Corgis are great family dogs that are sure to brighten up your existence. On the other hand, adopting a dog means having one more family member to care for in sickness and health.
Once you fall in love with your Corgi and vice versa, you will surely want to keep him or her comfortable and healthy for as long as possible. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be challenging.
Luckily for all Corgi lovers, this breed is generally healthy and not prone to many severe conditions. Of course, some disorders and diseases affect all dogs. Canine diabetes is one such condition.
If you want to find out the answer to the question are Corgis prone to diabetes and learn everything there is to know about this disorder, stick with us. We will talk about prevention, symptoms, and treatment.
It is all valuable information that can help you battle this invisible enemy that endangers your Corgi’s well being. After all, when left untreated, Canine diabetes can threaten the life of your beloved pet, too.
Let’s not waste any time and start right away!

What Is Canine Diabetes?
Canine diabetes is one of the most common endocrine diseases in dogs in the 21st century. Sadly, the occurrence of this condition has increased by almost 80% since 2006. What does all this mean?
This means that anywhere from one dog in five hundred to one dog in one hundred dogs is likely to develop diabetes during their lifetime. It is even sadder that the trend seems to be continuing, and the prevalence of diabetes is still increasing.
Canine diabetes is closely linked to other life-threatening conditions such as heart disease and stroke. It is all due to the high blood sugar that hinders the body’s ability to function normally.
It is imperative for all dog owners to learn how canine diabetes affects and manifests itself in dogs. In this way, they can perhaps avoid some risky patterns and try to prevent this potentially lethal condition as well as recognize the symptoms early. It is crucial to begin treatment as early as possible while your dog’s organs have not yet been greatly affected.
With proper diet and treatment, your Corgi can live a long and happy life even if he is diagnosed with diabetes. A canine diabetes diagnosis is not a death sentence. It is a warning that your dog requires special care and a lifestyle change.
If you stay with us, you will get valuable information. Understanding the enemy is half the battle won.

Types Of Canine Diabetes
There are two types of diabetes that affect dogs, just like there are two types of this disease that affect humans. However, some significant differences prevent us from applying what we know about human diabetes to the canines suffering from this disease.
This is bad news since there has been much more research concerning the prevention and treatment of diabetes in humans.
Let us now go back to the two types of Canine diabetes and see the differences between them.
Type 1 Diabetes – Insulin-deficiency Diabetes
It prevents your dog’s body from creating enough insulin it requires to regulate blood sugar levels and develops when the pancreas cells are destroyed for some reason. It is more common than type 2.
Type 2 Diabetes – Insulin-resistance Diabetes
It hinders your dog’s natural ability to react to normal levels of insulin. It occurs when hormones in your dog’s body interfere with normal insulin function. These “troublesome” hormones are produced by excess body fat. For this reason, overweight dogs are at the highest risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Female dogs are also more prone to Tape 2 diabetes due to a hormone called progesterone. This hormone is normally produced during pregnancy and after a heat cycle but can also be caused by a uterine infection called pyometra.

Are Corgis Prone To Diabetes?
The list of dogs that are at the most significant risk of developing canine diabetes is as follows:
- Samoyed
- Miniature Poodle
- Toy Poodle
- Pug
- Tibetan Terrier
- Cairn Terrier
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Fox Terrier
- Bichon Frisé
- Dachshund
As you can see, Corgis are not on the list, and while that is undoubtedly good news for all Corgi owners, it is not a reason enough to wave all your worries goodbye.
First of all, Dachshund is related to the Corgi breed, and while Corgis might not be as greatly threatened as this breed, they are definitely not on the safe side either. All dogs can develop this disease. Both Cardigans and Pembrokes are affected.
The age of your Corgi is yet another factor you should consider when assessing the risk of canine diabetes. Most dogs that suffer from this condition are not born with it even though that can happen too. Typically, dogs develop canine diabetes at the age of five years or older. Diabetes in dogs younger than that age is quite rare.
Finally, Corgis are prone to weight gain. If you do not keep your Corgi active enough, he or she can soon become obese. Being overweight dramatically increases the risk of canine diabetes as well as all those conditions that go hand in hand with this metabolic disorder, such as heart diseases and stroke.
Therefore, it is our advice to keep your eyes wide open, especially if your Corgi is a bit on a chubby side. Look for the symptoms of Canine diabetes, and if you notice anything that concerns you take your Corgi to the vet for further examinations.
If you are interested in your Corgi’s health, read Do Corgis Get Bloated? and Do Corgis Get Bladder Stones?

What Are The Symptoms Of Canine Diabetes?
You and your Corgi are probably in tune. This means that you can recognize your dog’s needs and anticipate how he or she will behave in almost any situation.
You should use your experience and intuition to notice any changes in your dog’s behavior or appearance. In this way, you will know when your dog is not feeling well, and you can take him or her to the vet to get proper medical care in a timely manner.
When it comes to diabetes, the symptoms you should be on the lookout for are the following:
- Increased hunger
- Increased thirst
- Frequent urination
- Weight loss (despite you providing the same portions of food as usually)
These are all primary symptoms that usually exhibit during the early stages of diabetes. They might not appear too severe, but they are a doorway to much more sinister symptoms that are to follow if you do not start treating your dog.
If you fail to notice the first signs of warning and your Corgi becomes a full-blown diabetic, you might notice some of the less subtle symptoms from the following list:
- Incontinence
- Recurrent infections
- Weakness or even lethargy
- Staggering
- Confusion
- Poor coat quality
- Problems with eyes such as cataracts or glaucoma
- Collapse
- Seizures
- Coma
Failing to provide adequate medical treatment at this point will mean certain death for your beloved pooch. If you have any doubts, it is better to be safe than sorry and take your Corgi for a quick blood glucose level analysis.
If your dog’s blood glucose value is above the normal range, which is from 75-120 mg/d, your dog should be given proper medication as soon as possible. Alternatively, or even additionally, you can check the level of glucose/sugar in your dog’s urine. We will talk more about the diagnosis and treatment, so keep reading.

What If Your Corgi Is Diagnosed With Canine Diabetes? What Are The Best Treatment Options?
Once your Corgi’s blood or urine analysis confirms high levels of glucose, your veterinarian will most likely prescribe insulin in the form of injections to be given twice a day. After the initial morning dosage, the vet will perform blood glucose curves. It means that the vet will take a blood sugar sample every few hours between your dog’s morning and evening dose of insulin.
Finding the appropriate dosage is not an easy task. The curves need to be done every other week for a couple of months in order to determine the best possible dosage for a dog. It is a time-consuming and costly process, but insulin injections are a crucial part of diabetes treatment,
Besides the twice-daily insulin injections, you will have to change your dog’s diet too. You can start by dividing your Corgi’s meal into smaller portions to be given two or three times a day. This might help regulate glucose levels, but it would still be best to apply a veterinary prescription diet approved for diabetic dogs.
The appropriate exercise routine must be set as well. You also need to control the stress levels of your pet. If any of these factors changes rapidly and dramatically, your vet will probably need to adjust the dosage of insulin too. Therefore, keep to a strict schedule for feeding, exercise, and giving injections or medications. In this way, you will avoid a potentially life-threatening situation of blood sugar levels jumping too high or dropping too low.
You will be given a detailed plan that will enable you to get the timing and dose of insulin right. Your vet should also educate you to handle the potential problems that might occur. For example, you’ll get advice to give your dog insulin injections right after meals so that you can easily lower the dose if you notice your pet has eaten less than average.
Are there any other treatment options?
There are a few insulin substitutes available. You can choose between injections or oral medications for managing your Corgi’s sugar levels. However, never take any action on your own; always consult your vet before changing your dog’s therapy!
Generally, oral medications have proven to be less effective than injectable insulin. If you do not faint as soon as you see a needle, opt for injections instead.
Perform regular blood sugar level evaluations in order to monitor the glucose levels and adjust insulin doses accordingly.

Can You Cure Your Corgi Of Diabetes?
Unfortunately, it is improbable that you will be able to cure your beloved Corgi of diabetes. In most dogs, diabetes is a permanent condition.
On the bright side, given the proper treatment, affected dogs can live an almost normal, long life. You can make sure that canine diabetes does not interfere with the quality of your Corgi’s life.
The good news is that your short-legged friend will not even know it is sick. If you take good care of your pup, he or she will not feel sick and will be able to do the things as always. The only difference is that overeating is strictly forbidden.
Will the treatment of Canine diabetes break your bank?
It depends on your budget. Still, one thing is certain- the process is usually life-long and expensive. First, there is an ordeal of finding the right dosage that sometimes lasts for ages and makes the initial stage of treatment the most expensive one.
Once your dog’s dosage is determined, it can cost you anywhere from $40-$200 per month, depending on the dosage and type of insulin prescribed by the vet.
One thing is certain; you will have to have a lot of patience and solid finances to battle Canine diabetes. The financial burden is a small price to pay for your dog’s long and happy life.
Learn More: Genetic Diseases In Corgis

How To Prevent Canine Diabetes?
We have reached perhaps the most crucial question of the day: Can Canine diabetes be prevented? If yes, how can you do it?
We will tell you right away, Preventing diabetes in dogs is not easy.
Many of the affected dogs have diabetes written in their genes, and there is not much we can do about it. We do not even know yet what triggers this disease in such dogs.
Luckily, type 2 diabetes that occurs due to pregnancy or diestrus can be prevented quite easily. All you need to do is spay your female Corgi, and you will eliminate the risk.
You can also do your best to eliminate other risk factors such as obesity, even though it is still not proven to be a direct cause of Canine diabetes. Eliminating fatty foods such as pork and other meat products will lower the risk of Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) too.
Pancreatitis is a risk factor for canine diabetes, so you’ll be killing two flies with one stroke. Introduce fruits and vegetables into your Corgi’s regular diet to prevent overeating as well.
Regular exercise is the key to maintaining a lean body and preserving health too. Corgis require at least two to three long walks per day. It would be wise to let them run free and play with other dogs, too, to make sure they burn all the excess energy and stay fit and healthy.
See Also: Can Corgis Eat Bananas?

We have tried really hard to answer all the questions regarding Canine diabetes. However, we bet many of you have one more question to ask us: How long can my Corgi live with diabetes?
The answer is hard to give since it depends a lot on your dog’s age and condition at the time of diagnosis. It is also important how early you have reacted and started the treatment.
The vets say that the first three months are crucial. It is the minimal time to determine the proper insulin dosage and get the treatment and dieting on the tracks. If your dog survives this period and has no other health concerns, he or she can live to an old-age.