It is perfectly normal when people say they love spending time with dogs, but is there such a thing as spending too much time with them and spoiling them? Yes. It is not unusual for some dogs to get used to spending so much time with their owner that they misbehave anytime he is not around.
Breeds who need a lot of attention can be hard to train sometimes, and corgi dogs definitely fit into this category, but how much attention do corgis need? You might have noticed that they want to be around you all the time but hardly listen to any commands.
If you think that your corgi is becoming needy and craves your attention all the time, we advise you to continue reading this article, and we will try to explain why he is acting like that and what you can do to solve this problem.

Attention Seekers
Corgi dogs are a breed that is very playful and energetic. They love to be outside running, but they also enjoy spending time with their owner. So, the main question is:
Do corgis need a lot of attention in order to function normally?
The answer is yes – a great deal of attention.
There is not much difference between the two breeds – The Pembroke and Cardigan corgi. Although the Pembroke seems to be calmer, it still needs constant care and attention.
Corgis need to be taken out to exercise at least two times a day, and sometimes this can be challenging and energy-draining for the owner himself.
The most recognizable features of a corgi are:
- Outstanding energy
- Barking
- Bossy behavior
Corgis can become destructive when they are not the center of attention or when they are left on their own. They are able to spend hours chasing and biting on the things that move. Apart from this, they have a very loud bark, and you will be hearing a lot of it.
They are very bossy, and they like to do certain things by their own rules. At some point, they can become aggressive and territorial if they don’t find their owner beside them.
So, the best advice would be: If you are not ready to handle all their habits and be around them almost 24/7, then getting a corgi is not the best choice for you. You should definitely think twice before bringing this breed into your home.

Are Corgis Aggressive?
Lack of attention can often lead to aggression. Is this the case with corgis? Most probably, yes. There are actually different types of aggression:
- Territorial
- Food
- Social
- Related to toys or other dogs
The most common are territorial and social aggression.
As for territorial aggression, your corgi got used to being the star, so if you plan on bringing someone or something else – a new pet or a guest – things might get out of control.
On the other hand, social aggression is connected to a corgi’s instinct. Since they were herding dogs, they like to be in charge. So, if something is not according to them, they will become reckless and misbehave. For example, corgis will become socially aggressive with cats – since they like fooling around with dogs.
Corgis can also become food aggressive, so don’t even think about making them share their food with someone else. You will not like the consequences. They are also very protective of their toys, and if they get irritated with them – they will tear them apart easily,
This small-sized pet is packed with personality traits, and 90% of them are the result of training and socialization.
When it comes to the question “are males or females more aggressive,” you might be surprised to find out that a female corgi is more likely to display aggressive behavior.
Female corgis have a really short temper, and they will express it by barking and aggression. They need more attention than males, but they will be intensely loyal to their owner if you are attentive to them.
Don’t be fooled. Even puppies can show mild aggression, so be wise and avoid this by training while they are still young and willing to learn.

5 Signs of Misbehavior
Attention is not the only trigger for misbehaving. Other factors influence this negative side of your corgi, and we are here to list and explain them:
- Lack of energy and exercise – If you are not providing your corgi with enough training daily and cannot keep up with their energetic character, they will let you know by misbehaving.
- Insufficient training – Corgis are a breed that needs to engage in training lessons while still young. You need to make sure you show authority and teach them some basic commands.
- Dealing with adolescents – It is pretty typical for a corgi puppy to misbehave, but it can pose a huge problem when it comes from an adolescent corgi. It is much more challenging to improve behavior with a fully-grown corgi.
- Not being familiar with the breed – Many people still choose to adopt or buy a dog breed without doing some essential research first. Some breeds have a complex personality and a particular way of behaving, and if you want to be a good owner – do the homework.
- Promoting bad behavior – When your dog is showing signs of misbehavior, you don’t respond by yelling or threatening them – this is a huge mistake, and it is called reinforcing bad behavior. It would be best if you taught him that bad behavior would not be rewarded to avoid any unnecessary violence from your side.

Tips For Training Your Corgi
If you want your corgi to behave well, you need to train him well. The best way for your dog to learn good behavior is to hire a professional, but there are also some tips that you can apply while you are at home:
- Consistency is key – Since corgis are herd dogs, they are very intelligent and might try testing their owners to see if they can get away with something. Try to look past this cuteness and stay consistent in training your corgi.
- Socialization – It would be best to introduce your corgi to the important people in your life while he is still young. The most important period of canine socialization lasts up to 12 weeks of the dog’s life. During this period, your corgi gathers the first impressions of the outside world and their home – so make them good.
- House training for good behavior – Apart from behaving well in the park and on the street, your corgi should behave well in the house as well. They should know which rooms they are not allowed in. Also, bathroom training is essential. The sooner they learn to signal when it’s time to go out, the better for you.
- Planned activities – If you have a corgi, you are well aware that they need a lot of exercise in order to stay healthy. But, it would be best if you didn’t let this get in the way of your own plans. It would be best if you had your and your corgi’s activities planned out.

Dog Training Camps
Dog boot camp is a real thing, and it has become very popular recently. Many owners are sending their dogs to these dog training schools in the hope that they will improve their behavior.
The most common reasons why people apply their dogs for a dog boot camp are:
- They have absolutely no control over their dog when they leave the house, and the more time passes, the worse the situation becomes when they come back home.
- Personal training with their dog didn’t go as they planned, and the dog refuses to obey any command the owner gives him.
- The dog developed an aggressive nature over time, and the owner now can’t let him out of his sigh because he fears that the dog will hurt someone.
The real question is, does this dog boot camp actually work?
Yes, but you should be aware that there are a lot of dog training camps out there that promote violence and include inappropriate treatments for dogs.
So, it would be best if you did some research about the dog camp you are applying for and contact satisfied customers.
A good dog training camp promotes:
- Force-positive
- Reward-based
- Evidence-based
- Fear free-based and
- Relationship-based training.
Bear in mind that not all dogs should be brought into these camps. A dog who shows severe signs of aggression and doesn’t behave well in other dogs’ presence should seek a professional’s help before coming here. This will pose a problem to other dogs and disrupt the activities.
Although it might sound silly to you, language is a very important aspect of training your dog. Here is something you should avoid when referring to your dog:
- Control
- Submissive
- Alpha
- Dominance
- Assertive
- Pack-leader
WARNING: Corgis is a breed that is likely to develop “separation anxiety.” So, if your corgi is anxious and fearful, dog boot camps are not a good idea. This entire experience might leave them feeling even more stressed.

Fun Activities
A corgi is a lover of adventure, and he will be more than happy to go out with you, play and explore. If you’ve been looking for some new and fresh ideas on what you can do with your corgi, here are a couple of fun solutions.
Tracking: | Tracking is an activity that is famous in dog competitions, but you can practice it with your corgi on your own, and you can do it anytime. This also contributes to the dog’s training. Corgis love to explore and investigate, so make sure to prepare a lot of items for them to find |
Muffin discovery: | This is a simple but fun activity for you and your corgi to do on a rainy day. All you need is a muffin tin, some tennis balls and treats. It works just like tracking, but on a smaller territory. When your dog successfully finds the tennis balls, reward him with some treats. The good thing is that you can do this as many times as you like, as long as you can find new spots in the house to hide your muffin tin. |
Pick up: | This is a great way to teach your dog to pick up after himself. For this, you will need a toy box and some toys. Your dog should learn to pick up scattered toys around the room and bring them into the toy box that you placed in a new spot. You can also use commands such as “clean up” or “tidy.” |
Apart from these train worthy games, you can also take your corgi jogging or hiking with you. They love going on exploration walks and trips. And don’t worry, they have a lot of energy so that they won’t get tired anytime soon.

Things To Consider
If you are still unsure whether you should buy a corgi and make him a part of your life, here are some things to consider:
- They are nosey – Corgis love to know where everything is, where you have been, what you are doing at any given moment. While some people find this cute, others may think it’s a bit annoying.
- They bark a lot – One thing corgis are known for is their loud bark. Unfortunately, this is not something that goes away with years of training – it sticks. So, if you are not used to noise, this might not be the right breed for you.
- They shed – Corgis shed a lot during the year. Their coat changes during seasons, and you may find dog hair all over the place. This is also not good for people who have severe allergy problems.
- They are needy – Corgis love to give love, but they also expect a lot of it in return. If you are not around and petting them most of the time, they might take it to heart and develop separation anxiety.
- They are bossy – Since corgis have been herd dogs in the past, they want everything to be their way, but you shouldn’t tolerate this. They might be pack-leaders, but you are their owner now.
- They love food – Corgis love to eat, and people love seeing chubby corgis. But this might not be such a good connection. You shouldn’t spare your corgi food, but you should pay attention to their diet because they can quickly become overweight.

Do Corgis Need A Lot Of Attention? – The Conclusion
It is no secret that some dogs like to spend more time with their owners than others, and corgi dogs certainly fit into this category. If you have a corgi, then you are probably aware that they follow you wherever you go. But, can this be a bad thing, and how much attention do corgis actually need?
Corgi dogs need a lot of your attention, and if they don’t get it – various problems occur. They can develop separation anxiety and become very stressed when you leave them alone, or they can go the other way and turn to aggressive behavior. Either way, this is not good.
If your corgi notices that you have been acting distant, he will surely start to misbehave. You will see this through lack of exercise, insufficient training. Don’t forget that you are responsible for the obedience of your corgi.
Lucky for you, there are some tips when you are training a corgi: always remain consistent during training time, remember that house training is equally essential as outdoor training, and always have your activities planned out.
Some people choose to send their dogs to dog training camps, but is this a good idea? Yes, if the training camp you applied for includes the right methods for training your dog. Trainers who work there should engage in fear-free, reward, and relationship-based activities.
There are numerous fun activities that you can do with your corgi and boost their energy levels. You can choose to play some fun games like tracking, muffin discovery, or pick up. On the other hand, if you are the adventure type, bring your corgi hiking or jogging with you.
Lastly, there are a few factors to consider before buying a corgi. You should know that they can become very needy, they love to eat, need a lot of exercise daily, and have a very loud bark which does not go away! So, think twice.