional term for a blockage in the digestive tract caused by a foreign object. As the name suggests, an obstruction can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, mainly in the stomach or intestines. 

All dogs are susceptible to this problem. However, younger dogs are at higher risk because they’re more curious and always looking for something to chew. 

You can guess for yourself what one symptom is, but let’s go over all of them together.

  • Vomiting and diarrhea – Since your corgi ate a large amount of food that they cannot digest properly, they may experience vomiting followed by diarrhea.
  • Refusing to eat food – Since the flow of nutrients is damaged, your corgi may begin to refuse food, which can lead to a rapid decrease in weight.
  • Abdominal pain – This is one of the more severe symptoms, and you may notice that your corgi will start whining and have trouble spending a long time in one position.
  • Blood in their stool – If you notice blood in your dog’s stool, this is a red flag. Call the veterinarian immediately.


The sooner you discover the problem – typically through a procedure called endoscopy – the easier it will be to treat it. The treatments for this vary, and they can include everything from injecting fluids to surgery. It all depends on how dangerous the situation is.

The recovery process is a bit longer, and you must monitor your dog throughout it. Of course, in the future, it would be advisable not to skip your regular vet check-ups.

Bonus Tip: You can prevent this by getting rid of all food leftovers and not leaving the trash bin accessible to your pet.

3. Vestibular Disease

Vestibular disease is a condition that is much more common in older dogs. In fact, many even call it “the old dog disease.” The problem lies in the sudden, non-progressive loss of balance linked to the so-called vestibular system. 

Some of the symptoms that are common for this are:

  • Feeling dizzy
  • Uneven walking
  • Head tilt
  • Nausea and throwing up
  • Walking in circles

Going To The Vet

The symptoms of the disease are similar to those that indicate serious illnesses, like infections, stroke, or even brain tumors. That’s why it’s crucial to go to the vet on time and check.

A detailed physical examination is usually enough for a diagnosis, but your pup might need some additional tests. 

As for treatment, there’s not much you can do. Critical cases may require hospitalization, but in essence, you can expect some anti-nausea medication and an occasional check-up. 

4. Dog Diabetes

Canine diabetes is no joke and can have severe negative effects on your dog’s body. Your corgi, like many other dog breeds, can suffer from diabetes. 

The symptoms are divided into early and advanced:

Early SymptomsAdvanced Symptoms
Excessive thirstLack of appetite
Constant urinationLack of energy
Weight lossVomiting

Since vomiting falls into the category of advanced symptoms, the matter is rather alarming. Your corgi should be taken to a veterinarian and tested for excessive glucose in their blood.

There are additional factors that affect dog diabetes, and these are:

  • Gender – Female dogs are more prone to this than males
  • Age – Most dogs develop diabetes when they turn five years old
  • Obesity – An inadequate diet can be a huge trigger for this disease
  • Genetics – Some dogs are at greater risk just because of their genes

Monitoring Diabetes

Unfortunately, diabetes is not a disease that you can cure. What you can do is monitor the condition and provide your corgi with essential care.

Managing diabetes involves making some significant changes in your corgi’s diet. Exercise is another essential component. Your vet will probably recommend taking your corgi to the park and on daily walks.

Last but not least, most diabetic corgis will need daily insulin shots. It might be hard at first, but you won’t have a problem once you both get used to it.

Keep Your Corgi Happy & Healthy

There’s nothing cuter than a happy and healthy corgi. And the ways you can accomplish this are simple. The magic is in the little things, and what you need to do is:

For more tips, read this: How To Care For A Corgi?