Corgis are very popular, but they are a particular dog breed. Corgis are different than the rest, which often people realize only after they adopt one. Living with a Corgi can be different than living with any other dog out there.
Corgi’s energy levels are so high that many people need time to get used to it. Loads of activities and walks are a must when it comes to this dog breed!
Some things will be learned on the go, but some things about Corgis you should know beforehand. For example, do Corgis like to cuddle?
Are Corgis just one of those dog breeds that hates being smushed? Or do they adore being in your arms? Continue reading to find out all about the Corgis and cuddle time!

Do Corgis Like To Cuddle?
Pretty much everyone became aware of this dog breed because of how playful Corgis are. A variety of videos of Corgis playing can be seen on the internet!
So, high energy levels dictate that your pup needs to be played with and walked often. It’s almost an implication that Corgis don’t like to cuddle. That’s not unusual at all – some breeds just cannot stand cuddles.
Are Corgis the same, or are Corgis snuggly?
In reality – Corgis do like to cuddle! They truly appreciate the affection and they enjoy being snuggled up next to their family. Corgis are very energetic, but they also require loads of attention.
That attention can be achieved via playtime, but it can also be achieved with loads of cuddles. Your furry baby will enjoy just chilling with his family and being cuddled for a while.
Not only that Corgis tolerate cuddle time, they appreciate spending time with their owners. Cuddles is a great way to spend more time with your Corgi, especially if you’re too tired to do much else that day. It will let your pet that you care about him, rather than ignoring his wishes to go outside.
Also, cuddling with your Corgi is not only lovely – it’s useful. When your Corgi puppy is still small, he may get cold during walks or even inside the home. His full fur coat hasn’t formed yet and he might be cold. During those times, if you see your pup shaking and trembling, picking him up may be vital to keeping him warm.
Your body temperature will warm up your Corgi if it’s cold in your apartment or home. If it’s too cold out for your Corgi, you should consider buying him a small jacket or vest for those extreme temperatures. Once your Corgi grows up, it’s not likely that he will be cold during freezing weather conditions.
Corgis have a double fur coat which keeps them dry and warm. The fur is virtually waterproof – so they don’t get very dirty, either!
Furthermore, Corgis are kind of clingy to their owners. They require to be showered with attention and they can become quite a nuisance if they feel neglected. It’s important to make your pup feel loved and cared for.
That’s about the main reason why Corgis love cuddling, but the need for it lies in the Corgi’s very nature – but more on that later. Corgi’s need for cuddles drops as they age, but they still need to feel that closeness with his family, even when he’s older.

Why Do Corgis Like Cuddling?
The answer to why Corgis like cuddling lies in their very nature. Some of you may not be aware of Corgi’s history.
Corgis weren’t always intended to be home pets, they were working dogs not too long ago. Corgis took care of large cattle – they kept them in a herd and they kept the cattle safe from dangerous predators.
It may seem unbelievable that Corgis could keep cattle safe from predators, given their small stature. Corgis may have short legs, but their legs are muscular and strong – so Corgis are very fast.
Since they took care of cattle, they considered the cattle to be their family. Corgis felt very responsible for their family, and that hasn’t changed to this day. Your Corgi may even try to herd the family into one room some days!
Moreover, working dogs spent a lot of time with other animals, so they had to be sociable as well as smart and loyal. No matter how far they went with the herd, they always came back!
Anyway, that is why Corgis like to be affectionate towards their family. Nowadays, they don’t take care of large animals anymore, but they give the same love to their owners.

How Do Corgis Herd?
Corgi is a heeler herding dog, meaning he nips at the heels of larger cattle to get them to move. Thanks to his strong but short legs, he escapes successfully if the cattle try to fight back.
Because Corgis can nip at the heels, some people advise against getting a Corgi if you have small children. Corgis can try to nip at the heels of children to “herd them”.
To completely get rid of Corgi’s nipping habit, you should take your time training him. If you are having issues with training, consider hiring a professional trainer for help.

Will Corgis Cuddle? Reasons Why You Should Cuddle With Your Corgi
Cuddling creates a special connection between humans. Being physically close creates a special bond between people, and it can help create that bond between a Corgi and the owner.
So, cuddling is a great idea if you would like to show your Corgi how much you love him. Your pup can enjoy cuddling as much as you do!
Some Corgis don’t like to be held, but petting and kisses are always appreciated. Generally, there are a few benefits to cuddling with your Corgi, so let’s see what they are!

It Makes You Feel Better
Cuddling with your Corgi produces the happy hormone called serotonin. Affectionate behavior toward your Corgi can help promote serotonin and make you feel better overall.
Also, cuddling can produce a feel-good hormone called endorphin. Endorphin helps people endure heavier exercise, and it helps people cope with pain. That endurance can make it easier for you to exercise heavily with your Corgi because we all know how energetic they can get!
Moreover, if you decide to cuddle on the couch in the evening, post-exercise, cuddling can promote the production of dopamine. Dopamine is a hormone that helps you feel calmer and make it easier for you to fall asleep.
All that can make you unwind after a long day at work. Bonding time with your Corgi puppy can help you relax and in the meantime, you get to spend some time with your Corgi. Corgis can have a very positive effect on your emotional state. It’s very difficult to stay anxious or angry when you see that smiling face of your pet!
While Corgis may not be up for cuddling when they are stressed, cuddling can have a positive effect on stressed humans. It can be a great way to disconnect from things that are stressful for you!

It Benefits Your Relationship
Cuddling with your Corgi can help you two create a special bond. Corgis certainly appreciate the attention and they will adore their owners more if the owners take their time to cuddle.
Just like parents create a bond with their babies when cuddling, so do Corgis with their owners. Cuddling helps build a relationship and to make both parties feel safe and secure.
Also, your pup needs love just as much as you do. Corgis are very social and they need to socialize with their family, and cuddling is an essential part of that.

Are Corgis Cuddly? Why Do Corgis Not Like To Cuddle Sometimes?
Just like people, Corgis sometimes don’t like to be touched. If it looks like your Corgi may not be up for some snuggles and cuddles, you should wait for your pup to be interested in such a thing.
First of all, you may need to face the fact that your Corgi may not like cuddles at all. So, do Corgis cuddle? Yes, but not all of them!
Although most Corgis adore cuddles and various shows of affection, they don’t necessarily have to like cuddles. Every Corgi is individual and likes different things. A happy Corgi will show that he is happy with you and show his appreciation. Sometimes, cuddles just aren’t the way your Corgi would like to show his love.
Even if your Corgi usually likes cuddles, you shouldn’t force him to cuddle – let him be. There are situations where your pup may not like to be touched, and you should respect that!
So, let’s check out the possible reasons why your Corgi doesn’t like to be held:

Your Corgi Is Stressed
If your Corgi avoids cuddles or petting, he could be stressed out. Your Corgi could be stressed because of various reasons – one of the most common being canine claustrophobia.
Corgis are especially prone to canine claustrophobia because they are very energetic and outgoing. Keeping your Corgi puppy confined could make them very stressed and uncomfortable.
Corgis need to move around a lot, play and take rather long walks. Since Corgis were working dogs and they used to herd cattle, they still need to run around and spend all that energy. The inability to get tired may make them anxious and stressed out.
When stressed, many people don’t like to be touched, and Corgis are no different. Don’t keep your Corgi confined to the house for long, even if it’s cold or rainy outside. Corgis are very resilient and they can enjoy being out even if the weather is not great.
Don’t keep them too long in the house, because Corgis can become unbearable in the house. Make the time to take them out on at least one long-ish walk each day. Over time, you will see that your Corgi doesn’t avoid cuddles as often!

The Noise Is Disturbing Your Corgi
Corgis have a rather keen sense of hearing, so they can respond to sounds others cannot hear. Meaning, their hearing is stronger, so loud noise can affect dogs more than humans.
So, they can get upset by background noise, and they can get stressed out. This is a problem for many dog breeds living in a city, not just Corgis.
That noise can upset dogs o much that they don’t want to see anyone, let alone see anyone and anything. If there is a lot of noise in your house at the moment, try to bring your dog to a more quiet place as often as possible.
To reduce your pet’s stress due to noise, check out some things that may be upsetting your pup. Some things may make noise that you cannot detect. So, check your place out for noise from kitchen appliances, power tools, and for appliances that make low or high-frequency sounds.
If you do find some things, unplug them when they are not in use to keep your pet calm. It can reduce significantly your pet’s stress levels and make him happier!

History Of Abuse
Adopting rather than shopping for a Corgi has always been the better solution. However, with adopted pups, you may not be sure what you’re getting. In the shelter, nobody can be sure what you’re getting, and nobody knows the exact history of your pet.
So, one of the things you need to bear in mind that you could get a pup from an abusive household. Since some poor puppies didn’t know for much kindness and affection in their last home, they might not know how to show affection to you, either. Don’t take that personally, because your Corgi can show in other ways that he appreciates you.
Abused dogs always worry that the abuse is about to happen again and some environments and smells might bring back the trauma. If that is the case, you need to be very patient with your pup. Take your time training him and helping him recover from his previous owner’s abuse.

Your Corgi Is Ill
Being ill usually comes with lethargy and avoiding anyone and anything. Corgis don’t like to interact much with their owners when they are sick, and they prefer to be left alone.
Sometimes, avoiding contact is a sure sign that something is going on with your pup. Healthy Corgis are very energetic, and being ill is usually associated with lethargy. Because of that, if a Corgi falls ill, it’s easily detected since he won’t be as playful.
If you’re worried that your Corgi has fallen ill, there are other symptoms to look for:
- Bad breath
- Appetite loss
- Rashes, blisters, and pimples
- Eye dryness or redness
If you are worried something is going on with your pup and lethargy persists for longer than a day or two, consult a vet. Seek their opinion and follow any treatment if prescribed.
Once your Corgi starts feeling like himself again, re-start your usual walk and exercise routine. That will help your Corgi regain his strength and go back to his high-energy personality.
Also, your pet could have sustained an injury but cannot speak about it and let you know. Perhaps you touched that place and he avoids contact from there.
Try touching each pup’s leg and if he flinches, winces, or barks when you press on a certain place, you found the injury. Look at the injury and try to determine if it’s a minor or a major injury.
Minor injuries heal on their own in a few days, and they rarely need to be examined by a vet. However, if your dog is severely injured, the vet will need to look at the injuries and prescribe some medication if needed.

Do Corgis Like Being Held?
One of the most common cuddle-related things Corgis don’t like is being held. Corgis may feel confined and they may feel like you’re preventing them from moving. Since they are a very energetic breed, being confined may make them anxious.
So, if your pup tries to escape from your arms and wiggle out, let him go as soon as possible. Corgis aren’t prone to biting if they are trained properly, but you should not test them. However, if your pup is still young, he may nip at you a little if you don’t let him out immediately.
So, do Corgis like to be held? Sometimes they do, sometimes they do not! All in all, make sure to respect that your dog wants to be left alone at times!

To conclude, most Corgis adore cuddling and physical contact with their owner. Some Corgis even like to be held, but some will try to escape your arms as soon as possible.
Even if your Corgi usually likes to cuddle, there are situations when your Corgi will simply not be up for it. For example, if he’s stressed, or ill, he may avoid cuddling or even being near you.
All in all, cuddling with your Corgi can be mutually beneficial. It can help you feel better, it can help your pup feel better, but most importantly – it can help you build a strong bond between you two!
Read Also: Do Corgis Hate Being Picked Up?