Corgis have so many wonderful attributes that make them a wonderful choice for so many different dog owners. They have a great personality, are extremely smart and have some of the fluffiest butts out there. What more could you want?
That aside, Corgis are not known to be a particularly healthy breed. Among the health issues that your Corgi might face during its lifetime, you want to rule out as many as possible.
If your Corgi has been feeling a little itchy and scratching itself, it’s completely normal to wonder “Are Corgis Prone To Scratching”. Luckily, I’m here to tell you that even though Corgis can face some skin issues that can lead to itchiness and scratching, they are usually easily solvable and there shouldn’t be room for worry.
But, with that said, there are certain skin conditions that you should be wary about in order to be able to recognise them and provide your puppy with the necessary treatment and relief they need.
So, if you want to know more about this topic, just keep reading!

Skin And Coat – What’s The Correlation?
Just like humans, dogs’ skin has an ecosystem of its own and has ways of self-regulating many minor disharmonies that might occur here and there.
Their skin produces natural oils that protect it from the cold, pollution, dirt and other unwelcome factors. They also serve as nourishment for their coat and are largely responsible for its shine and health.
The coat on, on the other hand, has a similar role when it comes to skin. Aside from it being an effective protector against cold weather, it also protects the skin from outside damage.
However, this is a double edged sword. Whilst it does its job as a protectant, the fur can trap lots of undesirable stuff which can end up irritating the skin and even causing some more serious skin issues.

Are Corgis Prone To Scratching?
Itching can be caused by a variety of factors, a lot of which are benign and you don’t need to worry about. However, there are also other, slightly more serious reasons your dog might be itching a bit more.
So, the question is, how to know which is which?
First of all, the assumption is that you know your dog best. Because of that, you will be able to tell which behaviour is normal, day to day behaviour and which is not.
So, if your dog is favouring one part of its body when itching, first of all, you should take a look.
If there is no inflammation, blood, swelling and so on, it might just be that there is an accumulation of dirt that’s irritating them, or just a persistent itch.
If you see any of the previously mentioned signs, my suggestion would be to take your dog to the vet and ask for advice. That way you’ll avoid worrying and spare your dog any unnecessary discomfort for longer periods of time.
If you want to know what some possible causes of itching and scratching are, below is a list of some of the more common ones:

Skin Allergies
In comparison to many other breeds, Corgis are much more prone to skin allergies. This is considered to be genetic and can consequently lead to atopic dermatitis. Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds (but it sure is annoying).
You might know it as eczema, which is quite a common skin condition among people. It manifests through intense itchiness and red or brown/gray patches, mostly focused on one or two parts of the body.
No definitive cure has been found, but there are remedies that make dealing with it a little bit easier.
So, if you want to prevent your dog from developing this annoying and chronic skin condition you need to be careful about its skin allergies.
Because Corgis have a double coat, they are more likely to trap many allergens within the fur and thus expose their skin to them for prolonged periods of time.
Allergens such as grass, pollen dust, shampoos and ingredients found in common household items should be limited to your dog, especially if you have noticed that their skin is prone to reacting badly to them.
If your Corgi is currently having a skin reaction of sorts, my first piece of advice would be to take them to a vet. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry.
There are several options here.
Your vet might opt for injections that contain these allergens that irritate your dog’s skin. This way, your dog will get desensitized to the allergens and won’t have severe reactions.
Another option are corticosteroids. They are one of the best remedies for atopic dermatitis and many skin irritations, even for us humans.
Antihistamines and immunosuppressants are also an option, and your vet will choose the one they see fit in the given situation. However, you should keep in mind that prevention is key.
So, the best way to deal with this issue is to keep your house (especially carpets and furniture) clean, to make sure that there is no allergen residue on them. Also, you should use hypoallergenic shampoos to prevent any irritation.
Dietary management and food supplements, especially Omega-3 fatty acids that can be found in fish oil are also quite helpful in these cases.

Bacterial Infections
Dogs have bacteria living on their skin, and for the most part there is no problem with it. However, some dogs can develop an infection as a result of that bacteria. If there is too much or the wrong kind of bacteria residing on your dog’s skin, a bacterial infection might occur.
- Symptoms: redness, itching, discharge (not always), hair loss, target lesions (bright red rings of irritated skin)
It is important to know that deep bacterial skin infections can be quite stubborn and difficult to treat. However, do not be discouraged, the most important thing is that it’s treatable! - Treatment: medicated washes, antibiotics. Sometimes, it can take several weeks to fully get rid of this persistent infection, but don’t give up.

Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FDA) is one of the leading causes of allergic reactions in dogs. What happens in an allergic reaction: Your dog’s immune system overreacts or is hypersensitive to something that is usually harmless.
Fleas need blood in order to reproduce and when they bite a dog to obtain it, they leave a small amount of their saliva in the dog’s skin. That saliva contains antigens or proteins that can be potentially irritating to your dog’s skin.
- Symptoms: This irritation can become so severe in some dogs that it might cause them to scratch and pull on their skin to the point of creating open wounds on the skin.
- Treatment: Once again, prevention is key. However, if that doesn’t work out, a combination of corticosteroids, antihistamines and Omega-3 fatty acids is the best option for many (always consult with your vet first).
Learn More: Do Corgis Get Fleas? Best Flea Treatment For Corgis

Yeast Infections
Luckily, Corgis don’t belong to the list of breeds that are prone to yeast infections. They are mostly present in dogs that have excess skin and skin folds, such as Pugs, French Bulldogs, Shar Peis and so on.
However, just because they are not prone to them, doesn’t mean they can’t happen to Corgis. The reason yeast infections happen is because of an overgrowth of a kind of yeast that normally lives on the skin.
This skin issue can sometimes be a secondary manifestation of an underlying issue – atopic dermatitis
- Symptoms: greasy skin, musty odor.
- Treatment: For less serious cases, some topical antifungal creams, shampoos, sprays and wipes can suffice. For more severe cases, your vet might prescribe oral antifungal medication.

Skin Mites
Mites are microscopic parasites that are invisible to the naked eye which invade the skin of otherwise healthy dogs. They cause mange which leads to irritation of the skin. This disease is highly infectious and is easily transmitted to animals that the infected dog comes into contact with.
- Symptoms: inflammation, hair loss, itchiness
- Treatment: Baths using anti-seborrheic shampoos, an anti-mite dip, oral or topical medication. Treatment should also apply to all dogs and animals that have been in contact with the infected dog.

The Summary
At the beginning of this article, you were wondering “Are Corgis Prone To Scratching” and hopefully, your question has been answered. As we have established, there are many causes of a Corgi’s itching.
Most of the time, there isn’t room for worry, but there are some instances in which your speedy reaction can relieve your dog of some serious discomfort and possible complications. So, here is a quick compilation of the most common causes of itching in dogs.
Most commonly, skin allergies can cause irritation and lead to itching. This can be prevented by limiting your dogs exposure to allergens, or being treated by various options by your vet or some at-home lifestyle changes (dietary management, Omega-3 fatty acids).
Bacterial infections, skin mites, yeast infections and flea allergy dermatitis are also possible sources of skin irritation in various degrees. Fortunately, there is treatment for all of these conditions, so don’t worry!
Now that you know all the most important information on this topic, I’ll let you go ahead and apply some of this advice on your beloved Corgi. Hopefully, the itching stops soon!