Corgis are a pretty darn famous breed by this point in time. There’s no way that you can mistake these cute puppies for any other dog. The short legs and stature are a good part of that, but there’s one other thing that sets them apart – the coat.
Coats, actually, they have two of them! But Corgis fashion statements got us wondering: Can Corgis live in hot weather?
They certainly don’t look like they would have a blast in a tropical environment. Well, we did some research, don’t worry. And you would be surprised at our results. The straight answer would be yes; Corgis can live in hot weather. But there’s more to it.
For instance, what constitutes hot weather? Summer in the Bahamas might be great for some animals, but it would be hell for a Corgi! Well, to understand how it all works, we need to understand the Corgi. Where it comes from and what climate it was adapted to over the years.
Let’s get this show started!

Can Corgis Tolerate Hot Weather?
So like we already mentioned, Corgis CAN live in hot weather. This is because their body, and that famous double coat, is made to adapt well to climate changes. This is because of the Corgis origins.
Corgis are one of the oldest breeds around. Sure, they may not look very wolf-like, but our short-legged friends are over three thousand years old! That may seem crazy, but there’s more to this breed than a cute photo on Instagram!
The Corgi was originally a shepherd dog and guardian, charged with large herds in all weather conditions! The breed was sort of created in the Country of Wales. We say sort of because there are multiple ancestors that the Corgi seems to have all over Europe, but Wales is where the dogs came to be what they are today.
And the hillsides of Wales are actually an essential factor to their general ability to adapt to all kinds of weather. See, those hills are famous for having all four seasons well represented. The winters are harsh, fall is windy and filled with rainy days, spring is moderate, and the summers are sunny and hot.
You can imagine that after adapting to all four seasons three thousand times, the Corgi’s well aware of how to handle them. It does this by shedding a longer outer coat during spring to get ready for the hot summers and then growing another thick and warm one for the harsh winter.
They shed the inner coat as well, all year-round. But that’s mainly so they would always have a healthy set of hairs that do the job they’re supposed to do. All this shedding is the only way dogs can regulate their body’s temperature.
This is something you ought to know if you plan on having a Corgi in a hot climate! Speaking of hot temperatures, what exactly does hot mean, Corgi-wise? A hot summer in the hills of Wales is not the same as a hot tropical summer. This means that there are conditions in which a Corgi just wouldn’t be able to live comfortably.
Tropical climates are usually very humid, and the temperatures are well above what our cute little breed feels comfortable in. This is why we recommend that you just don’t expose a Corgi to that kind of lifestyle.
Now, that doesn’t mean that you just can’t have a Corgi if your Country has hot, humid summers. Far from it! Many places have extreme summers, while the rest of the year is nice and mild.
All we want to say is that in these cases, you might want to keep your Corgi inside on a hot day! So let’s see what a hot day is, for a Corgi at least:

Do Corgis Get Hot Easily? What’s Hot And What’s Not
The Corgis average body temperature is about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This is pretty standard for all dogs, which means that the Corgi’s body is not out of the ordinary.
The temperatures in which a Corgis would feel comfortable are at 85 degrees Fahrenheit, while the lower side of the spectrum is at around 59 degrees (but that’s not important right now).
This range is a good indicator of whether or not a Corgi should live in the environment you live in. If your summer consists of 100 degree days, a Corgi shouldn’t spend a lot of time outside!
But let’s get something straight: It’s not that a Corgi can’t live in, say, a 95-degree summer; it’s that they won’t feel very comfortable while they’re there. They can handle 85-degree weather, but everything after that becomes quite difficult for the well-dressed pupper.
But what about that humidity we were talking about?
Well, humidity is the next vital factor to consider! You see, when humans get hot, they sweat. It’s a simple mechanism, really. We use water that we have in our bodies to lower the temperature when it gets over the limit in which everything can function properly.
But here’s the problem, dogs can’t sweat. The way they handle the heat is by panting, shedding, and drinking cold water. The shedding we already mentioned, it’s a preventive measure, more than anything else. They get ready for the summer during spring by getting rid of the winter coat.
But they’re not getting ready for a tropical summer; they’re getting ready for summer in Wales, a big difference. So what are they left with? Panting and fresh water. Not the greatest solution, we know.
But here’s where the humidity starts becoming the problem. Panting is not an excellent cooling method if the air with which the dog is trying to cool itself is hot and humid. This is why it’s a bad idea to make a Corgi live in tropical weather!
There are just too many risks involved.

Health Risks
The list of what kind of health risks your dog could suffer after being in a hot environment is relatively short. It starts with heat exhaustion and ends with a heat stroke. But just because the list is short doesn’t mean that it is not dangerous, because it’s life-threatening!
Heat exhaustion is what happens to your dog once its body temperature gets over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Once the temperature rises to about 105 degrees, the chase of a stroke emerges.
So how can you spot heat exhaustion?
Heat Exhaustion And Heat Stroke
The first sign that something could be wrong is excessive panting. We already explained this; the dog is trying to cool down. You should always keep an eye out to spot panting in hot weather. Your dog knows when the temperatures are too high, and it will try to cool itself down.
If you’re outside and you spot this, get your Corgi inside or in the shade and try to cool it down.
The next sign is dehydration. If your puppy doesn’t have access to fresh water while it’s outside, it will dehydrate much quicker! Your dog will have a dry nose, it will visibly be tiring, and the panting will get even worse.
Keep an eye out for discoloration of the gums. If they are red, grey, purple, or blue, get your dog to a cooler area and make sure it has fresh water immediately.
Once these symptoms arrive, excessive drooling can sometimes be spotted if the drool is different than usual. It will be thicker and sticker. Once we add up all these symptoms, we get a fever. This is where the real danger starts.
A fever means that your dog’s temperature has risen above 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Any number above this is considered abnormal.
If heat exhaustion is not stopped, your dog could suffer from a heat stroke: muscle tremors, lethargy, vomiting or diarrhea, and dizziness. If you see any of these things, get your dog cooled down and call your vet immediately!
The Dangers Of A Heat Stroke
A heat stroke is a severe medical condition that can even end in death for your dog. If the dog does survive, it can have brain damage, kidney failures, blood clotting issues, and multiple other problems.
The most important thing to do in a situation in which you think your dog might be at risk of a heat stroke is to cool it down and get it to a veterinarian. Never keep your dogs in hot environments where you can’t monitor them.
This includes locked cars during the summer, houses where the AC is not turned on on hot days, or direct sunlight during peak temperature hours. If you see that your dog is having trouble regulating its temperature, or if you see any of the symptoms mentioned above, here’s what you need to do:
Get your dog in the shade or inside. Cool them by splashing them gently with cool (not cold) water. It’s essential not to pour cold water over them right away because this kind of temperature shock could be just as dangerous as the heat.
Once the body is cooled down a bit, continue to the paws and ears.Make sure there’s fresh water around for your Corgi, and call your vet. Please don’t give them too much water, though, as this can also be quite dangerous.
There are many cases in which dogs suffer severe medical consequences because they are left in such places. Always keep an eye on your dog during a hot summer, especially if you have a Corgi. They are small dogs with oversized coats that can get warmed up quickly in extreme conditions!

Final Words
So there you have it. Corgis can live in hot weather, just not tropical. That’s a rule for most dogs, really, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise! Just don’t let all this dangerous health talk scare you. As long as you keep an eye on your Corgi during the summer months, you’ll have a healthy dog. And you know what they say, a healthy Corgi is a happy Corgi!
Read Also: Can Corgis Live In Cold Weather? Do Corgis Get Cold?