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Why Do Corgis Roll On Their Backs?

Why Do Corgis Roll On Their Backs?

Have you ever seen your corgi roll on its back on the kitchen floor a couple of times? Your pets, just like you, have a lot of habits, and sometimes you don’t understand why they do it. Have you ever wondered, for example, why do corgis roll on their backs?

Would you be surprised if I told you it wasn’t just because they wanted to look cute? There are a few more reasons you may not have known.

So, stay until the end of this article, find out why corgi dogs do this from time to time, and some more useful information related to your fluffy little friend.

Feeling Relaxed & Happy

Of course, the first and most common reason why corgis roll on their backs is because they feel happy and relaxed. While playing with your corgi, it can roll on its back, and wait for you to cuddle with it. These are fluffy and chubby animals, so this is a delight for both you and them.

Corgis are very sociable animals, and like to spend as much time as possible with their owner. Sometimes, they can even come off as clingy. So, you will have to prepare for at least half an hour of rubbing their stomachs.

Need A Good Scratch

When it comes to a good scratch, this will not happen inside on the floor, where everything is smooth, but outside in the yard or somewhere on the street.

We all need a good scratch sometimes, and corgi dogs know how to solve this problem in seconds. They just roll on their backs and move around. This has both good and bad sides.

The good side of this is that they will like the fact that the concrete is a little rough, meaning that they will indeed get a good scratch. Once this is over, they are good to go, and carry on with their walk, playtime, or anything else they are doing at the moment.

The downside of this is that they do it on an unclean surface. Concrete and the road outside is full of pebbles and particles that are not at all desirable for your dog. That said, when they finish their scratch, you as the owner should run your hand through their coat, just to check.

Better to be careful on time than to have a huge problem later!

Feeling Defensive

When I said you were going to find out some information that you didn’t know, I meant this. Corgis can roll on their backs as a sign of submission.

It is true that corgis are not easily scared animals by nature, but still, there are limits that shouldn’t be crossed. For example, during a “friendly fight” with another dog, when they roll on their backs, this is a sign that they need to stop.

Your corgi has had enough, and after this, you should separate the two dogs. In this way, they protect themselves from being hurt. A smart way to end a situation, don’t you think?

Read more about: What Are Corgis Scared Of? Is My Corgi Fearless?

Masking Their Scent

You’ve probably heard of some animals masking their scent. This is mainly related to wildlife, so it’s certainly a little weird for you when it comes to a dog.

But you already know that the corgi breed has a rich history? Yes, they have been herding animals for a long time, and they picked up a lot of things from other animals while keeping cattle and leading them.

Corgis sometimes mask their scent by rolling on their backs. They will usually do this outside, somewhere where it will “evaporate after some time”. This is a way to remove their DNA in large quantities, and distract predators from getting closer to them.

Today, there is almost no need for this, but habits are hard to give up, and this is one good example of that.

Read Also: Corgi’s Sleeping Habits – Why Do Corgis Sleep Belly Up?

Teach Your Corgi This Trick

The good thing is that you can teach your corgi to roll on its back. This is a cute trick, so why not try to master it? There are two methods you can use to do this.

The first method includes physical assistance.

  • The first thing you need to do is choose the right treat, which you know your corgi can eat at any time of the day. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to call your corgi.
  • Have your corgi assume the “down position” so that you will bend down. Once your corgi stretches out, start rubbing its stomach and petting it. Don’t bother your corgi too much because you will get a growl in return.
  • After a few minutes have passed, try to roll over your corgi gently. If this works, and your corgi seems happy, give it the treat and say, “Good job!”

As you know, the key is in repetition. If the first time was successful, try to repeat this a couple of times. If it didn’t go as you imagined, it’s time for a pause or another method.

The second method includes a simple lure

  • The second method does not require you to move the body of your corgi, but only to lure it with treats. Let’s clarify this in detail.
  • Of course, the first thing you need to do is to take a couple of treats that your corgi likes to eat. Be careful, don’t use them all at once!
  • The next thing you do is call your corgi and lure it to come to you. When it comes,  show that you’ve got treats waiting.
  • Attention, this moment is very important! Move the treat all the way to the floor, making sure your corgi follows it as well. Keep the treat close to the muzzle.
  • When you get all the way to the floor, move the treat around and to the shoulder of the corgi, making a circle. Your corgi should follow the treat and do a “rollover” by itself.
  • If this works, pet your dog, say “good job,” and try again. As with the last trick, the key is in repeating.

One of these two methods will certainly work. You just need to be careful and patient with your corgi. Also, this is just one of many tricks you can teach your fluffy friend.

For example, a similar trick is to teach your corgi how to lay down.

Shedding While Rolling Over

Whether your corgi likes to roll over because it’s happy and relaxed or something else, get used to a lot of hair. Corgis shed a lot because they have a thick two-layer coat. This can be tricky, and even demanding at times.

But nothing you can’t handle on your own. Here’s how.

You need to groom your corgi regularly!

1. Bathing Your Corgi

This is the first thing you need to do regularly, not just when it’s time to groom. Fill the tub with water, and prepare the doggy shampoo. Wash and soap the coat of your corgi well.

Come to terms with the fact that not every corgi likes to be bathed, so this can become a bit of a challenge. Nevertheless, you have to remain patient!

When you’re done bathing, let the corgi shake it off. This will make a mess in the bathroom, but that’s just the way it is with these animals.

Wipe your corgi well. Some owners even use a hairdryer. If you use this, be careful how you use it, and do not burn your pet.

2. Brushing The Coat

When your corgi’s coat has finally dried, it’s time to brush it. You have to be extra careful with this! As I said, corgis have a thick coat, and this requires time and patience.

The coat of your corgi can get tangled up very easily, so you should only use brushes that are designed specifically for such dog breeds. Also, some owners use detangling spray.

This can help you get rid of knots, and make it easier to get through your dog’s entire coat. Pay attention to the expiration date of this spray!

It is recommended to brush your corgi on a mat or large towel. That way, falling hair will not end up all over the apartment or house.

3. Trimming The Coat

Trimming should only be done if you can calm your corgi for as long as you need to do it successfully.

Many owners make the mistake of shaving their dog’s coat, thinking that it will grow slower and shed less. This doesn’t seem right, and you shouldn’t use machines like this on your dog.

While trimming your corgi’s coat, try to do it slowly, and make sure the coat is even. Start from the shoulders, and move your way to the tail of your dog. If you need to take a break, do it.

A nervous corgi will not be of much help, and it will make your job harder.

So, we have concluded that your corgi likes to roll over for various reasons, and that’s why regular grooming is essential. It will save you a lot of loose hair, and help your corgi maintain a healthier coat.

Learn More: How To Train A Corgi To Roll Over? Can Corgis Roll Over?