The connection between a dog and its human is an incredibly special one. Dogs give us the type of unconditional love that is unmatched and we try to reciprocate as best as we can. However, the fact is that we speak different languages.
So, sometimes our dog might be trying to tell us something in their own way, hoping we’ll pick up the cues. They do this in a variety of ways, and it’s our job to decipher what exactly each of those means.
As you have probably figured out by now, looking at us is our dog’s way of telling us something. Now, we just have to get to the bottom of what exactly that is.
A natural follow-up to this is posing the question “Why does my Corgi stare at me?”. There are multiple reasons for this, and I’m here to go over some of the most common ones with you. So, if you want to know more about this topic, keep readin to find out!

Dog Language
All animals have ways of communicating, whether it’s amongst themselves, or with us humans. Domesticated animals, especially pets, have gotten even closer to us, which makes them even more skilled at picking up our language and ways of communication.
However, as owners, we can’t simply rely on our dogs figuring out what it is that we want, in order to have a good relationship – we need to figure them out as well.
But, before we got into interpreting any of our dogs communication cues, I need you to know that you have to look at your dogs body language as a whole in order to read it correctly.
So, here is a brief explanation of some of their most used signals that every dog owner should know:

Dogs bark, it’s their thing. We all know it. But, what is it exactly that they are saying when doing so? Well, there are numerous possibilities.
Dogs can bark as a way of getting their owners attention. It’s kind of their universal way of doing so. Of course, the reasons that they want your attention can be differ, but the way to do it is usually the same.
Another reason is because your dog wants something form you. My Corgi usually starts barking when it’s around his time to go for a walk, when he’s hungry, or his water bowl happens to be empty.
So, just track your dog’s behaviour or check the clock, and you might easily figure out what it is they want.
Dogs might also bark when they are scared, anxious or bored. In order to figure out if this is the reason, you need to take into consideration their body language and the circumstances of the situation as well.
If their tail is tucked away between their legs, their head is lowered and they are leaning back or away, this is an indication of fear. So, if these signs accompany the barking, you know the reason.
Barking is also a way for dogs to communicate with eachother. Unfortunately, a lot of the times, this is misinterpereted by humans as always being a sign of aggression or an ill-tempered dog, but it’s not always like that.
Once again, before you judge a bark, you need to consider the circumstances and the context in which it’s happening.
Just like with barking, context is key here. Growling is one of the most misconstrued ways that dogs communicate and is too often read as a clear indicator of aggression. Don’t get me wrong, it very well may be, but it isn’t necessarily.
Aside from the usual – asserting dominance, signaling aggression or wanting to fight, growling can also be a playful cue. Theres nothing I love more than playing tug of war with my dog and hearing his playful little growls.
Dogs can also sometimes growl in their sleep. This normally shouldn’t worry you, they’re just dreaming. But, do be careful when approaching a dreaming dog, you don’t know how they might react unintentionally, when woken up.

Tail Wagging
This has been accepted as a universal sign of a happy dog. However, there’s much, much more to it.
Yes, usually our dogs are happy campers and we see them wagging their tails for that reason. But in reality, the real reason why dogs wag their tails is because of emotional arousal. This arousal can be both positive and negative, and it can also vary in intensity.
The wagging zou see when you return home to your dog, when their whole body is also wagging is definitely a happy, excited wag. Also, a “helicopter wag” is a definite sign of happiness.
On the other hand, if your dog’s tail wags very quickly and almost resembles a twitch, that points to a higher level of arousal and probably not in a positive way.
Also, the position of your dog’s tail to the ground is very indicative of the way they are feeling. Usually, a tail held up high is a sign of confidence (sometimes it can be aggression, beware).
A tail pointing to the ground or tucked between the legs is a sign of fear. A neutral tail, neither here nor there, is usually a sign of a calm dog. Keep in mind here, that the neutral position of a dog’s tail varies depending on the breed.
It’s not without a reason that there’s a saying “Eyes are the windows to the soul”. This one doesn’t only go for us, but for our four-legged friends, as well.
There is so much we can see through just a glance that our pup is giving us, especially the longer we have them. So, don’t ever underestimate the power of eye contact.
In order to know exactly how your Corgi is feeling, you first need to look into their eyes. If they have the so-called soft eyes, with their lids kind of hooded, sometimes looking like they’re squinting, you know you have a relaxed, calm pup, without a care in the world.
If they have what is called hard eyes, what you can describe as cold, you have a completely different situation on your hands. This is an indicator of negative emotions. You will see this look when your dog is feeling aggressive, when guarding their toy, and so on.

A Corgi Stare
We know that your doggo’s eyes are one of the most important piece of the puzzle that is called body language and you must never overlook them (Yes, pun intended). There are many reasons your Corgi might be looking at you and searching for eye contact. Once again, bare in mind the context.
Reading Our Body Language
Do not be fooled, it’s not just us. Our dog’s can be equally good judges of character, perhaps even better.
Because they have been domesticated and as a result share their living space with human beings, dogs have acquired the skill to observe our body language and behaviour and interpret it.
So, when your Corgi is intently staring at you while you’re doing seemingly mundane, everyday tasks, know that they are trying to gauge your mood.
Also they are waiting to see if you’ll do something that impacts them in some way. They have learned that picking up their leash or putting on shoes usually means that it’s time for a walk, that you picking up their food bowl means time for dinner and so on.
They can also be looking for cues that you definitely mean for them to catch, such as commands they have learned. This is particularly present in dogs that have been trained with the positive reinforcement method.
You might have also noticed that your dog is looking at you when playing with its toys or eating a treat. This is because they want to know if you might want to take it from them.
This can be more characteristic of dogs that have not had the best experience with humans, such as adopted dogs, but it can be part of any dog’s behaviour, nonetheless.
Trying To Tell Us Something
Sometimes, our dogs don’t want to bark to communicate, so they resort to plain old staring. This can mean a few things:
- They want food. We’re all familiar with the notorious puppy eyes. You know the situation – you’re at the dinner table, enjoying some food with your family, and then there’s you doggo, staring at you and drooling. This one’s quite obvious.
- They want to go outside. Potty trained dogs know that they can’t do their business inside the house, so when they have to go, they have to find a way to tell you. This is one of them.
- They want to play. If your doggo has presented you with his favourite ball at your feet and is now sitting and staring at you, they want a playmate.
Affection And Attention
Even though you may find it weird, the reason your dog is staring at you might just be the same one you stare at them from time to time – they’re fascinated with you.
We’re a different species and they find it interesting how we function. They also love you and looking into your eyes is a way of communicating their love and affection towards you.
So, don’t look away, but rather gaze at their eyes too, and feel the bond between you strengthening.

Your dog has been gazing at you intensely and you have been wondering “Why does my Corgi stare at me?”. Well, this article has hopefully answered your question. Here is a quick summary of everything that we’ve mentioned.
Dogs have their own ways of communicating, both amongst themselves and with humans, and those ways are numerous. Whether it’s barking, growling, wagging their tail or looking at us, their body language always has a meaning.
Staring is one of the most important cues our dogs can give us, so it’s crucial that you master deciphering it. A stare can mean that your dog is trying to read you and your body language and see what’s in store for them.
They might also be trying to signal to you that they want or need something (a walk, food, some playtime, etc.). Another reason is because you’re interesting to them and they love you, simple as that!
Now you know all about why your Corgi might be giving you the eyes and hopefully know how you should act when they do. So, go ahead and enjoy a friendly staring contest with your doggo (if there’s nothing else they want, that is).
Have fun!