Corgis are known to be active and friendly dogs. Due to their intelligence and high trainability, Corgis are pretty sought after as household pets. But is it all fun and games with this lovely breed? Do Corgis have a dark side?
That begs the question: Can Corgis be vicious? To put it simply – no, Corgis aren’t a vicious breed.
However, they can show signs of vicious behavior. The extent of aggressiveness is subjective, and it varies from one dog to another.
In this article, I will talk about the most probable reasons behind Corgis’ aggressive behavior, as well as ways to tackle a feisty Corgi.
Let’s dive in.

Are Corgis Vicious?
While Corgis aren’t vicious, they can show some signs of aggression. That is especially true if you don’t train them on time. Their past can influence their present behavior.
All in all, Corgis are loyal dogs that love their owners with all their being. However, you can still witness Corgi attack humans or other pets – albeit rarely.
We’ll take a look at why these incidents may happen.

Corgis’ Temperament
As you may already know, Corgis are energetic, playful dogs who bring laughter to your house. They are a loving and caring breed that loves showing affection.
On the other hand, Corgis are somewhat temperamental. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Corgis are ill-mannered – but they are bossy and stubborn. That can especially be problematic for inexperienced owners.
Even though they have an aggressive streak, Corgis aren’t likely to bite anyone. Because of their over-protective nature, they can show some signs of aggression in particular situations.
Corgis are more likely to behave aggressively compared to many other breeds.
This hostile behavior begins when Corgis are around six months old. In order to avoid incidents, it’s essential to train your Corgi from an early age.
That is also a great time to start with socialization. Corgis that are used to people – and other animals – are less likely to show vicious behavior.
One notable thing to mention is that Corgis are prone to having Alpha complexes. You would need to teach them who’s in charge on time.
Luckily, Corgis are intelligent dogs, straightforward to train, and eager to learn new tricks.

Aggression In Male Versus Female Corgis
Generally, males are considered more aggressive than female dogs. That is because they tend to take up the Alpha role.
However, Corgis are quite the opposite to this statement:
Females are more often the aggressive ones. Female Corgis have a very assertive personality and tend to take the Alpha position unless you assert it first.
They are also more protective and stubborn than male Corgis. They’re triggered quickly by anything – whether it’s a new environment or punishment.
On the other hand, male Corgis are generally calmer and very laid back.
Male Corgis tend to keep to themselves and need very little attention to remain happy. Most of the time, they like to be alone, so you don’t need to give them as much attention and are usually not showing affection as much as females.
Keep in mind; both genders are prone to showing aggression if you fail to train them on time.
Learn More: Are Corgi Males Or Females Better?

Do Corgis Bite And Bark?
Corgis are pretty known for being noisy and their biting habits. The biting is often harmless and not intended to be violent. However, it’s usually mistaken for aggression.
Your Corgi might be barking because it developed a phobia towards loud noises and flashing lights. Another fear that could invoke barking is meeting strangers.
Sometimes you could view biting as a vicious behavior. The easiest way to tell the difference is through the strength of the bite and their general behavior while doing it.
During the fierce outburst, the biting is much harder and associated with an agitated puppy.

Why Are Corgis Violent?
Well, they’re not violent per se. But now that you’re aware that Corgis can be aggressive, it’s time for me to show you what can cause such behavior. Some of the common causes of vicious behavior can be:
- Herding instincts
- Fear
- Territorial behavior
- Dominance
- Illness
- Frustration
I will cover each of these individually down below.
Herding Instincts
As you may know, people were breeding Corgis to herd livestock, such as cattle. Being herding dogs, they needed to be ruthless to do their job the right way.
Make sure you are the Alpha, not your Corgi. Funnily enough, if you don’t do this, your Corgi will try herding you – just like it would do with cattle!
Taking control of the situation is essential; things can get quite nasty if you don’t.
Fear is another trigger for aggression, as most animals and humans turn to it when they are frightened. And Corgis aren’t an exception.
However, Corgis aren’t a breed that gets frightened that easily – if they don’t have a traumatic history, that is. If you brought your Corgi from the shelter, make sure you get the details about their past.
Territorial Behavior
Corgis are an overly protective breed when it comes to their owners. Anyone new who comes to your house poses a threat to them.
Whenever your Corgi suspects someone new has ill intentions, they’ll act aggressively. It is their way of showing that intruders aren’t welcome.
If you get a new pet, chances are your Corgi won’t appreciate it. The same applies if you get a new family member or a roommate. As you see, Corgis are quite a dominant breed – but they don’t do this out of malice.
They want everyone to know they are in charge.
You would like to avoid this by socializing your Corgi as soon as possible. That will ensure that they understand that not everyone they meet wants to threaten their position.
If your Corgi behaves aggressively, an underlying medical condition may be behind it.
Pain and discomfort are the leading cause of aggression in otherwise calm, well-behaved dogs. Conditions like arthritis or internal injuries, for example, might be the cause of unusual behavior.
Furthermore, brain tumors and thyroid diseases can affect Corgis’ brains, causing them to become aggressive. If you notice any strange signs of vicious behavior, make sure you contact your local vet.
Corgis can get frustrated if they don’t get what they want. So, the reaction you can expect as a result is aggression.
It’s not uncommon for Corgis to lash out at their owners, especially when they aren’t trained on time. You have to outsmart them every step of the way since Corgis are very intelligent and independent dogs.

Signs Of Vicious Behavior In Corgis
The easy way to differentiate playful Corgis from aggressive ones is to look for some of the following signs:
It’s essential to prevent escalation of the situation by recognizing these signs. If you don’t limit behavioral problems, you could end up with a potentially dangerous dog.
Even though Corgis are a small breed, you still wouldn’t want them to hurt you or your family members.

Can You Stop Corgi From Vicious Behavior?
Chances are, you’ll never have to deal with an aggressive Corgi if you trained them properly from an early age.
Untrained Corgis may be very aggressive, especially if they’re suffering from separation anxiety. Unfortunately, this is the case for all dog breeds.
As long as the Corgi is adequately raised, exercised, and exposed to sounds and sights, the vicious behavior is minimal.
Many people think Corgis are an aggressive breed because of their barking, biting, and stubbornness. But again, the biting and barking can be resolved by training.
As soon as they’re controlled, the Corgi’s aggressive nature is almost nonexistent.
You can’t fix their stubbornness as it’s part of their nature. Make sure you train it well, though, and aggressiveness will be minimized.
I recommend you incorporate daily exercises, give your Corgi plenty of love, and you’ll have the nicest Corgi ever!

So the answer to the question: “Can corgis be vicious?” is no – but they can show signs of vicious behavior.
While Corgis are a dominant breed, they aren’t likely to harm anyone. They are loyal and loving dogs. However, you need to pay extra attention as they can show signs of viciousness at times.
Training them from an early age is the key.
With proper training and socialization, you are minimizing the chances of aggressive behavior. Take your time and teach your young Corgi not to bite. Don’t get discouraged if things don’t resolve overnight. Consistency is essential.
Corgis, being herding dogs, are very intelligent. If you can assert your dominance at the right time, they will gladly listen to you.
And remember that aggression can be a sign of fear or pain. If your Corgi shows strange signs of vicious behavior, take it to the vet for an assessment.