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Strabismus in Corgis: Do Corgi Puppies Outgrow Lazy Eyes?

Strabismus in Corgis: Do Corgi Puppies Outgrow Lazy Eyes?

If you have recently welcomed a corgi puppy into your family, you may have observed that their eyes don’t always gaze in the same direction. You might be concerned that this is an indication of strabismus, more commonly referred to as “lazy eye.”

Don’t worry – This article will provide you with some helpful information about strabismus in corgis, including how to spot the condition and what treatments may be available.

Keep reading to find out more about strabismus in corgis!

What is Strabismus?

Strabismus is an eye condition in which the eyes do not focus together. This can result in a corgi appearing to have a “lazy eye” or a “crossed eye.” The eyes may appear to be looking in different directions, or one eye may be looking in a direction that does not match the other.

Causes of Strabismus

Strabismus is fairly common in corgis and can be caused by a variety of issues, including genetics and trauma to the eye.

In some cases, strabismus may be caused by a neurological issue, such as an injury to the brain or genetic abnormality. This type of strabismus is referred to as paralytic strabismus.

In addition, some corgis are born with a congenital form of the condition that can result in difficulty focusing both eyes at the same time.

It is important to have your pup examined by a veterinarian to determine the cause of the eye misalignment. This will help ensure that any underlying causes are addressed and treated appropriately.

Is It Dangerously?

Strabismus itself is not a dangerous condition, although it can lead to serious health issues if left untreated. If the eyes are not able to focus together, the brain may stop processing signals from one of them, resulting in vision loss. In addition, strabismus can cause corgi to experience double vision, which can be very disorienting for them.

Signs and Symptoms of Strabismus

The most obvious sign of strabismus in a corgi is when its eyes appear to be looking in different directions. Other signs and symptoms of strabismus may include:

  • Head tilting or shaking
  • Squinting or blinking excessively
  • Tilting their head to one side when looking at objects
  • Difficulty focusing on objects
  • Double vision

If you have noticed any of these signs in your corgi, it is best to contact a veterinarian for an eye exam as soon as possible.

Can Corgi Puppies Outgrow Lazy Eyes?

The good news is that many corgi puppies with strabismus can outgrow the condition. However, it is important to understand that strabismus in corgis is a complex condition and may require treatment or surgery.

If your pet has been diagnosed with strabismus, your veterinarian can provide you with a variety of options for treatment and will be able to recommend the best one for your pup.

It is important to note that if strabismus is not treated, it can lead to vision loss or even blindness. Therefore, if your corgi puppy has been diagnosed with the condition, it is vital that you consult with your veterinarian to determine the best course of action.

Treatment Options for Strabismus

Treatment options for strabismus in corgis can range from simple at-home exercises to more intensive treatments such as surgery. In some cases, your veterinarian may recommend vision therapy or special glasses to correct the problem.

Surgery is usually only recommended if the condition has not improved with other treatments, as it can be risky for your pet. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on the best treatment option for your corgi depending on the severity of their condition.


If you have a corgi, be aware that strabismus is common in this breed. It can be caused by genetics or other factors such as trauma and neurological issues. In most cases, it goes away on its own without any treatment needed.

However, if you see signs of the condition developing in your pup, take him to the vet for examination and possible treatment options (such as special glasses or lenses). With proper care many corgis outgrow this condition and enjoy good health overall.

See Also: Do Corgis Have Eye Problems? Do Corgis Have Good Eyesight?