It’s widely known that it’s referred to both of these animals as a man’s best friend. But the question of “are corgis good with horses” is on a totally different level.
Can these two get along as well as they do with human beings? The answer is an absolute yes!
Regardless of the assumption that corgis tend to be bossy around other animals, there are certain scenarios where this isn’t true. This is due to a few specific reasons that I’ll explain later on so you better understand how these two animals get along.
To find out how to socialize and let your zooming corgi be the best of friends with your favorite horse, or any horse for that matter, I suggest you get comfy, throw your corgi its favorite toy, and scroll through this article completely relaxed!

Are Corgis Good With Horses?
Some say that people who own both dogs and horses are amongst the happiest people in the world. I can attest to that because I’m one of those people, meaning I’ve owned both a dog (my corgi) and a horse!
Both of these animals are incredible with humans and can be a life companion like no other. But, there are some differences between dogs (in this case corgis) and horses. These are not only physical differences but intellectual ones as well.
Physical Differences
Let’s start with the obvious differences. Horses (regardless of the breed) are much bigger than any corgi. This rule has no exception because the smallest horse breed called Falabella is estimated to be 73 cm in height on average.
On the other hand, corgis are expected to be 43 centimeters high at best. This shows you that even when you compare the smallest horse to the biggest corgi, you’ll get a big difference.
Just by this simple comparison, you can see how different these two animal breeds are. But don’t be fooled, this isn’t a reason for them not to become friends!
Mental Differences
Before I get onto differences, there is one big similarity between these two animals that I have to emphasize. Both corgis and horses are hard-working animals. Not only that they do their job well, but they also enjoy working.
Now for the differences. Horses will mostly listen to their owner or rider once they get their training, and you won’t have any exceptions with them in that field.
On the other far side of the spectrum are corgis. As you all probably know, corgis are dogs that breathe habit. If you train them every day and let them work until they can’t anymore – you won’t have problems.
But, if you let them roam free, they’ll start imposing their own rules on any and every living creature that is in their immediate surroundings. This is something that makes these two animals completely different behaviourally.

Do Corgis And Horses Get Along?
There’s no question about it, if you play your role of an owner to both of these animals, they will get along perfectly! It’s important that you understand that as long as you don’t let your corgi boss around your horse or horses, there won’t be any problems.
This is probably the only potentially bad situation that can arise from having both a corgi and a horse.
Reading about other people’s experiences in these kinds of situations, it’s almost a recurring theme that the corgi takes the charge and almost bullies the horse in working more than it’s needed.
If you recognize this at a starting stage or acknowledge it even before it starts, it’s easily prevented and can save you a ton of time trying to fix a problem that came from this situation.
What I recommend you do is to be present at all times (at least in the beginning) when your corgi and your horse are together. That way if the corgi starts to boss the horse around with barking or nibbling at their feet, you can always react accordingly.
No matter what anyone says to you, you shouldn’t let your corgi set the rules for the other animals in your house or in your surroundings. The main thing that can come from that is that if you let your corgi do this once, it’ll think it can do it a hundred times, and that is not good at all.
If you have another dog, and the corgi tries bossing it around as well, there’s a possibility that that won’t end well for the corgi.
So to prevent this in any situation, and especially when talking about horses, you’ll have to assert your authority above your corgi’s.
This will show the horse (and other animals) that you’re in charge and that the corgi won’t be bossy anymore.
Horses are usually very passive and don’t turn to aggression if they don’t feel really threatened. Only on these rare occasions, horses can be dangerous.
If the horse kicks and hits somebody that is standing behind them, it can cause some serious injuries. Even humans can be hurt quite badly by this, and don’t even try to imagine what would happen to a corgi in that situation.
To avoid this I suggest you do listen to my advice and be present at least at the beginning of the socialization between your corgi and your horse.

How To Socialize A Corgi With A Horse?
Generally speaking, this shouldn’t take up much of your time. One thing that worked for me is that I employed both my horse and my dog at the same time. This meant that neither of them had extra time to pay attention to one another.
At the same time, it means that they are both aware of the other one’s presence so they’re subconsciously getting used to one another.
A working environment is helpful in 99,9% of cases as it keeps the animals productive and you keep the situation under control.
Since corgis are a sheep-herding breed, they like to run in open spaces. I highly suggest that when you take your horse out for a ride, you bring your corgi as well. Assuming you have it trained to get back to you in one command.
If you do this, you can easily get your horse and your corgi working together. Corgi will run and be exhausted at the end of the day and your horse will be exhausted as well. This healthy environment prevents your corgi to boss the horse around, and it keeps the horse happy and calm when around the corgi.
Another thing I like to do that is the complete opposite of making your corgi and your horse work together is that you fuse their free time a well. If you let your horse chew on some grass in an open field, I also suggest bringing your zooming friend as well.
By letting them enjoy their free time together, you’re getting one step closer to bringing them together in almost every situation. Remember that work time can be as fun as playtime so if you mix those two together you’ll get a perfect combination that won’t allow for any unpleasant situations.
The last thing I suggest you keep in mind when doing any of these is that at the end of the day corgis are herding dogs (as I’ve mentioned earlier). They’re known for nibbling at the toes of toddlers that seem lazy to them – and so they might try doing the same with a horse.
You should keep an eye out for this specific situation because a horse might kick instinctively now knowing what bit it. This can not only be dangerous for your dog, but for you and anyone else around as well. The horse might start kicking uncontrollably and cause a very serious situation.
So for your dog’s and for your own sake please try to keep your dog from biting on your horse’s legs in order to get it to do something that your corgi thinks the horse should do.
As far as bad situations go, this example is pretty much it. If you make their socialization time fun for all and if you show you are the one to be listened to, you won’t have any problems.

To ask yourself are corgis good with horses is nothing out of the ordinary, especially if you own both.
To be honest, after all of the consideration the short answer is yes – but with some work included. Corgis are incredibly energetic and passionate dogs, so you have to work with them in any situation where you bring in another animal (especially if it’s as big as a horse).
With some work on your side, and some obedience on your animal’s side you won’t have any problems which will result in your corgi and your horse becoming the best of friends!