Before we buy any dog, one of the essential factors we have to consider is whether it is loyal to his owner. What are corgis like? Are they loyal dogs?
After visiting your dog breeder or even having the opportunity to take care of corgi puppies yourself, the thought “are corgis loyal dogs” must have crossed your mind many times. I completely understand. This is a fundamental determinant of almost every pet.
Luckily for you, corgis may be a little restless by nature, but this is one of the most loyal dog breeds you can find. This is thanks to their rich history, but also to your persistent training.
Stay with me until the end of this article, and I’ll tell you a little more about corgi history, what characterizes them as dog breeds, and how to get your corgi’s behavior in order.

Are Corgis Loyal?
You don’t have to worry at all, at least when it comes to loyalty. Corgi dogs are one of the most loyal dog breeds that exist. Partly, this is due to their history and herding instincts. Therefore, it would be good to introduce a story with some unshakable historical facts.
These dogs have a long history and can be said to have come to the territory of present-day England sometime in the 10th and 11th centuries. With established agriculture then as an indispensable part of life, corgi dogs had many more responsibilities than they do today. Therefore, the first title given to these dogs was “the cattle dog.”
Yes, corgi dogs guarded the cattle and led them to the meadow to graze the grass. They were even guard dogs in case bigger and scarier animals appeared. This may surprise you because of their height, but the corgi breed was trained to be fast.
Also, their bark played a big role in this, but we’ll mention that later.
To the villagers, these dogs were also used to tow various trailers across the fields all the way to the markets in the larger villages. During this time, the corgi developed a herding instinct. This contributed a lot to them becoming attached to the cattle they kept safe and the owners in whose possession they were.
Potential owners generally wonder if there is a difference between the Pembroke and the Cardigan Welsh corgi when it comes to any personality trait.
In essence, the only significant and noticeable difference is that the Pembroke breed is a bit calmer. But when it comes to loyalty – both breeds are equally loyal if you train them right!

Training Corgis To Be Loyal
As we have already said, training corgis says much about whether they will be loyal dogs. Therefore, these are a couple of helpful tips on what to do and what not to do during training.
DO | DON’T |
Start the training process early | Beat or yell at your corgi |
Reward your corgi for good behavior | Give your corgi too much treats |
Make their dog bed a safe place | Ignore your corgi’s dietary needs |
Stimulate their mind | Skip vet appointments |
Buy smart dog toys | Leave your corgi alone for more than 6h |
Caution: Separation Anxiety
There is a fine line between a loyal dog and a dog that absolutely cannot be separated from its owner. With this dog breed, there is one catch, and that is separation anxiety. Yes, it is exactly as it sounds.
Before you buy a corgi dog, this is a thing you should know and be prepared for in case it happens to you.Corgi dogs often suffer from separation anxiety. This is a psychological disorder in dogs that will make your dog literally “suffer” when you, as the owner, are not around.

These are the most common causes of this behavioral problem:
Change Of Guardian Or Family
If you bought an adult corgi dog that spent a long time in a dog shelter or bought it from a separate owner, this can be a problem. Namely, these dogs do not tolerate sudden changes well, so this “relocation,” even if it is close, can make them suffer from separation anxiety.
You need to be extra careful here. In case you have a small child or baby in your house and your new pet is to arrive – do not allow it to get too close to the child. At least not immediately upon arrival.
Change In Residence
Let’s say you’ve lived your whole life in a big house with a backyard and your corgi, but you recently decided to move into an apartment in town. This can cause an extreme change in behavior in your corgi, because it is no longer the environment it knows.
Change In Schedule
Many owners know how to pamper their dogs, so any slight change in the schedule can cause separation anxiety. Also, this is very closely related to the way you trained your corgi. None of this is uncommon. Corgis are fiery animals and you can easily notice any change in mood.
And now, the symptoms:
- Constant urinating
- Pacing
- Destructive behavior
- Extremely loud barking
- Chewing on furniture
From the above mentioned, you can conclude that these are all symptoms of an impatient dog who does not know what to do. From these symptoms, we will single out the ones that will affect you the most: chewing on furniture, constant urinating, and pacing.
No matter how well your corgi is trained, if any of the above factors affect it too much, chances are it will start constantly urinating inside the house. This can make the owner very angry, of course, but keep in mind that your violent reaction does more harm than good.
You will be able to notice the pacing when you decide to go out somewhere with your corgi. It can be a walk in the park, or even a short play in the garden. If you live in a bigger house, you will be able to notice it.
Pacing dogs generally walk unevenly, at a slow pace, and sometimes lean.
What will surely make you most angry is chewing on the furniture. This usually happens when you are not at home. Leaving a corgi suffering from separation anxiety alone in the house/apartment is by no means a good combination.
Read more about: How To Train A Corgi To Stay Alone?
Now, how do you deal with this problem?
In essence, it all depends on the severity of the problem. In milder cases, you can make sure to take your dog with you, or hire a relative/neighbor who can look after it. In severe cases where symptoms tend to be aggressive attacks, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.

A Loyal Companion For Adventures
As one of the advantages of the corgi breed, I would like to mention their energy levels. These dogs simply enjoy spending the day somewhere in nature, running or simply playing with their owners.
Activity needs of corgis are pretty high, so if you have or want to buy this dog, it would be good for you to be energetic and eager for adventure.
I didn’t accidentally mention adventure here. In addition to having a long history of travel and herding, these dogs are great companions for adventures. You can freely take corgi dogs with you everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I really mean it. From morning walks in the park to camping – you name it.
If you’ve just got your corgi dog, or you just have no idea where you might be and what to do with your dog, here are a few ideas you can realize as early as next weekend:
A Light Morning Jog
Among the owners, there is certainly the type of people who enjoy getting up early at dawn and going for a 15-30 minute run. If you are in the mood, the corgi can follow your footsteps.
Since this is a slower run, your dog will have no problem running the distance. This will contribute to both their and your energy requirements.
A Walk In The Park
Daily walks in the park are recommended for this breed. This is necessary for their health. Also, if you like exploration walks, go ahead. These dogs are natural explorers, and they will surely like to go with you to some unknown places.
For those who have an adventurous spirit – if you have stumbled upon or planned a hiking trip with friends and family, make room for one more. Yes, your corgi will have no problem with challenges like this. I advise you to indulge in such adventures only if you are 100% confident in the training of your corgi and you know that they will surely respond to your every call.
We mentioned that corgi dogs are great for camping. And this is true. The corgi breed has spent most of their lives in the past in forests and fields, so this will be a natural habitat for them. Also, they can even be helpful to you if you get lost.