It’s no secret that Corgis face potential health risks more than some breeds. As their owners, in order to help them and prevent as many of those issues as we can, we need to first be familiar with them and know what triggers them.
So, as a responsible owner that you probably are, it’s no wonder that the question “Are Corgis prone to stomach problems?” has come to your mind. Luckily, you are at the right place to find out!
I’m happy to inform you that stomach problems are not among those potential health issues that Corgis can face throughout their lifetime. However, that doesn’t mean that your Corgi in particular can’t occasionally have an upset stomach.
In this article, we’re getting down to the nitty gritty of all things Corgis and stomach problems, so if you want to know all about which stomach issues you can expect and how to deal with them, then just keep reading!

Do Corgis Have Sensitive Stomachs?
When talking about recurring stomach problems, we’re definitely stepping onto the territory of some sort of a sensitivity relating to that part of the body in particular. For that reason, it’s important to know what exactly it entails, to be able to treat it effectively.
We all use the term “sensitive stomach” when we’re describing someone who is more susceptible to encountering stomach-related problems. But is that really all it is, or is there more to it?
First and foremost, it’s important to note that this isn’t a medical term and isn’t something a human, or a dog can get diagnosed with.
Every one of us has a part of our body, an organ that is more sensitive than others. An Achilles heel, if you will. But, not all of it is considered a disease or an illness. Sometimes, it’s just a health issue that warrants a proper lifestyle if you want to keep it under control.
Technically, a “sensitive stomach” is an umbrella term for a variety of stomach issues such as bloating, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation.
Note that experiencing any of these occasionally is not out of the ordinary and doesn’t mean that your dog has a sensitive stomach per se, but that it was probably just temporarily provoked by something that they might have ingested.
What Causes A Sensitive Stomach?
Just like there are a variety of issues that fall into the “sensitive stomach” category, there are also a number of potential causes.
We can blame genetics for so many things, and when it comes to a sensitive stomach, there can definitely be a connection. Dogs inherit certain health issues from their ancestors just like we do.
If one of your dog’s parents has also suffered from chronic stomach problems, there is a likelihood that your doggo might as well.
In order to rule this out as a cause, you need to be familiar with your dog’s parents’ common health issues and find out if they include stomach ones as well.
If it turns out that it does run in the family, then your job is to keep away all the possibly upsetting foods from your dog to minimize the chance of a bad reaction.
Keep in mind that triggers don’t have to be inherited even though the issue itself may be and they can differ from dog to dog.
So, keep track of the foods that cause a bad reaction in your dog and make sure to avoid exposing your dog to them. Sometimes, even the smallest bits of problematic food can cause issues.
Also, be careful when introducing new foods to your dog. If you do decide to allow your dog to try something new, do it one thing at a time, so that if there is a reaction, you know exactly what’s caused it.
You should also know that sometimes certain food combinations can cause problems, while the food items separately may not.
Food Intolerance
There are certain foods that our dog’s digestive system simply cannot handle.
It’s important to make the distinction between food intolerance and food allergy. While both include a negative reaction to food, food intolerances are all of those bad reactions that do not include the immune system and vice versa.
This is a common issue – about 1 in 3 dogs experiences digestive problems, so don’t worry, your furry friend and you are not alone.
But, while these are usually not life threatening or too serious, they can cause discomfort to your dog, so you should definitely take precautions to prevent future flare ups.
Other Health Issues
Sometimes, what we would call a sensitive stomach is only a symptom of something else going on.
So, how will you know?
If you are feeding your dog food that they have been eating for years without issues and they suddenly start having a reaction to it, it’s a sign that something is up.
Obviously, it doesn’t always indicate that something serious is wrong, but it definitely calls for a visit to the vet.
There, your vet can run all the necessary tests and diagnose an underlying issue, if it exists.
Some of the potential conditions that can cause bad reactions are pancreatitis, malabsorption disorder or colitis. But, do not worry about these before you’ve spoken to the vet – there’s a high chance your dog has none of these.

Are Corgis Prone To Stomach Problems?
Now that we know what a sensitive stomach is, we can move on to discussing what kinds of stomach problems your Corgi can face and what you can do about them.
Bloating is another one of those terms that is used quite commonly amongst people. We all experience it on a daily basis and usually there is nothing to worry about.
However, when it comes to dogs and bloating, it’s an entirely different story. While it can be harmless, there is a type of bloat that can cause serious health issues and even be life threatening.
The harmless type (gastric dilation) can happen after your doggo has eaten too much at once and his tummy is just too full. Probably the most detrimental side effect (mostly for the owner and those around) is the more-than-killer gas.
The life threatening bloat (gastric dilation volvulus) thankfully does not happen that often, but when it does, you have to be very quick to react.
Some of the most common symptoms are difficulty breathing, swollen belly, anxiety, pale or dark red or blue gums, pacing, abdominal pain and so on.
If you see any of these in your dog that has just eaten, do not wait to take them to a vet and get them treated as soon as possible.
Diarrhea is characterized by an unformed or loose stool that happens more frequently than normal. It can be uncomfortable for the dog and pretty inconvenient for the owner. Luckily, it’s usually easily solvable and nothing too serious.
But, before you can treat it, you need to know what can cause it.
Dogs like consistency, and that applies to their diet as well (whether they like to admit it or not). So, any change in their regular dietary habits can lead to an upset stomach.
In these cases, it can be a passing issue and a matter of getting used to the new food. But, it can also be a signal that an ingredient found in that food isn’t one that your puppy’s stomach likes very much.
So, keep an eye out and try to figure out which of the two it is.
Another thing that can cause diarrhea regarding food is if your dog has eaten something that they shouldn’t have and that isn’t meant to be consumed by dogs.
If that’s the case, make sure that food is out of your dog’s reach in the future.
Dogs feel stress, too. And much like us, sometimes it can reflect in their digestive function.
A trip, change in environment, tension within the household, the stress of the owner can all contribute to your dog being stressed out.
So, take some time and try to figure out if there has been a reason for your dog to be stressed and try to eliminate the cause.
If it’s currently impossible, find ways for your dog to cope with the stress – physical activity, cuddling (if they find it relaxing), walks in nature, playing with them and so on (CBD oil can help in some cases too).
We all know that throwing up is far from an enjoyable experience and for us, it doesn’t usually happen that often.
However, when it comes to dogs, they are more likely to come in contact with something that will make them vomit.
Sometimes, dogs eat stuff off the ground without knowing that it’s bad for them and they can’t digest it. As a result, they might have diarrhea or they might throw it up.
Even though it’s not pleasant to witness nor to go through, it’s usually not that big of a deal.
However, if your dog is throwing up consistently for prolonged periods of time, it could indicate an underlying issue that warrants treatment and you should definitely take them to the vet. It might not be anything serious, but it’s best not to risk it.

If your dog has been dealing with an upset stomach, the best thing to do is put them on a restricted diet.
This means no treats, no food off the table, and sometimes not even dog food.
A great food option to give a dog that is struggling with an upset stomach is some cooked, unseasoned chicken breast and plain white rice.
This is a great option as it has enough necessary nutrients but isn’t heavy on the stomach. Sometimes, you can include dog probiotics to help out your doggo’s tummy get better faster.
If the problems have been going on for an extended period of time, your vet might decide to give your pup some shots to give them a quick dose of electrolytes and vitamins they are lacking.

As Corgi owners, we know that their health can be fragile and we always worry. The question “Are Corgis prone to stomach problems” has certainly popped up in all of our minds, but thankfully, the answer isn’t concerning.
Stomach problems aren’t an issue that is characteristic of Corgis, so don’t worry about it too much.
However, an upset stomach can happen to any dog of any breed, so knowing what symptoms to look for, if it’s a sign of something more serious, what are the forms in which stomach problems may occur and how to treat them is important.
Luckily, you have stumbled upon the right article. Here is a quick overview of everything we’ve gone over.
A sensitive stomach can be a characteristic of any dog and there are a few reasons as to why that might be the case (genetics, food intolerance, other health issues). Knowing that your dog’s stomach is their weak spot is important in keeping them out of harm’s way and preventing any future irritations.
Stomach problems, on the other hand, come in a variety of forms, and can happen to any dog, regardless of whether they have a sensitive stomach or not.
Usually, they are harmless and can be treated easily, but if they continue for a longer period of time, always take your pup to the vet.
No, you have one less thing to worry about when it comes to your adorable Corgi, so go ahead and enjoy some worry-free, quality time with them.
But always keep an eye out for them, they love snacking on things they shouldn’t!
Learn More: What Are Corgis Not Allowed To Eat?