Some breeds can be a little bit reserved when it comes to expressing emotions, but you are blessed if you are a Corgi owner! Corgis are highly affectionate dogs that will shower you with their love and attention at all times.
The question is: Will your Corgi’s affection be reserved for only you? Do Corgis get attached to one person, or do they spread love wherever they go? Do Corgis have a favorite person? Will that be you?
We will help you answer these questions even though we think you should not be jealous even if your Corgi gets attached to other people as well. It only proves how affectionate these dogs are. After all, spreading love is never a bad thing!

Are Corgis Attached To Their Owners?
All dogs get attached to their owners. Period. A dog will love its owner even when it is mistreated or neglected. That is sad but true. Dogs give you unconditional love, and Corgis are no exception.
Therefore, the answer is yes. Your Corgi will get attached to you from the moment you pet or feed him or her for the first time. The more time you spend with your Corgi, the more connected will the two of you become. Your worlds will swirl together like two different shades of paint. Once that happens, there is no going back; you are connected for life.
Why does that happen? How come dogs and humans love each other so much for as long as we can remember?
The relationship between people and dogs is symbiotic. You feed your dog and give him shelter, and your dog guards you or hunts or herds for you. Somewhere along that line, the two of you are bound to start loving each other. After all, that is how our cross-breed relationship has begun in the first place.

The History Of Love Between Dogs & Humans
The history of our relationship with dogs is quite a long one. No one knows precisely when it began.
The earliest evidence of human-canine interaction dates to 14,000 years ago. Still, some findings suggest that it is more than twice as old. It doesn’t really matter, though. The point is in the meaning of these historical discoveries: people not only lived with dogs but also chose to be buried with them. It must have been some love, don’t you think so?
It turns out that we were fortunate. We were blessed with dogs’ love thanks to a tiny genetic change that made a huge difference. Namely, dogs and wolves share an impressive 99.9% of their mitochondrial DNA. Thanks to this, these two species should be nearly indistinguishable, but luckily for us, the little difference made a tremendous change in dogs’ behavior and their attitude towards people. Only three genes on chromosome six made canines hyper-sociable – a.k.a, our BFFs.

How did wolves evolve into dogs?
Can you even imagine how it was for our ancestors to find out this for the first time many millennia ago?
Wolves were their natural enemies. They feared them. Suddenly, one of our ancestors, who did not have the slightest idea what genes were, was approached by a midsize scavenger that did not come to attack his cattle or him. This animal came to make friends. Still, it had the same scary long muzzle of his blood-thirsty relatives. It must have been a confusing moment, but we are glad our ancestors did not back away but had recognized the loving neediness instead.
Probably only a few such wolves were welcomed at first, but good news travels like wildfire. Soon they got their new name, “dogs,” that clearly separated them from their closest kins that didn’t pull the good genes.
Dogs became excellent helpers. They guarded their owners, hunted with them, protected and herded their cattle. Once people left the state of nature and transitioned into the modern world we live in today, their alliance with dogs could have been completely dissolved. We did not need working dogs anymore, and the ledger of our symbiotic relationship went out of balance.
Fortunately for both species, the connection did not break. Whatsmore, it evolved. We do not need dogs to work for us. We now want them to be our friends and share our homes with us.
Humans have got smitten by dogs, and our language proves it. The word “puppy” comes from the French word poupée or doll. We all know what a doll means to any little girl – it is an object that gets all the attention and is showered with love and affection.
You can find more evidence of our irrational affection towards canines in our folk stories too. For example, the Africans have a dog named Rukuba who brought them fire. Corgis come from Wales, where people tell a tale of the faithful hound Gelert, who saved a royal baby from a wolf.
Throughout history and all the social layers, it is common to see family dogs in family portraits. A lot of wealthy people even included dogs in their wills and made them super-rich.
Nowadays, canines are the planet’s most abundant carnivores. The species of the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is now divided into hundreds of different breeds. Thanks to that, you can choose not only the size or color of your future furry friends but also their temperament.
In areas populated by people, there are a whopping 900 million dogs worldwide. Only in the U.S., we take care of about 80 million four-legged friends.
We spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on them too. The average American dog owner will spend as much as $2,000 a year on caring for the pet. The money goes on food and medical expenses but also on toys and treats that make dogs super-happy.
Some would pay with their life too. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, and many dog owners refused to leave their dogs during the evacuation. As a result, Congress passed a law that calls for disaster preparedness plans that will accommodate pets. They are now treated as genuine family members just like they deserve.
Humans and dogs’ cross-breed relationship might have begun as a mutual-services contract, but now it is pure love. It does not make much sense, but love rarely does. When it comes to matters of heart, the reason is often left aside. It is right there in our hearts that dogs have lived for thousands of years, and that is where they will stay for good.
As you can see, loving your dog with all your heart and soul is not unusual at all. Many of us feel like that. Corgis are so easy to love, and they give so much in return, so let’s get back to them and discover are Corgis one-person dogs or not.
Before you continue reading, find out everything about Corgi history and lore, too.

Do Corgis Have A Favorite Person?
If you want your Corgi to love you and only you, your best chances are living alone with your pet. What happens if you have a full house? Do Corgis pick a favorite person?
If you have a couple of roommates or a big family, your Corgi will love you all – some more than others. If you are the one that takes care of all the Corgi’s needs, you will most likely be his or her favorite. It is not always the case, though.
Not all Corgis are the same. Just like people, these furry dwarfs have a personality of their own. Therefore, your Corgi might “click” better with another person, especially if more than one person cares for him or her.
If you have a big family, this should be easy for you to understand. You might have a couple of sisters and brothers, and you love them all equally, but only one of them understands you best, and that sibling is bound to be your favorite of them all. We think even mothers have a favorite child, although they would probably rather die than admit it.

The good news is that Corgis are so affectionate that they have enough love to go around, no matter how many people there are in their life. Just because your Corgi likes to spend more time or play with another person, it does not mean that he or she doesn’t love you. He or she might even love you better but enjoys a specific activity with that other person.
If you are a jealous type, you can better your odds by taking care of your Corgi entirely on your own from day one. This means that feeding, grooming, walking, and playing with your pet are all on you. Of course, you can allow a helping hand every now and then, but you mustn’t make it a habit.
In this way, chances are your Corgi will see you as his or her mummy or daddy, and we all know what that means. You will be the center of your dog’s world.
Do not overdo it, though. Your Corgi needs contact with other people from a young age. Without early socialization, your pup can grow up to be anxious or aggressive around humans and other animals. That scenario is not good for neither you nor your dog.

What About Discipline?
Will your Corgi stop loving you if you assert yourself as an authority and you correct his or her behavior from time to time?
You should not worry about that at all. What you should worry about is your Corgi’s temperament. All Corgis are known to have a stubborn streak. If you do not deal with it early on, your cuddly pooch can grow up to become the boss of you.
If you do not train your Corgi while he or she is a puppy, you can have numerous problems later on. When he or she grows up, your sweet Corgi might not listen to you at all! It can be dangerous in many situations.
For example, you can be totally ignored when you are outside and call your dog. So, when you try to warn your Corgi of danger or stop him or her when doing something inappropriate, things can go terribly wrong. Your beloved pup will be in danger, or danger for others every time you let him or her off the leash.
When you are inside, the problem is less evident. Yet, negative behavior can surface anywhere at any time. If you do not have the authority to stop it, who will? The point is: you are responsible for the discipline of your dog, as well as his or her life.
There is no need to be overly aggressive towards your Corgi puppy when he exhibits negative behavior, but you have to show him or her that it must not be repeated. There are different methods to do this; you can consult your vet or a professional dog trainer for more advice on this subject. The general rule is that your dog should obey you out of love and respect not fear.
If you do things right and early enough, your Corgi will not love you less. He or she will grow up to become the best dog possible. When appropriately trained, your Corgi will come to your command and obey you. Sometimes even a look at your Corgi or pointing a finger will be enough to stop whatever he or she is doing.
Training a dog is a lot similar to disciplining a child. You have to be both loving and strict. As long as your Corgi is feeling loved and safe with you, he or she will not love you less if you raise your voice from time to time.
Corgis, like all dogs in general, feel your emotions. If your behavior comes out of a concern for their well-being, it will not be taken against you. You will be forgiven even if you sometimes make a mistake.
See Also: Why Does My Corgi Follow Me Everywhere?

Final Words
Even if you sometimes feel you are not your Corgi’s favorite person, we doubt that is really the case. Your dog is affectionate and loving, and it is only normal that he shows that to more than one person.
If your partner, kids, or roommates seem to attract more of your dog’s attention, try changing your attitude towards your Corgi. He might enjoy a different form of communication or play better. It does not mean that he or she does not love you, though.
As long as you treat your Corgi with care and love, he or she will love you back. Period.
Learn More: Are Corgis Velcro Dogs?