Having a corgi comes with many challenges, there is no lie about that. One of those challenges would, by far, be that the corgis tend to make a lot of noise.
What’s more, corgis can produce all kinds of noises. However, do corgis purr? Does your pet have any feline characteristics? Is your corgi able to behave like a cat, or is purring reserved for the felines?
Continue reading to find out everything about Corgis and the noises they make!

Do Corgis Purr?
Every owner of corgis knows exactly how annoying their bark is. A corgi’s bark is so loud, it can wake you up, and your neighbors, as well.
But, can your corgi make the delicate, low sound of purring at certain occasions?
Yes, Corgis can purr! It may seem unusual for someone that hears it for the very first time, but corgis can purr as much as your British Shorthair!
Many people believe that their corgi is the only one that does tend to put, but that’s simply not true. Corgis, out of all dogs, have the most similar characteristics to those of a domestic cat.
People that exclusively have corgis as pets usually state that not all corgis purr, but most do. If your corgi is generally noisy, he will likely start purring at some point, as well.

Why Do Corgis Purr?
Once you do hear your corgi purr, you may be wondering what is going on inside your pet’s head to make him purr. Why do corgis purr, anyway?
Well, the reasons can vary, but the most common reason is the same as when a cat is purring. So, your corgi will usually start purring when he is feeling very comfortable and relaxed.
Cats, for example, purr when they are in a safe and relaxed environment. Cats can purr when they are asleep, as well, as a signal that they are feeling comfortable and nice there.
However, you will find that your corgi is purring when he is being petted or when you cuddle with him. Spending time with your corgi and giving him kisses and caresses will make him feel relaxed and cared for.
Since corgis can’t talk, he has to let you know somehow that he is feeling amazing while spending time with you. Hence, the purring sound.
So it’s safe to say that if you happen to rub your corgi’s belly and he starts purring, don’t be alarmed. There is a reason why your pet’s purr is such a low sound – it’s there only to let you know that your corgi is feeling great when you rub his belly.
Corgis purring is nothing to be alarmed about – it’s a pleasant way for your corgi to say ‘please continue doing what you’re doing. There are various other noises corgis make, so let’s try to get into some detail about those!
Read Also: Are Corgis Good With Cats? Can Corgis Get Along With Cats?

How Can I Tell Whether My Corgi Is Happy?
Those that have extensive experience living with corgis, find it rather easy to tell how their pet is feeling. However, if this is your first corgi baby, it may be difficult to tell for sure, because every corgi is so unique.
You will learn to tell over time, though – but some things make it more obvious that your corgi is feeling ecstatic. The general signs are seeing the Corgi wagging his tail (or his bobtail, to be more exact), jumping, barking a bit, and even nipping playfully!
Those are the more general signs, but if your corgi isn’t too energetic otherwise, he could skip them altogether. However, if you see that your corgi is blinking very slowly, wagging his tail in a relaxed manner, licking, purring, and looking relaxed, he is feeling very content.
Of course, every owner wants to make Corgi as happy as he can be. Luckily, there are things you can do to make your corgi feel content in your family, in the home, and so on.
If you are completely set on finding out how your Corgi is feeling about you – it’s time to ask yourself a few questions to check.
First of all, consider whether your corgi is giving you all of his attention. Also, is he following you around the house/yard, and is he anxious to see what you are going to do next?
And one more thing – does your corgi try to bring you his toys, ask you for walks, or is he looking for a set schedule during the day?
If the answer is yes, and your corgi seems to be completely focused on you, rather than being occupied with something else – your furry baby is happy. Another great sign that your pet is happy is when he makes eye contact with you often!
When your corgi is purring, it’s the same thing as making eye contact. It’s simply a more prominent sign that your corgi is doing great at this moment, and since he can’t verbally let you know, he has to purr!

How Can I Tell If My Corgi Is Unhappy?
Pet owners, especially new pet owners, are worried all the time whether they are doing enough for their pet. Pet can’t talk, and therefore cannot let you know how they are truly feeling, so we are all left with making our best guesses.
So, there are some tell-tale signs that your corgi baby is not doing too great. The number one sign is that your corgi is no longer focused on you. If your corgi is always preoccupied with other things and doesn’t pay attention to you – it could be due to his deep unhappiness.
The corgi’s negative behaviors like the ones we have described appear because your pet will try to fix what is missing from his life all on his own. If he doesn’t have that thing that is missing, he won’t have to dive into other things but can pay all of his attention to you.
Of course, there are some other things you should also be on the lookout for. Besides appearing distracted, your corgi could be constantly pacing back and forth.
Also, he could fail to respond to your commands, taught cues, and so on. Don’t be mad at your corgi, he is failing to respond because something else entirely is at hand.
If your corgi could suddenly be uninterested in the activities he once enjoyed very much, it could be a sign of unhappiness. Corgis are also very friendly, so if your pet is all of a sudden aloof to any kind of social interaction, you should treat that as a bad sign.
Unhappiness in corgis is as serious as it is in humans. Because of his sadness, your corgi could start shedding excessively – and we all know how much they shed usually, your pet could sleep too much, and start barking loudly all the time.
However, these signs are the most common, but this isn’t all of them. Corgis are very individual, so any abnormal behavior could be a sign your corgi is sad.
So, there are no definite reasons why your corgi is sad – because that can depend on various things, even how the corgi was socialized. If you notice that some smyptoms persist, you should always visit the doctor and see what is going on.
The safest and fastest way to tell if your corgi is sad – listen up! If your corgi is making all those signature strange noises, he is surely not sad, even if he seems a bit different than usual!

Are Corgis Vocal?
First, let us tell you that every corgi is for himself – each puppy is different from the rest. On the other hand, some characteristics are prominent in most Corgis.
For example, being vocal about… everything. Generally speaking, corgis are very vocal about their needs, what they want, and how they feel. Why is that?
Well, to answer that question, we have to go back in time and see why corgi existed in the first place. Cocker Spaniards or Pomeranians were lapdogs for centuries, and they lived with royalty.
Also, it’s common knowledge that corgis are a very important part of the British Royal Family. The Queen herself has owned over 30 corgis in her lifetime!
But, this is not the origin of our dear corgi. The corgi was a working dog for almost a millennia before he started living like a canine royalty as a pet.
The corgi was a herding dog, meaning he took care of large cattle and also kept the cattle safe from predators. That gave corgi a very keen sense of hearing so he can hear the predator from a distance.
Even when you analyze the corgi’s body, you can tell that he was a working puppy. He has strong, muscular legs that enable him to run very fast, although his legs are rather short.
Because of his work, the corgi had to communicate with other animals and their owners. His bark is so loud because it needs to warn everyone that something troubling is ahead and that everyone should be alert.
The same thing is with cuddles and showing affection. Corgis had to be vocal about their work, so it’s only natural that they are vocal about everything else, as well.
A good owner should never be annoyed by this quality of corgis to be vocal. You should try to encourage it as much as you can, as it will help you understand your corgi, and it will make him, too.
Corgis are very intelligent, and many corgi owners will argue that their corgis have human-like characteristics. Corgis can laugh, be emotional, happy, ecstatic, sad, and even pouty.
It’s no surprise that you can see your Corgi being pouty when he isn’t allowed something he wants. However, corgis can read human emotions, as well, thanks to their high intelligence.
Meaning, your corgi can see that you are getting mad and immediately stop what he is doing! So, you should try and make your corgi as social and vocal as possible. Corgis can talk to other corgis, and other pets, not just humans!

Do Corgis Growl?
So far, we have determined that corgis are talkative, vocal little creatures. They will be vocal about their likes and dislikes, and it seems like they have a dedicated sound for everything.
Now that we are talking about it, do corgis growl? They sure do make all kinds of cute sounds, but do they growl?
The truth is – yes, corgis can growl. It all depends on their training and their personality, but there are some situations when your corgi can and will growl. The only sure thing is that something irritated your corgi so much that he had to growl. That is unless it’s a playful growl while you are playing tug war with your corgi.
So, if you decided to disturb your corgi while he is having dinner, he could growl to let you know to leave him be while he’s munching away. Also, growling could be due to his socialization issues, as well.
To check whether your corgi has socialization issues – try to see if he guards his food or toys, as that could be our first clue. Another thing that could make your corgi growl is if you tried to tidy up his places like his bed, or his crate.
Lastly, if your corgi is an adopted baby, it could be due to a traumatic scene from his past. If that is the case, try to over time, gently let your corgi know that he is safe in your house and that no one will do him harm.

Bottom Line
To conclude, corgis are no strangers to making all kinds of weird noises. Weirdly enough, that includes purring – and they purr for the same reason cats do! Your corgi baby will purr when he is feeling safe and content. So, never worry if your corgi is purring, it’s a good sign, always!
Corgis are famous for their fair share of weird sounds, so it may sound surprising that they purr, but they do!